Top 10 Creepy Facts About Valentine’s Day
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Valentine’s Day is a time when you can celebrate love. However, the ways that Valentine’s day has been celebrated over the course of history has not always been how we do it today. With that in mind, check out below for the top 10 creepy facts about Valentine’s Day.
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#10. Banned in Some Places

One of the biggest creepy facts about Valentine’s day is that it is not actually celebrated everywhere in the world. However, more than just that, it is actually against the law in some countries. For example, Valentine’s Day is banned in Saudi Arabia. The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice restricts the sale of roses and anything red.[1]The Fact Site – 10 Crazy Facts About Valentine’s Day
#9. The Origin of Valentine’s Day

One of the creepy facts about Valentine’s Day is that no one really knows the origins of the holiday. The most popular theory about Valentine’s Day’s origin is that Emperor Claudius II didn’t want Roman men to marry during wartime.[2]List 25 – 25 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About Valentine’s Day Bishop Valentine went against his wishes and performed secret weddings. For this, Valentine was jailed and executed. While in jail he wrote a note to the jailor’s daugter signing it “from your Valentine”.
#8. A Blood Origin

As stated previously, one of the creepy facts about Valentine’s day is that no one really knows the origins of the holiday. However, one thing that historians know is that its brutal and bloody origins were very different than the hearts and chocolates that we associate now with the holiday. One theory states that Valentine’s Day originates from the Roman Feast of Lupercalia which was from February 13 to 15. During the feast, women would be whipped in the belief that it would help them become fertile![3] – Valentine’s Day: Weird facts about the day of lovers
#7. Valentine’s Day Is Big Business

One of the creepy facts about Valentine’s Day, is that today the holiday is not just about love anymore, in fact, it is actually really big business! About 55% of Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day and spend an estimated $18.2 billion a year, including more than $1.7 billion on candy alone. On average, men spend $150 on Valentine’s Day. And the women? Just $74.[4]Good Housekeeping – 14 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Valentine’s Day Step it up, ladies!
#6. Birds and Valentine’s Day

Birds and Valentine’s Day go hand in hand. However, have you heard of all of the creepy facts about Valentine’s Day that are associated with birds on this day? People used to believe that if a woman saw a robin flying above you on Valentine’s Day, she would end up marrying a sailor. Additionally, people believed if the woman saw a sparrow flying overhead, she would end up marrying poor but at the same time be very happy. Lastly, if she saw a goldfinch flying overhead, she would marry a millionaire.
#5. Valentine’s Day in the Middle Ages

Valentine’s Day did not always have the same traditions and superstitions as we have today. In fact, one of the creepy facts about Valentine’s Day comes from the Middle Ages. During this time, people believed that the first unmarried person of the opposite sex that you saw on Valentine’s Day would become your spouse.[5]KISS 104.7 FM – 10 WEIRD VALENTINE’S DAY FACTS Sounds like a good reason to stay in that day!
#4. Eight Different St. Valentines

One of the creepy facts about Valentine’s Day is that throughout history, there have been approximately eight St. Valentines. Three of them had special feast days in their honor. The two St. Valentines who most likely inspired Valentine’s Day are Valentine of Terni and Valentine of Rome, though some scholars speculate they are actually one person.[6]Fact Retriever – 61 Lovely Facts about Valentine’s Day
#3. The Irony of King Henry VIII

On February 14, 1537, King Henry VIII declared Valentine’s Day an official holiday. However this brings us to one of the most ironic and creepy facts about Valentine’s Day. King Henry VIII was famous for having many wives and then killing them when they didn’t give him a son.
#2. A Lonely Day

One of the creepy facts about Valentine’s Day is that many women actually send themselves flowers. In many cases, it might be due to the fact that they feel sad that they are single and no one is loving them. In fact, according to statistics, as much as 15% of women in the United States might send cards and flowers to themselves just so that they don’t feel left out on Valentine’s Day.[7]OFFBEAT – 10 Valentine’s Day Facts You Probably Didn’t Know Needless to say, this fact is a big nock on the commercialization of Valentine’s Day.
#1. Vintage Valentine’s Day Cards

One of the biggest creepy facts about Valentine’s Day is that in the mid 1900s, Valentine’s Day cards were very aggressive and direct. In fact, they took the idea of “stealing” someone’s heart quite literally, going so far as to depict scenes of kidnapping with guns or worse![8]Smooth Radio – 5 fascinating facts about Valentine’s Day you probably didn’t know