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Top 150 Eggs Jokes

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Eggs are tasty. But did you know they are funny as well? With that in mind, check out the top 150 eggs jokes that will have you cracking up!

#150 – 140. Eggs Jokes

150. What did the eggs do when the light turned green? They egg-celerated!

149. Did you hear about McDonalds? They eggspanded the breakfast menu.

148. What day to eggs hate the most? Fry-day.

147. What do eggs do for fun? Kari-yolkie

146. My wife went to make a cake the recipe said separate two eggs so she put one egg in the living room

145. Who tells the best egg jokes? Comedi-hens!

144. Why doesn’t my egg wants to crack? Because I hate my egg-sistence.

143. Q: How was the chicken able to get home from work so fast? A: It used the eggs-press lane.

142. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? Just one. After that your stomach won’t be empty.

141. Fried eggs aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

140. Eggs are going up again. That’ll surprise a few chickens.

#139 – 130. Egg Jokes

139. Q: Why did the scrambled egg lose the baseball game? A: The boiled eggs were hard to beat.

138. I don’t agree with battery hens. Surely they’d lay bigger eggs if they were plugged into the mains.

137. What part did the egg play in the movies? He was an “Egg-stra”.

136. Why did the chicken cross the road? He forgot his eggs

135. Why do hens lay eggs? Because if they dropped them, they’d break.

134. Q: Why did the egg cross the internet? A: To get to the other site.

133. What does a meditating egg say? Ohmmmmmmmlet.

132. Why did the celebrity egg start losing her friends? They called her a shell-out.

131. A rooster ran across the border from the USA to Canada and laid an egg. Which country does that egg belong to? Roosters don’t lay eggs.

130. How do you find prehistoric eggs? With an eggscavator.

#129 – 120. Eggs Jokes

129. I steal my eggs from my next door neighbor. I prefer them poached.

128. What’s an egg’s favorite movie? Over Easy Rider.

127. My son’s has never really had much of an appetite. But suddenly today he’s eaten a dozen Kinder eggs whole. He’s full of surprises.

126. I never count my chickens before they’re hatched. Because they’re eggs.

125. What’s an egg’s favorite type of coffee? An eggspresso!

124. Don’t put all my eggs in one basket? Nice try, basket industry.

123. A piece of toast and a hard boiled egg walked into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast here.”

122. How did the egg get up the mountain? It scrambled up!

121. My son’s asked for a strange Christmas present this year. It’s really cheap though so I don’t mind. I’m not sure why he wants an eggs box though.

120. Why did the chicken lay her egg on an axe? She wanted to hachet

#119 – 110. Egg Jokes

119. What did one egg say to another? Your yolks crack me up.

118. Why did the chicken stop in the middle of the road? Because it wanted to lay it on the line.

117. It’s my first day on the fishing boat and everyone keeps asking if I’ve found my sea legs. I’m not falling for it though. I know for a fact that seals don’t lay eggs.

