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Top 10 Greatest Scientific Discoveries

scientific discoveries

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There have been many famous scientific discoveries in human history. Science tries to make sense of the world around us. However, some are more important than others. In fact, some scientific discoveries literally slingshot humanity’s progress forward. Without some of them, humanity would not be the same today. Whether it be a scientific discovery with direct physical impact or one that had a more theoretical impact, they all are important. Check out below top 10 greatest scientific discoveries.

#10: The Polio vaccine

Polio, also known as poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis, is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus. For many there are no symptoms. However, for others the symptoms can be quite severe and include weakness in the muscles and the inability to move. In most cases, the muscle weakness is in the diaphragm, head, legs, and neck. In polio cases of the diaphragm, people can die as they can’t breath on their own. These people have to use an iron lung in order to aid them with their breathing. The former president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, is a famous polio victim who had to use a wheel chair due to polio.

In the 1950s, there was a large worldwide outbreak of the polio virus. However, in 1953, the American medical researcher Jonas Salk discovered the vaccine against the polio.[1]Vaccination: A History from Lady Montagu to Genetic Engineering. Salk effectively stopped polio overnight. Today, the risk of dying from polio is almost completely gone thanks to this great scientific discovery.

#9: The theory of evolution by natural selection

One of the biggest goals of scientific discoveries is to understand where we came from. However, before Darwin, humanity understood very little about our origins. For many, we simply popped into existence. This was especially supported by many myths, legends, and religions.

While circumnavigating the globe on the sailing vessel, the Beagle, Charles Darwin developed his theories on evolution by natural selection.[2]Khan Academy – Darwin, evolution, & natural selection Much of his theories were based on his observations of animals along the way, especially in the Galapagos Islands. For example, he was able to see the same species of birds on multiple isolated islands developing very differently due to their specific environment. At the time the public considered his theories crazy. However, to future generations it shaped how humanity both looks at ourselves and the rest of the world.

#8: The scientific discovery of x-rays

Some of the greatest scientific discoveries came by accident. For example, the x-ray is a great example of this. In 1895, the German physicist Whilhelm Conrad Rontegen accidentally discovered x-rays while playing with a florescent light bulb. By passing electricity through a gas in a low pressure tube, Rontegen saw that the emitted light would pass through tissue but not through bones or other dense objects essentially giving a picture of the inside.[3]NDE – THE DISCOVERY OF X-RAYS

His discovery won him the first Nobel Prize in 1901. One of the best things about his scientific discovery was that it was very easy to use. In fact, the florescent light bulb was already quite common at the time. His scientific discovery revolutionized the field of medicine. For the first time, doctors could see inside the human body at the bones which helped them diagnose their patients.

#7: The Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein mathematically proved the Theory of Relativity. His breakthrough was the greatest one  in theoretical physics in 200 years. In fact, at the time, Einstein was so far ahead of the technology of the time, that there was no way to scientifically test his theories. Only recently, have new scientific methods been developed to test them.

His theory revolutionizes how humans look at the universe. The theory of relativity can be broken down into two main concepts. The first is theory of special relativity which deals with extremely small things and how they interact with each other. The second is the theory of general relativity which deals with extremely larger things and how they interact with each other (law of gravity).[4]All About Science – Theory Of Relativity One of the most famous examples of these ideas is the famous mathematical equation E=MC2 which built upon the work of Newton.

#6: The scientific discovery of DNA

Today, even elementary school children know about DNA. Before, no one understood exactly how genetic traits were passed from generation to generation. However, James Watson and Francis Crick’s discovery the double helix structure of DNA founded the science of modern molecular biology. They helped modern day scientists better understand how the human body worked at the cellular level.[5]U.S. National Library of Medicine – The Francis Crick Papers

Today, biotechnology is a billion dollar industry that includes things such as antibodies, genetic fingerprinting, modern forensics, and rapid gene sequencing. Future research in the field as includes gene therapy with the how of helping people with genetic disorders. Without the great scientists Watson and Crick, none of this would have been possible.

#5: The scientific discovery of electricity

In our modern society, electricity powers nearly everything. In fact, most people take it for granted. As such, it may be one of the most underappreciated scientific discoveries ever. However, if we did not have electricity, modern society would cease to exist. Michael Faraday was the first man to make the scientific discoveries of electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and electrolysis.[6]Wonderopolis – Who Discovered Electricity? With these discoveries, we are able to make motors that produce electricity such as those found in electric windmills and hydroelectric generators such as in the Hoover Dam.

#4: The scientific discovery of gravity

Any list of the greatest scientific discoveries must include the discovery of gravity. As the story goes, the famous physicist and mathematician, Isaac Newton started to develop his ideas for gravity when an apple hit his head.[7]Stanford – The History of Gravity This started his scientific research on why things fall. What he came up with was the Law of Gravity. This law has fundamentally shaped physics and helps explain how many things work. For example, the law of gravity explains both why things fall as well as why planets revolve around the sun.

#3:Copernican Heliocentrism

Science attempts to describe the events around us. However, in order to do this, it needs a way to be able to test the idea. In the 15th century, there scientists didn’t have as many tools to test every theory. For example, at the time, most people believed that the earth was the center of the universe and everything revolved around it. In fact, this idea was so popular that even the Catholic church supported it. It fitted in with the Christian dogma of the time that humans were the most important. The Church called scientists who went against this ideas heretics. The Copernican theory of a sun centered universe turned scientific learning on its head.[8]Rochester – The Copernican Model: A Sun-Centered Solar System

#2: The scientific discovery of fingerprints uniqueness

Popular crime dramas have made the idea of using finger prints to identify suspects common knowledge. However, for much of history, this was not true. The scientific discovery that fingerprints were unique to each individual was revolutionary. In fact, it completely changed the way that police conducts investigations.[9]onin – The History of Fingerprints Today, finger print evidence is the most popular forensic technique used by police officers.

#1: The scientific discovery of the wheel

The discovery of the wheel may be the greatest scientific discovery ever. Prior to the wheel, people had to drag things on the ground, carry them on their back, or place in on a boat in order to move the things around. Today, pretty much everything uses some sort of form of a wheel in order to work, from buses, cars, machines, toys, and even watches. The wheel has truly revolutionized society. However, historians still debate when this scientific discovery took place. The common thought is that humans invented the wheel around 3500 BC.[10]Smithsonian -A Salute to the Wheel However, at the time, humans only used wheels to help make pottery. Historians believe that humans did not use the wheel as a form of transportation for another 300 years for example, in the use of Egyptian chariots.

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