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Top 122 Star Wars Jokes

star wars jokes

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Star Wars is one of the most iconic movie franchises out there. That comes with many jokes. With that in mind, check out the top 122 Star Wars jokes.

#122 – 120. Star Wars Jokes

122. Q: How do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk? A: With a woo-key.

121. Darth Vader: I know what you’re getting for Christmas. Luke Skywalker: How would you know that? Darth Vader: I’ve felt your presence.

120. Do you know the internal temperature of a Tauntaun? Lukewarm.

#119 – 110. Star Wars Jokes

119. What is a Stormtrooper’s favourite TV show? Game of Clones.

118. What Do You Call At Pirate Droid? Argh2-D2.

117. A clone trooper walks into a pub and asks the barman, “Hey, have you seen my brother?” “I dunno,” says the barman, “What does he look like?”

116. Q: When did Anakin’s Jedi masters know he was leaning towards the dark side? A: In the Sith Grade.

115. We Don’t Want To Sound Racist, But all stormtroopers look the same to us.

114. A book never written: “How to Talk Like Yoda” by Ajedi I. Am.

113. Q: What do you call a Jedi who loves tacos? A: Obi-Juan Kenobi

112. What do you call a potato that’s gone bad? Vader Tots.

111. “Luke…did you know R2D2 used to work for me? …He asked to be paid under the table.”

110. What kind of money do they use in space? Starbucks.

#109 – 100. Star Wars Jokes

109. What do you call a nervous Jedi? Panicking Skywalker.

108. Q: Why did the Stormtrooper start jumping up and down? A: He stepped on Ant-hillies.

107. Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up in buns? So it doesn’t Hang So-low.

106. What’s a baseball player’s least favorite Star Wars movie? The Umpire Strikes Back.

105. What do Gungans keep things in? Jar Jars.

104. Q: Is BB hungry? A: No, BB-8!

103. What do you get if you mix a bounty hunter with a tropical fruit? Mango Fett.

102. Q: Why is the Millenium Falcon so slow? A: Because it takes a millenium to go anywhere.

101. Q: As a Disney character what song would Vader sing? A: “When You Wish Upon A Death Star”.

100. What do you call a bird of prey with a thousand lives? A millennium falcon!

#99 – 90. Star Wars Jokes

99. Q: What does Yoda say to encourage a Padawan before a test? A: Do well, you will do!

98. Father to his son: Do you know why I call your mother my Death Star? Because she makes my world explode!

97. How Is Duct Tape Like The Force? It has a Dark Side, a Light side and it binds the galaxy together.

96. What does a Star Destroyer wear to a wedding? Bow ties, of course!

95. Why is Yoda such a good gardener? He has green fingers.

94. Where is the best place to shop for lightsabers? The Darth Maul

93. Definition: Lukewarm— A Jedi who can’t find the thermostat.

92. Q: What do they serve at a Rebel Alliance cantina? A: Jyn and Juice.

91. What is Jabba the Hutt’s middle name? The.

90. Q: Why did the smuggler cross the spacelanes? A: To get to the other side.

#89 – 80. Star Wars Jokes

89. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: To get away from Kylo Hen.

88. Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi walk into a Chinese restaurant. Ten minutes into the meal, Luke still can’t figure out the chopsticks, dropping food everywhere. Obi-Wan finally snaps: “Use the forks, Luke.”

87. Q: How many Sith does it take to screw in a hyperdrive? A: Two, but I don’t know how they got in it.

86. What’s The Difference Between An ATAT & A Stormtrooper? One’s an Imperial walker and the other is a walking Imperial.

85. Luke walks into the Mos Eisley cantina, cradling a slab of dirt in his arms. “What’ll it be?” asks the barman. “A pint for me, and one for the road.”