116. What do you call a mischievious egg? A practical yolker.

115. An egg walks into a bar … And makes a real mess.

114. What do you call a scared egg? Terri-fried!

113. Eggs – the original boneless chicken.

112. Q: What do eggs do for fun at parties? A: Sing kari-yolkie.

111. Who wrote the book “Great Egg-spectations”? Charles Chickens.

110. What do you call an egg that goes on safari? An eggs-plorer!

#109 – 100. Eggs Jokes

109. What do you call a city of 20 million eggs? New Yolk City!

108. Egg puns are the most egg-citing.

107. What type of egg refuses to come out of his shell? An egg-arophobic.

106. If fruit comes from a fruit tree, what kind of a tree does a chicken come from? A poul-tree!

105. Q: What’s an eggs favorite basketball team? A: Yokelahomia City.

104. Where do Eskimos keep their eggs? Inside an egg-loo!

103. How do comedians like their eggs? Funny side up! How do monsters like their eggs? Terri-fried!

102. How do eggs get around? On a s-egg-way.

101. Q: What did the egg say to the clown? A: You crack me up.

100. Q: What do you call a pig with a rash? A: Ham and Eczema

#99 – 90. Egg Jokes

99. Who wrote the book, Great Eggspectations? Charles Chickens!

98. Aren’t my egg yolks amazing, don’t they make you crack up. If not, I better scramble

97. What do chickens call a school test? Eggs-amination!

96. I bought two eggs at the store today. It seemed a bit excessive walking out with them in separate baskets.

95. What do you call someone who eats too many eggs? An egg-oholic.

94. What do you get if you cross a chicken with an alarm? An alarm cluck.

93. How do you know if it’s too hot in the chicken barn? The chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.

92. What do chickens grow on? Eggplants.

91. What kind of eggs does a confused chicken lay? Scrambled eggs.

90. What do you get if a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn? An eggroll.

#89 – 80. Eggs Jokes

89. Why do chickens lay eggs? Because if they dropped them they would break!

88. What do you call an egg white with cowboy boots? A western omelette!

87. Where’s the best place to get information about eggs? The hen-cyclopedia.

86. How do eggs leave the highway? By going through the eggs-it.

85. Are you enjoying my yolks. I bet there making you crack up. If not, I better scramble

84. What do you call an egg who is on the computer too much? An “Egg Head”.

83. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a martian? An eggs-traterrestrial!

82. How do comedians like their eggs? Funny side up.

81. At a kid’s birthday party, the hired magician was producing egg after egg from a little boy’s ear.

80. What kind of tree does a chicken come from? A poul-tree.

#79 – 70. Egg Jokes

79. What’s an egg’s favorite tree? A y-oak tree.

78. Boiled eggs. Hard to beat, aren’t they?

77. Why did the egg cross the road? To get to the Shell station!

76. Why is the chef so mean? She beats the eggs!

75. I saw an egg behaving oddly today. It was probably just a bit egg-centric.

74. Where do Eskimos keep their eggs? In the egg-loo.

73. I forgot my lucky egg! It always gives me an eggcellent amount of luck!

72. Why did the egg go to school? To get egg-ucated.

71. How do chickens pay for their groceries? Using the eggs-press line.

70. What do you call a good omelette? Eggcellent.

#69 – 60. Eggs Jokes

69. My dad always used to tell me, “Never put all your eggs in one basket.” Which is probably why we lost the Easter egg hunt.

68. Why can’t you tease egg whites? Because they can’t take a yolk.

67. If you can’t beat them…Just have your eggs fried.

66. Why did George Clooney like egg jokes? Because he had good taste.

65. What did Snow White call her chicken? Egg White.

64. Q: What happens to an egg when it laughs too hard? A: It cracks up!

63. I was going to tell you a joke about an egg but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

62. What do you when you make a egg laugh? You crack it up.

61. What did the egg do when it saw the frying pan? It scrambled

60. What does the cihcken say to get across a busy street? EGGS-cuse me please!

#59 – 50. Egg Jokes

59. What do you get if a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn? An eggroll.

58. Why can’t you tease egg whites? Because they can’t take a yolk!

57. Q: How do you make an egg roll? A: You push it!

56. I saw a sign earlier that said, “Free Range Eggs.” I’ve never heard of Range Eggs before but at least they were free so I took some.

55. Q: What track event to chickens compete in? A: Relay race.

54. What do you call a handyman who lives on a farm? An egg-chanic.

53. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? Just one, because then your stomach won’t be empty.

52. What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cement mixer? A brick layer.

51. How do baby chickens dance? Chick-to-chick.

50. What did the mommy egg say to the baby egg? You’re “Egg-stra special”.

#49 – 40. Eggs Jokes

49. Why is the chef so mean? He beats the eggs.

48. Why do chickens rinse their mouth out with soap? Because of all the fowl language.

47. Who tells the best egg jokes? Comedi-hens.

46. What’s a hen’s favorite shipping company? Federal Egg-spress.

45. Why did the egg go to school? To get “egg-u-cated”!

44. I went to a cafe for breakfast the other day and ordered eggs. The woman behind the counter asked me, “How would you like your eggs cooked.” I said, “Does it affect the price?” “No, not at all.” she replied. I said, “In that case I’d like them cooked with bacon, sausage and tomato please.”

