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Top 10 Most Poisonous Animals

most poisonous animal

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When you mention the most poisonous animal in the world, most people will naturally think about snakes, spiders, or scorpions. However, most poisonous animals are either reptiles and underwater creatures. Check out the list below for the top 10 most poisonous animals in the world.

#10: The Pufferfish

Don’t be deceived by the cute nature of the pufferfish. It is actually one of the most poisonous animal in the entire world. Its poison is 1,200 times stronger than cyanide.[1]National Geographic – Pufferfish They mostly inhabit in waters surrounding Japan, China, Mexico and the Philippines. Despite being poisonous, many chiefs use them in specialty dishes. The poison, tetrodotoxin, is found in the skin, gonads, liver and muscle tissues of the fish. However, poison is not the pufferfish’s only self defense mechansim. As its nick name suggests, the pufferfish can inflate itself to make it difficult for predators to swallow it.

When prepared correctly, they are a delicacy. A dish containing Pufferfish can cost as much as $200. However, if you consume the fish raw or poorly prepared, the tetrodoxin poison causes tingling and burning sensations inside the mouth, nausea, headaches, and weak speech coordination. Consuming too much of this fish can lead to convulsions, cardiac arrhythmia or death.

#9: The Poison Dart Frog

The poison dart frog usually uses its poison to defend itself against external aggressors or predators. It is a small and cute-looking frog that is predominantly found in South and Central America. In North America, it also lives in Hawaii. The frog’s poison, batrachotoxin, is secreted in the frog’s glands. This poison causes blockage in nerve signals. This results in paralysis and death of the animal that comes in contact with it. The dart frog can be found in trees, leaves and cool and damp places where it can locate water.[2]Kid Zone – POISON DART FROG

#8: The Inland Taipan

The inland taipan is one of the most poisonous snakes and the most deadliest snakes in the world. This species of snake is found all over Australia. The neuro-toxins in their venom is capable of killing humans or other animals within 45 minutes of being bit. Fortunately, doctors can treat this snake’s poison very easily. In fact, there have been very few cases of death linked to the snake. The inland taipan has a very sleek and smooth skin. As such, it can crawl through small holes unnoticed. Its dark brown color also makes it very hard to find, especially when it is on trees.[3]Australian Museum – Inland Taipan, Oxyuranus microlepidotus

#7: The Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian wandering spider is one of the most dangerous spider species in the world. In fact, in 2007, the Guinness Book of World Records rated the wandering spider as the most poisonous animal in the world. They are commonly found in the Amazon rainforest region. The spider has a unique and bright yellow body color. This spider is very poisonous because it contains a very high concentration of serotonin which can be very painful inside the body of humans or other animals. In fact, the neurotoxins from this spider can cause paralysis and even death within 5 minutes of an attack.

The spider is also known as the banana spider. This is because the spider typically builds numerous webbed nests on bananas, though they do not eat or damaged bananas in any way.[4]Daily Mail – A four-hour erection and then death: The fate awaiting any man bitten by deadly spider feared to have entered Britain in bunch of Tesco bananas

#6: The Stonefish

If you are a regular diver, you might have come across the stonefish many times and never realized it. This is because it disguises itself as a stone. They typically lie at the bottom of the ocean and rarely come to the surface. The fish can camouflage and blend with the sea rocks. It is mostly lurks on the top of the Capricorn. The stonefish measures between 30 and 40 centimeters in length and weighs about 5lbs at full adult size.[5]PADI – Stonefish: The Most Venomous Fish in the World

What makes the stone fish even more dangerous is the fact that its poison is located on its spine. This makes it easier for the fish to strike a predator. The poison can cause swelling, shock, and paralysis within a few seconds. If you do not treat the poison, it can cause tissue necrosis and even death. Though the poison is treatable it must be done immediately. Immersing the poisoned spot on the body inside hot water can reduce the effect on the body for a while. However, the stonefish rarely uses its poison to hunt. Instead, it typically just swallows its prey whole.

#5: The Deathstalker Scorpion

The deathstalker scorpion, also known as the Israeli or the Palestinian scorpion, is quite famous. In fact, historical references date back thousands of years, even before the biblical era.The scorpion is a pale-yellow color. However, at a distence it appears translucent. This type of scorpion mostly inhabits parts of North Africa and the Middle East. While it may appear delicate in nature, it poses a very serious threat to humans and other animals.