84. Q: What do you call a Mexican jedi? A: Obi-Juan Kenobi

83. What did Darth Vader say to the Emperor at the Star Wars auction? “What is thy bidding, my master

82. Q: What do you call it when a wookie gets to play the guitar alone onstage? A: A Han Solo

81. Q: What goes, “Ha, ha, ha, haaaa…. AGGGHHHH! Thump”? A: An Imperial Officer laughing at Darth Vader.

80. Q: What do you call a Sith who won’t fight? A: A Sithy.

#79 – 70. Star Wars Jokes

79. Q: What do you call 5 siths piled on top of a lightsaber? A: A Sith-Kabob!

78. What kind of car does a Jedi drive? A Toy-YODA!

77. The Star Wars text crawl walks into a bar. “Get outta my pub!” the bartender yells. “We don’t serve your type here.”

76. Which website did Chewbacca create to share Empire secrets? Wookieleaks.

75. What is Darth Vader favorite coffee? Dark Roast.

74. Jabba the Hut is fat. How fat is he? So fat, Obi Wan took a closer look and said, “That’s no moon.”

73. Why did Anakin Skywalker cross the road? To get to the Dark Side.

72. Q: What do you call Mexican Jedi apprentice? A: PadaJuan.

71. What do you get when you cross Darth Vader with an elephant? An elevator!

70. Q: Why did Han Solo kill Limp Bizkit? A: “He did it all for the wookie!”

#69 – 60. Star Wars Jokes

69. Q: Why did the Ewok fall out of the tree? A: It was dead.

68. Q: What do you call it when only one Star Wars character gives you a round of applase? A: A Hand Solo!

67. An Ewok strolls into a bar and says to the bartender, “I’ll have a whisky and …… soda.” The bartender says, “Sure thing—but why the little pause?” “Dunno,” says the Ewok. “I’ve had them all my life.”

66. What is the internal temperature of a Tauntaun? Lukewarm.

65. Q: What do Whipids say when they kiss? A: Ouch.

64. Friend: “Hey can you help me get tickets for the new Star Wars movie?” Me: “Sure, I can lend you a Han!”

63. Q: What did the specter of Obi Wan Kenobi say to the bartender? A: “Give me a beer and a mop.”

62. Q: What did the rancor say after he ate a Wookiee? A: Chewie!

61. Why did Star Wars episodes 4, 5, and 6 come out before 1, 2, and 3?  In charge of the release dates, Yoda was.

60. Q: What do you call someone who doesn’t like the dark side? A: Darth Hater.

#59 – 50. Star Wars Jokes

59. Q: What do you call a Sith rock star? A: Darth Vedder.

58. Q: Why is Han such a loner? A: Because he’s Solo.

57. What does Kylo Ren serve at a dinner party? First hors d’oeuvres.

56. Why was the droid angry? People kept pushing its buttons.

55. What did Darth Vader say to the emperor at the Star Wars auction? “What is thy bidding, my master?

54. Q: What happens if Anakin Skywalker grills you a burger? A: Its a little on the DARK side.

53. What Star Wars Character Uses Meat As A Weapon? Obi Wan Baloney.

52. Which program do Jedi use to open PDF files? Adobe Wan Kenobi.

51. Luke and Obi-Wan walk into a Chinese restaurant. Ten minutes into the meal, Luke’s still having trouble with the chopsticks, dropping food everywhere. Obi-Wan finally snaps, “Use the forks, Luke.”

50. Q: Why didn’t Luke Skywalker cross the road? A: Because he got a ticket for Skywalking.

#49 – 40. Star Wars Jokes

49. Q: How do Ewoks communicate over long distances? A: With Ewokie Talkies

48. What Do You Call A Bounty Hunter From The South? Bubba Fett.

47. A book never written: “How to Swing a Lightsaber” by Jed Eye.

46. Q: Why do Stormtroopers listen to Megan Trainor? A: Because “They’re all about that base, ’bout that base, no rebels.”

45. Q: Do you know when a woman becomes a jedi? A: When she’s good and Reydy.

44. Where is the best place to shop for lightsabers? The Darth Maul.

43. What’s a Jedi’s favourite toy? A yo-Yoda.

42. “Let’s watch ‘Star Wars’!” Tom said forcefully.

