10 of the World’s Best Cities for Runners
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Running is a great sport to get into. It provides many positive benefits for the human body including cardiovascular benefits, weight loss benefits, and mental health benefits. In addition, health professionals describe it as the world’s most accessible sport. You don’t need much more than a pair of shoes and some running clothes. As such you can pretty much run anywhere. With that in mind, check out below for 10 of the world’s best cities for runners.
#10. New York City

New York City is one of the premier cities in the world. It seems to be filled literally everything and everyone. This also means that New York is one of the world’s best cities for runners. In fact, there are so many places to run in the city. Of course running in Central Park is a must for any runner. There are several paths in the park to choose from. If you want to run a full loop of Central Park it is around 6.1 miles.
However, don’t just limit yourself to Central Park when running in New York City. There are so many other great places to run as well. For example, consider heading over to the High Line. It is a 1.4 mile long park that sits on a old part of the NY Central Railroad between Gansevoort Street and 34th Street. According to Katie Shea, a member of the New York Road Runners, the High Line is “an amazing green space high above street level, so you’re not only getting the chance to be out in nature, but you’re taking in views of the Hudson River and the Empire State Building, along with other skyscrapers…There are several art installations, so it’s like running through an outdoor museum.[1]CNN – 10 of the world;s best city running trails
#9. Barcelona

There are many great reasons to visit Barcelona; however, one of the main ones is that it happens to be one of the best cities for runners in the world. The city has great weather all year long and sits along the beautiful Mediterranean. In addition, the city’s beach have great running paths all along them for you to enjoy the views of the ocean as you run. If you are looking for a great place to run, consider starting at Las Ramblas and running all the way to Plaza Catalunya.[2]travel and leisure – 15 Destinations to Inspire Your Next Runner’s High When you finish, perhaps you can get some nice post run refreshments and drink a chiringuito.
#8. Tokyo

Running is one of the most popular sports in Japan. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Tokyo is one of the best cities for runners in the whole world. There are a lot of great places to run in Tokyo.
If you are just visiting and don’t have a lot of time, make sure to take a jog in and around the Imperial Palace.[3]Japan Travel – 8 Best Places to Run In Tokyo The Imperial Palace loop is an easy 5k run and offers great opportunities to combine exercise and sightseeing at the same time. In addition, there are convenient changing areas as well as lockers in the area. However, just remember, that in the summer, Tokyo can be quite hot. That mixed in with the lack of shaded running routes, means that the best times to run at the Imperial Palace is in the morning or evening.
Another great place to run in Tokyo is Yoyogi Park. It is the largest park in Tokyo and is open 24/7. In addition, you might get to see some fun activities along the way such as artists, dance groups, and musicians making for a great atmosphere while running.
#7. London

London is one of the best cities for runners due to the abundance of green spaces in the city. In addition, there are so many iconic sights that you can see along the way. Some of the more famous running routes include Hyde Park, the Thames Path, and Wimbledon Common.
However, if you want to mix a little bit of sight seeing while getting some exercise, consider running the Princess Diana Run.[4]The Telegraph – Six in the city: London’s best running routes This 7.2 mile path goes to the 4 big London inner city parks (Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park, Green Park, and St. James’s Park). In addition, it is clearly marked with rose brass plates on the pavement to help guide you.
#6. Amsterdam

While Amsterdam and the Netherlands in general might be most famous for its biking paths, it is still one of the best cities for runners in the world. Just make sure to watch out for bikers. The best times to run might be on the weekends or early mornings when there aren’t bikers going to work.
While there are a lot of great running paths to choose from, perhaps one of the best places to run in Amsterdam is Amsterdamse Bos. This park is located in the city and is around 3 times bigger than Central Park in New York City.[5]I amsterdam – Amsterdam’s best spots for running You can go cross country running through the woods, or follow one of the several designated paths that criss-cross the park. In fact, if you want to make a full lap around Amsterdamse Bos, it is a full half marathon in length!
#5. Paris

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and what better way is there to see it than running through it? In fact, Paris ranks as one of the world’s best cities for runners.
There are many picture perfect postcard running routes in the city. One of the best parks to run in is the Champ de Mars. It has lovely pathways for runners and is one of the few parks in the city that stay open at night. In addition, the Eiffel Tower is in the park, and is a great place to run past.
The Seine is a vital part of Paris and its history. If runs right through the center of town. In addition, it is one of the best places to run in the city. Head over to the Parc Rives de Seine.[6]Paris – Where to go running in Paris There are around 4.3 miles of running paths that run in parallel to the river. In addition, the park has a 100 meter track for those who want to get in a little bit of speed work.
#4. Sydney

If you are visiting Sydney, Australia from anywhere else in the world, you are bound for a long airline flight. But don’t worry too much. Running is one of the best ways to help you overcome your jet lag and Sydney just happens to be one of the world’s best cities for runners.
There are many places to run in the city. However, the Barangaroo Reserve to Sydney Opera House running trail is perhaps one of the most popular and famous places to run in the city.[7]TimeOut – The best running routes in Sydney This running route takes you along the harbor where you can view boats coming in and out as well as see the Sydney skyline.
#3. Washington, DC

Washington DC is the home of the US government and US President. In addition, it also happens to be one of the world’s best cities for runners. In fact, DC is set up in a very European fashion making it very pedestrian friendly and offering a lot of great views. Some of the best places to run include Georgetown, the Capitol, and the White House.
However, if you are visiting Washington DC and don’t have a lot of time, consider running through the National Mall.[8]Washington DC – 11 GREAT RUNNING TRAILS & JOGGING ROUTES IN WASHINGTON, DC This route gives you the best to offer of the city. Not only do you get to job past some of the most famous memorials, museums, and monuments in the world, the area is mostly car free and illuminated, making for an even more peaceful experience.
#2. Cape Town

Cape Town, South Africa is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is famous for its natural setting, harbor, great beaches, and beautiful landmarks. Running through Cape Town is one of the best ways to discover the city’s natural beauty, history, culture, and diversity.
One of the most popular spots to run is Table Mountain. Another popular spot is Greenpoint which has great views of the beach.[9]Great Runs – CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA However, it is important to remember that the city is not flat. In fact, the downtown area is shaped like a bowl. Therefore, as you leave it, you will be climbing up hills and working your calves.
#1. Vancouver

Vancouver, Canada is a mainstay on the list of best cities in the world. By just visiting once, you can easily see why. The city is located on the beautiful and pristine Pacific Ocean, has great forest trails and routes along the water, and mountains nearby. In fact, it is one of the top places to live for nature and fitness fans.
One of the most popular running routes in the city is the Stanley Park seawall.[10]Daily Hive – Best Places to Run in Vancouver The path is 5.5 miles long and runs along Stanley Park point, Burrard Inlet, and underneath the Lions gate Bridge. It offers one of the most scenic nature routes in the city. In addition, you can get great views of downtown Vancouver and its skyline. One of the best things about the run, is that it is mostly flat. This makes it great for runners of all skill levels.