43. What is an eggs favorite tree? A y-oak tree!

42. How do baby chickens dance? Chick-to-chick!

41. “There!” he said proudly. “I bet your Mum can’t produce eggs without hens, can she?” “Oh yes, she can,” said the boy. “She keeps ducks.”

40. I have a lot of eggculaint egg puns, get the yolk… oh come on don’t be hard boiled

#39 – 30. Egg Jokes

39. What sport are the eggs good at? Running!

38. Why don’t dinosaurs lay eggs? Because they’re EGGstinct!

37. I went to a costume party dressed as an egg and I met a girl dressed as a chicken. I said to her “So are we going to find out, or what?”

36. What did the egg say to the clown? You crack me up.

35. How does a hen leave it’s house? Through the eggs-it.

34. What do you call an egg taking a snooze on the job? Egg-zosted!

33. What do you call a self-obsessed egg? An eggomaniac.

32. What happens when a baby chick hatches? It gets all egg-cited.

31. Because the platypus both lays eggs and produces milk…It is one of the few animals that can make its own custard.

30. I was visiting my dear old Grandpa the other day when he said to me, “Let me give you a bit of advice. You can’t make an omelette …” “Without breaking eggs?” I finished for him. “No. You can’t make an omelette,” he said, as he scraped it into the bin.

#29 – 20. Eggs Jokes

29. What do chickens serve at birthday parties? Coop-cakes!

28. Why did the hen lay her egg on the axe? She wanted to hatchet.

27. The Breakfast Couples: (Bacon)-Don’t go bacon my heart (Egg)-I couldn’t if I fried

26. How did the egg get up the hill? It scrambled up.

25. When I was younger, I once smashed up a nest of heron’s eggs. No egrets.

24. Where do you find information about eggs? In the hen-cyclopedia!

23. I was walking past the store today when I saw a sign saying, “All items one-third off.” So I bought a dozen eggs. Unfortunately four of them were rotten.

22. How do monsters like their eggs? Terri-fried.

21. What do Chickens grow on? Eggplants!

20. What sport are eggs best at? Running.

#19 – 10. Egg Jokes

19. I went to the store today and bought some really oddly shaped eggs. Now I can’t find them. I think they’ve been mislaid.

18. What grows on yolk trees? Egg-corns!

17. What did the egg do when it saw the frying pan? It scrambled.

16. What day do eggs hate most? Fry-day! What did Snow White call her chicken? Egg white.

15. A man walks into a bar with a fried egg on his head. The bartender asks, “Why have you got a fried egg on your head?” The man replies, “Because boiled eggs fall off.”

14. Why was the egg late for school? He didn’t study for the eggs-am.

13. what’s the difference between eggs,and you?eggs get laid,you don’t.

12. What crime is an egg most afraid of? Poaching.

11. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a Martian? An eggs-traterrestrial.

10. How do you know if it’s too hot in the chicken barn? The chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.

#9 – 1. Eggs Jokes

9. Where do eggs go on holiday? New Yolk.

8. How many French eggs do you need? One egg is un oeuf.

7. How can you drop an egg six feet without breaking it? By dropping it seven feet. It won’t break for the first six.

6. Are you an egg, cause you CRACK me up

5. What did the egg say to the clown? You crack me up!

4. Why is Kristy Alley so fat? Because she did not eggsercise!

3. What do you get when you cross an egg with a sperm? An omelette you probably shouldn’t eat.

2. Who tells the best eggs puns? The comedy-hens!

1. Before the chicken or the egg there was only Chuck Norris.

Ideas for the top 150 eggs jokes come from the following sources.[1]LaffGaff – Egg Puns And Jokes[2]Jokes4Us – Egg Joke[3]Worst Jokes Ever – Egg Joke[4]Fun Kids Jokes – Egg Joke[5]Upjoke – Egg Joke[6]Best Life – 40 Eggs-quisite Egg Puns to Crack You Up

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