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Top 101 Rabbit Jokes

rabbit jokes

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Rabbits aren’t only cuddly and cute. They are also really funny animals. Check out the top 101 rabbit jokes to get you hopping with laughter.

#101 – 90. Rabbit Jokes

101. Q: How do you catch a unique rabbit? A: Unique up on it!

100. Where do rabbits eat breakfast? – IHOP.

99. What’s the best way to catch a wild rabbit? Stand in the woods and make a sound like a carrot.

98. Why couldn’t the rabbit fly home for Easter? He didn’t have the hare fare.

97. Q: What is a rabbit’s favorite dance style? A: Hip-Hop!

96. What do you call a bunny transformer? Hop-timus Prime.

95. Did you hear about the egg laden rabbit who jumps off bridges? He’s the Easter Bungee!

94. Q: Does the Easter Bunny like baseball? A: Oh, yes. He’s a rabbit fan!

93. Q: Why did the bald man paint rabbits on his head? A: Because from a distance they looked like hares!

92. Q: Why did the rabbit like the adventure? A: It was a “hare-raising tail”

91. Q: What’s a rabbit’s favorite game? A: Hopscotch!

90. Why do rabbits go to the beauty parlor? For hare care.

#89 – 80. Rabbit Jokes

89. Did you hear about the rabbit who got a job in a watch factory? Alike did was stand around making faces.

88. Q: What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a leaf blower? A: A hare dryer!

87. What weighs 35 tons, has four fuzzy ears and is 80 million years old? Two rabbits riding a brontosaurus.

86. Why are rabbits never gold? How would you tell them apart from goldfish?

85. Q: How do rabbits travel? A: By hareplane.

84. Q: What did the rabbit give his girlfriend? A: A 14 carrot ring!

83. How do you know that carrots are good for your eyesight? Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses?

82. Q: Who is the Easter Bunny’s favorite movie actor? A: Rabbit De Niro!

81. Q: What do rabbits put in their computers? A: Hoppy disks!

80. Q: What is a rabbit’s favorite dance style? A: Hip-Hop!

#79 – 70. Rabbit Jokes

79. How many hairs in a rabbit’s tail? None, they’re all on the outside.

78. Lara Rabbit: Do you think that’s Sophie’s natural color? Zara Rabbit: Only her hare dresser knows for sure. May I buy half a rabbit? No, we don’t split hares!

77. How can you tell which rabbits are the oldest in a group? Look for gray hares.

76. Did you hear about the rich rabbit? He was a millionhare!

75. Why did the rabbits go on strike? They wanted a better celery!

74. Q: What’s invisible and smells like carrots? A: Rabbit farts.

73. Q: What did the carrot say to the rabbit? A: Do you want to grab a bite?

72. Q: Why did the bunny cross the road? A: He wanted to prove he could hip hop!

71. How are rabbits like calculators? They both multiply really fast.

70. Q: What do you get if you cross a rabbit with an insect? A: Bugs bunny

#69 – 60. Rabbit Jokes

69. I read a story about a rabbit being raised. It was a hare-raising tale!

68. Q: How do frogs & rabbits settle their disputes? A: They play hopscotch!

67. What do you get if you cross an insect with the Easter rabbit? Bugs Bunny.

66. Q: What did the rabbits do after their wedding? A: They went on their bunnymoon!

65. Q: What did the rabbit say to the carrot? A: It’s been nice gnawing at you.

64. Why did the rabbit run out of the fast-food restaurant? He thought he heard someone order a quarter pounder on a toasted bunny.

63. Q: How do you know carrots are good for your eyes?  A: Because you never see rabbits wearing glasses!

62. What do you call a rabbit who tells jokes? A funny bunny.

61. Q: What do you call a happy rabbit? A: An Hop-timist.

60. How did the rabbit become a wrestling champion? It had a lot of hare pins!

#59 – 50. Rabbit Jokes

59. Q: What would you call the Easter Bunny if he married a chicken? A: The very first rabbit to lay an egg!

58. How can you tell which rabbits are the oldest in a group? Just look for the gray hares.

57. What do you call a rabbit who swims with sharks? Dinner; rabbit stew; a dumb bunny; a hare brain.

56. Q: What do you call a group of rabbits hopping backwards? A: A receding hare line

55. Q: What is a bunny’s motto? A: Don’t be mad, be hoppy!

54. Why did the rabbit have trouble hopping? Because he always kept one foot in his pocket for good luck!

53. How do you know when you re eating rabbit stew? When it has hares in it.

52. Q: How can you tell which rabbits are getting old? A: Look for the grey hares

51. Q: What do you call 99 rabbits stepping backwards? A: A receding hare line!

50. Why did the bald man paint rabbits on his head? Because from a distance they looked like hares!

#49 – 40. Rabbit Jokes

49. Q: What do you call two rabbits racing down the road? A: The fast and the furriest.

48. Baby Rabbit: Mommy, where did I come from? Mother Rabbit: I ll tell you when you re older. Baby Rabbit: Oh, Mommy, please, tell me now. Mother Rabbit: If you must know, you were pulled from a magician’s hat.