41. Why do Doctors make the best Jedi? Jedi must have patience.

40. Q: What did Yoda say when he gave Luke Skywalker his first car? A: May the PORSCHE be with you!

#39 – 30. Star Wars Jokes

39. What’s the most popular Star Wars movie in Italy? The Phantom Venice.

38. Q: Why does Leia wear buns on her head? A: In case she gets hungry in a Senate meeting.

37. Q: What do you call a female Mandalorian? A: A Womandalorian.

36. Q: Why is a Jedi knight never lonely? A: Because the force is always with him.

35. Q: What did Santa Claus say to the young padawan? A: Merry The Force Be With You.

34. The Death Star’s shield generator walks into a bar. The bartender scowls and says, “Alright pal, I’ll serve you, but don’t start anything.”

33. Why Should You Never Tell Jokes On The Falcon? The ship might crack up.

32. “Luke… I’m reading a great book about Force levitation… I can’t put it down.”

31. Which Star Wars character travels around the world? Globi-wan Kenobi.

30. A Hutt slithers into the food court. The cashier says, “Hey! We have a pizza place named after you!” The Hutt says, “You have a pizza place named Jabba Desilijic Tiure?”

#29 – 20. Star Wars Jokes

29. Q: Why did the crazy Angrallian Toobir cross the nebula? A: To get to the other dementia.

28. Q: What do you call two suns fighting each other? A: Star Wars

27. Q: Who tries to be a Jedi? A: Obi-Wannabe

26. Luke: What’s for dinner tonight, Dad? Anakin: Wookiee steak. Luke: Is it any good? Anakin: It’s a little chewy.

25. What do Jedis order at Chinese restaurants? Pada-wonton soup!

24. How do you get down from a bantha? You don’t. You get down from a goose.

23. Q: How many stormtroopers does it take to replace a lightbulb? A: Two; one to screw the bulb in, the other to shoot him and take the credit.

22. Q: What do you call Harrison Ford when he smokes weed? A: Han So-high

21. “Luke…did you know I almost joined the Jedi Debate Team? …Somebody talked me out of it.”

20. Why did Padme Amidal keep her Boots on? Because they were too BOOT-iful!

#19 – 10. Star Wars Jokes

19. Q: How many Alderaanians does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, they were all destroyed by the death star.

18. What did Darth Vader say when he walked into a vegetarian restaurant? “I find your lack of steak disturbing.”

17. Q: Where does Jabba the Hutt eat? A: Pizza Hutt

16. What Do You Call A Jedi In Denial? Obi-Wan Cannot Be.

15. What do you call an evil procrastinator? Darth Later!

14. Why can’t you count on Yoda to pick up a bar tab? He’s always a little short.

13. What do you call Chewbacca with chocolate in his hair? A chocolate chip wookie.

12. Q: Why did Kit Fisto storm out of the sushi restaurant? A: Because they were serving Mon Calamari.

11. Q: What do you call stormtroopers playing Monopoly? A: Game of Clones

10. Q: What did Emperor Palpatine say to Darth Vader? A: Merry Sithmas.

#9 – 1. Star Wars Jokes

9. Q: Why did the droid cross the road? A: Because it was programmed by a chicken.

8. Two Jawas walk under a bar.

7. What did they call the Star Mars movie with an invisible droid? C-through-PO.

6. Q: Why is a droid mechanic never lonely? A: Because he’s always making new friends!

5. A book never written: “The Force” by Jed I. Knight.

4. Q: Why did Yoda visit Bank of America yesterday? A: He needed a bank clone! (Loan)

3. “Luke… I just watched a great documentary about how the Death Star was built… It was riveting, Luke. It was riveting…”

2. How do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk? With a woo-key.

1. Q: Why did Yoda cross the road? A: Because the chickens Forced him to.


Ideas for the top 122 Star Wars jokes were taken from the following sources.[1]A Joke A Day – STAR WARS JOKE[2]News – 28 Star Wars jokes that will make you laugh and cringe[3]Reader’s Digest – 20 Corny ‘Star Wars’ Jokes for Any Occasion[4]Boys’ Life – 45 Funny Star Wars Jokes and Comics[5]Ranker – The Best Star Wars Joke[6]Jokes 4 US- Star Wars Joke

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