Its venom can cause serious pain that can lead to a respiratory failure and eventually death. However, a sting from this scorpion will likely kill someone suffering from respiratory allergy within few seconds.[6]SCORPIONWORLDS – DEATHSTALKER SCORPION

#4: The Blue-ringed Octopus

The blue-ringed octopus is very tiny. In fact, it is only the size of a golf ball and can easily sit on your palm. It measures just 8 inches in length on average. Many divers might swim right past them without even noticing. However, don’t be fooled, this octopus is one of the most poisonous animal in the sea. Its natural habitat is the seas and lagoons located around Australia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Indonesia, and Japan. The venom found in the blue-ringed octopus can be very lethal. It can cause blindness, respiratory failure, nausea, and even death. It secretes its poison in its saliva.[7]DK Findout – Blue-ringed Octopus

Researchers have shown that the poison in an average blue-ringed octopus is strong enough to kill more than 20 adult humans. Fortunately, their is a cure for the poison and a victim can still live up to 23 hours after being poisoned as long as they get the antidote.

#3: The Marbled Cone Snail

The marbled cone snail gets its name from its look. When in not moving, the snail looks like a marbled cone from afar. It is hard to imagine that a snail can be on any list of the most poisonous animal in the world. However, the marbled cone snail can deliver in just one dose a venom so poisonous that many animals will die instantly. This makes it one of the most poisonous animal in the world. Symptoms of the poison include tingling sensations, inflammation, vision loss, paralysis of the muscles and respiratory failure. When these symptoms go untreated, the victim can die within minutes.

Unfortunately, there doesn’t exist any anti-venom treatments for a marbled coned snail attack. This adds to the dangerous nature of this animal. In addition, the marbled cone snail is extremely adaptable. This means that it can inhabit many different environments.[8]Business Insider – The most venomous animal on Earth is truly surprising So next time you are picking up shells, be extra careful!

#2: The King Cobra

Cobras typically top most lists of most poisonous animal. This is not surprising as even the non-poisonous species can cause very painful bites. However, the king cobra is on another level and is one of the most poisonous and one of the most deadliest snakes in the world. Typically in the jungles of China and India. The king cobra distinguishes itself with its distinctive wider hood, long size, and poisonous venom. When it bites, it can quickly transfer its poisonous immensely painful toxins. What makes it even worse, is that the king cobra also can spit its venom at its prey.

The king cobra’s poison enters the blood within few seconds and can cause death in less than a minute. As little as 5mls of the venom from the king cobra can kill a full grown elephant within 2 minutes. This same amount of venom can kill more than 20 humans within the same period of time. The venom from this snake is so poisonous, that some animal scientists believe that the king cobra is the deadliest animal on the planet.[9]worldatlas – King Cobra – Deadly Animals Of Southeast Asia

#1: The Box Jellyfish

The box jellyfish is the most poisonous animal as well as one of the most dangerous animals in the world. It’s poison can cause the massive increase in blood pressure and death within seconds. Its predominant habitats include Australia and Asia. Its almost transparent appearance even makes it very difficult to detect. In fact, it can be almost invisible to the eyes, especially if an unsuspecting victim is not looking at it directly. To compound the issue it yypically floats on the water. The box jellyfish causes more than 100 deaths every year.[10]LIVESCIENCE – How Deadly Is the Box Jellyfish?

Most of the box jellyfish’s poison are inside the animal’s tentacles. They are called nematocysts. When the jellyfish attaches to the skin of the victim, the toxins enter the victim’s body through a bite. The toxins will rapidly increase blood pressure and blood flow. This leads to heart attack and the victims eventual death. If stung, apply heat or ice on the sting. Soaking the wound with vinegar can also provide some relief against the pain. Make sure you soak the site of the wound for about half an hour.

Box jellyfish shrink in size when not eating. In fact, the box jellyfish can shrink by more than 30% of its original body weight within 24 hours if it does not find food. Smaller box jellyfish consume prawns while larger box jellyfish feed on small fishes.

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