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Top 21 Typewriter Jokes

typewriter jokes

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Typewriters is a mechanical machine for typing. Nowadays most people don’t use it anymore. With that in mind, check out the top 21 typewriter jokes.

#21 – 20. Typewriter Jokes

21. Did you know that if you put 10,000 monkeys in a room with 10,000 typewriters then…you’re a rich, eccentric weirdo who should be prosecuted for animal cruelty.

20. Whoever invented the typewriter…Must have made a prototypewriter

#19 – 10. Typewriter Jokes

19. We had a lady back at our office who could use two typewriters at once, one with each hand. Most of us just thought she’d be writing the same thing on both machines all the time. Turns out it was just Stereo-Typing

18. A recent archeological dig was finished at historic Stratford-upon-Avon They found many typewriters and many, many, more monkey skeletons

17. The pen isn’t mightier than the sword….A Chicago Typewriter is.

16. There are two elephants sitting in a bathtub. One says to the other, “Hey can you pass the soap?” The other one replies, “Only if you pass the typewriter!”

15. TYPEWRITER FOR SALE…Per ect ondit on

14. If you give an infinite amount of monkeys with typewriters an infinite amount of time, they will eventually recreate all of Shakespeare’s masterpieces accidentally…But give them five minutes, and they’ll have the script of The Last Jedi.

13. To the fellow that gave me his typewriter Yo can rn bt yo can’t hide

12. Why is there no pharmacy school at A&M? The Aggies can’t figure out how to get the bottles into the typewriter.

11. If you give a monkey a typewriter, it will eventually write Shakespeare…If you give a monkey a camcorder, it will eventually film a dead body and post it to the internet.

10. What did one typewriter say to the other? I must be pregnant … I missed a period …

#9 – 1. Typewriter Jokes

9. It has been said that a million monkeys hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type complete works of William Shakespeare…With the advent of internet, now we know that is not true!

8. A priest said that masturbation is the devils typewriter Guess im writing a novel tonight

7. Typewriter be like 1% battery

6. A hungry lion was roaming through the jungle looking for something to eat. He came across two men. One was sitting under a tree reading a book; the other was typing away on his typewriter.

5. We all heard that saying where if a million monkey banging on a million typewriter will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now thank to the internet we know it’s not true.

4. Two octopi are sitting at a bar One says to the other, “I’m all outta ink, mind sliding me another bottle of that stuff?” to which the other replies, “What do you think I am, a typewriter?”

3. Did you know the inventor of the typewriter was unknown until recent discoveries in China? The new discoveries point to a man named Tye Ping

2. What did Jim Carey say when his typewriter broke? I’ll writey then!

1. Trump reminds me of the theory that if you put 100 monkey in front of a typewriter, they will eventually write everything that ever was and will be written. He just proves one is enough.

Ideas for the top 21 typewriter jokes come from the following sources.[1]upjoke – typewriter joke[2]jokojokes – THE BEST 20 TYPEWRITER JOKE

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