Top 101 Pokemon Jokes and Puns

Pokemon is one of the most popular cartoons ever. They bring joy and laughter. With that in mind, check out…

Top 101 Dirty Pick Up Lines

Picking someone up is inherently a sexual experience. With that in mind, why not try out one of the top…

cajun jokes

Top 24 Cajun Jokes

Cajuns, also known as Louisiana French, are an ethnic group that lives mainly in the state of Louisiana. They have…

dc villains

Top 100 DC Villains

The DC Universe is filled with many Superheroes. However, it is also filled with some of the most iconic and…

italian pick up lines

Top 23 Italian Pick Up Lines

Italy is one of the most romantic countries to visit. From Rome to Tuscany, there are so many romantic things…

spanish pick up lines

Top 47 Spanish Pick Up Lines

Spanish is one of the sexiest languages out there. When someone is speaking to you in Spanish everything they say…

french pick up lines

Top 38 French Pick Up Lines

French is one of the sexiest languages in the world. There is a reason for that. Everything you say in…

economics jokes

Top 101 Math Pick Up Lines

Many people don’t always think that math is the sexiest thing. However, it actually is a great way to pick…

star wars pick up lines

Top 76 Star Wars Pick Up Lines

Star Wars is one of the most famous science fiction universes ever. It has captured the minds of many generations.…

political jokes

Top 55 Political Jokes

Politics sometimes just seem like a joke. We vote for politicians and they don’t seem to do anything. With that…