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Top 23 Democracy Jokes

democracy jokes

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Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. With that in mind, check out the top 23 democracy jokes.

#23 – 20. Democracy Jokes

23. Teaching the farm animals to read was going well until the chickens read a book on democracy Then they staged a Coop d’etat

22. How do you say ‘democracy’ in Chinese? You don’t.

21. I am a big supporter of democracy.As long as it adheres to my rules.

20. Did you hear about the eastern European country that stopped being a democracy? They were Hungary for change!

#19 – 10. Democracy Jokes

19. Voting is democracy in action. Not voting is democracy inaction.

18. To teach kids about democracy, I let them vote on dinner. They picked pizza. Then I made tacos because they don’t live in a swing state.

17. What are the two best arguments against democracy? Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton

16. Democracy obviously doesn’t work. I mean, I was voted “most likely to succeed” at High School.

15. The president of the US is threatening to send the military to suppress US citizens. Looks like Americans are finally gonna get a taste of democracy and freedom.

14. To teach kids about democracy, I let them vote on dinner. They voted on pizza. Then I took all their pocket money, spent it all on booze and blamed my ex-wife for their predicament.

13. What do you call a flawed democracy? An electile dysfunction

12. America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy…But won’t cross the street to vote.

11. They used to say America was a democracy. Now it’s a democrazy.

10. The USA proudly declares they’re “exporting democracy” whenever they invade a country I understand why they have to do it at gunpoint. It’s generally tough to sell the junk you have no use for yourself anymore.

#9 – 1. Democracy Jokes

9. If you dressed up like a rodeo clown, broke into the capitol, and tried to destroy the democracy of the United States You might be a redneck

8. Did you hear about the rumours about Iraq? I heard they are going to invade America in order to install democracy there.

7. US democracy is the envy of the world…It is the greatest that money can buy.

6. In democracy your vote counts. But in feudalism, your Count votes.

5. What’s the difference between salmon and the American democracy? Salmon can be cured.

4. What’s the difference between democracy and some bullets? Democracy wasn’t stopped by Trump rioters yesterday.

3. Afghanistan is sending 1200 troops to Washington D.C. on a mission to secure the fragile democracy.

2. What do you call a nomadic democracy? A Roman Republic

1. Why isn’t China a democracy? Because then they’d have to hold erections.

Ideas for the top 23 democracy jokes come from the following sources.[1]upjoke – democracy joke[2]punstoppable – democracy puns

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