47. Q: What’s the name of the rabbit who stole from the rich and gave to the A: Rabbit Hood.

46. Q: What do you call a cold dog sitting on a rabbit? A: A chili dog on a bun!

45. Why are rabbits like calculators? They both multiply a lot.

44. Q: What happened when 100 hares got loose on Main Street? A: The police had to comb the area.

43. What do you get if you pour boiling water down rabbit holes? Hot, cross bunnies!

42. Q: What do you call a rabbit who is angry over gettting burnt? A: A hot cross bunny

41. Q: Why did the bunny build herself a new house? A: She was fed up with the hole thing!

40. Q: How do you catch a unique rabbit? A: Unique up on it.

#39 – 30. Rabbit Jokes

39. Where was the rabbit when the lights went out? In the dark.

38. How did the close race between the rabbit and the tortoise end? It was won by a hare!

37. Q: How do you know carrots are good for your eyes? A: Because you never see a rabbit wearing glasses!

36. A bumble bee was chasing a rabbit. Finally the bee turned around and flew away. Why? The rabbit had two b’s already.

35. Q: How do you know a rabbit is in a good mood? A: He’s hoppy

34. How do you make a rabbit stew? Keep it waiting.

33. Q: What do you call an operation on a rabbit? A: A hare-cut.

32. Q: How do you catch a unique rabbit? A: Unique up on it!

31. How far can a rabbit run into the woods? Halfway. After that she’s running out of the woods.

30. Why did the bald man paint rabbits on his head? Because from a distance, they looked like hare.

#29 – 20. Rabbit Jokes

29. Q: What did the naughty rabbit leave for Easter? A: Deviled eggs!

28. Q: What’s the difference between a healthy rabbit and an odd rabbit? A: One is a fit bunny, and the other’s a bit funny!

27. How do you make a rabbit fast? Don’t feed it.

26. What’s the best way to catch a unique rabbit? You ‘nique up on him.

25. Q: What is white and has long ears, whiskers, and sixteen wheels? A: Two rabbits on Rollerblades!

24. Q: Where do rabbits learn how to fly? A: In the hare force!

23. What do you call 100 rabbits walking backwards? A receding hare line.

22. Q: What do rabbits say before they eat? A: Lettuce pray.

21. Q: Why are rabbits so lucky? A: They have four rabbit’s feet?

20. Why is a bunny the luckiest animal in the world? It has 4 rabbits’ feet.

#19 – 10. Rabbit Jokes

19. Q: What do you get when you find a rabbit with no hair? A: A hairless hare!

18. Did you hear about the pub owner who raised a baby rabbit? It was an inn-grown hare!

17. Q: What airline do rabbits use? A: British Hare-ways!

16. What has two fuzzy pink ears and writes? A ballpoint bunny.

15. How do rabbits get to work? By rabbit transit!

14. Q: Why did the bunny say to the duck? A: You quack me up!

13. Q: Why don’t rabbits get hot in the summertime? A: They have hare conditioning!

12. Q: Where do rabbits go after their wedding? A: On their bunnymoon!

11. How is a rabbit like a plum? They’re both purple, except for the rabbit.

10. Why can’t a rabbit’s nose be twelve inches long? Because then it would be a foot.

#9 – 1. Rabbit Jokes

9. Q: What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? A: A hot cross bunny!

8. Q: Did you hear about the rich rabbit? A: He was a millionhare!

7. How do you know when there’s a rabbit in your bed? You can smell the carrots on his breath.

6. A bear and a rabbit are taking a shit in the woods. The bear turns to the rabbit and asks do you have any problems with shit sticking to your fur and the rabbit says no So the bear wipes his ass with the rabbit

5. Q: What do you get when you cross an insect and a rabbit? A: Bugs Bunny!

4. What’s the best way to catch a tame rabbit? The tame way.

3. What is a rabbit’s favorite type of jewelry? Carats

2. Q: how do you catch a tame rabbit? A: Tame way, unique up on it! Why does the rabbit bring toilet paper to the party? Because he is a party pooper.

1. Q: Where do rabbits work? A: At IHOP restaurants!

Ideas for the top 101 funny rabbit jokes were taken from the following sources.[1]Ducksters – Rabbit Joke[2]Jokes 4 Us – Rabbit Joke[3]Funny Jokes – Browsing Rabbit joke[4]Worst Jokes Ever – Rabbit Joke[5]Funny Jokes – Funny Rabbit Joke[6]Jokes 4 All – Rabbit Joke[7]Yuckitup – Rabbit Joke

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