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Top 23 Italian Pick Up Lines

italian pick up lines

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Italy is one of the most romantic countries to visit. From Rome to Tuscany, there are so many romantic things to do. In addition, the language is extremely romantic. With that in mind, check out the top 23 Italian pick up lines.

#23 – 20. Italian Pick Up Lines

23. “Complimenti alla mamma, sei fantastica!”

English: “congratulations to your mum, you’re fantastic!”

22. Ouch! Sono appena caduto—per te!”

English: “Ouch! I just fell—for you!”

21. “Posso offrirti da bere?”

English: “Can I buy you a drink?”

20. “Ti faccio vedere il mondo, andiamo con la Vespa!”

English: “Let me show you the world, we’ll go on my Vespa!”

#19 – 10. Italian Pick Up Lines

19. “Distinguiti dalla massa, dimmi di si”

English: “Stand out from the others, say yes to me”

18. “Sono pazzo di te, andiamo nel mio appartamento.”

English: “I’m crazy for you, let’s go to my apartment.”

17. “Ciao bella!”

English: “Hello beautiful!”

16. “Prenderò la tua foto così posso metterla in tasca e tenerti vicino al mio cuore.”

English: “I am going to take your picture so I can put it in my pocket and keep you near my heart.”

15. “Tuo padre farà di sicuro il pasticcere …guarda che paio di bomboloni!”

English: “your father must be a baker…look at those buns!”

14. “Commettiamo il crimine perfetto: ti ruberò il cuore, tu ruberai il mio.”

English: “Let’s commit the perfect crime: I will steal your heart, you steal mine.”

13. “Ora so cosa si prova ad essere un aereo! Non hai sentito il suono del mio cuore decollare?”

English: “Now I know how it feels to be an airplane! Didn’t you hear the sound of my heart taking off?”

12. “Come ti chiami? Che coincidenza! Questa è la mia parola preferita!”

English: “What is your name? What a coincidence! That is my favorite word!”

11. “Se fossi un astronauta ti porterei sulla luna. Non lo sono, quindi ti accompagnerò a casa.”

English: “If I were an astronaut I would take you to the moon. I am not, so I will walk you home instead.”

10. “Ma sai che la tua voce e bellissima?”

English: “do you know you’ve got a beautiful voice?”

#9 – 1. Italian Pick Up Lines

9. “Quando sorridi, gli angeli piangono, è così bello.”

English: “When you smile the angels weep, it is so beautiful.”

8. “Al cielo manca un angelo ma l’ho trovata.”

English: “Heaven is missing and angel but I found her.”

7. “Fa caldo qui, o sei tu?”

English: “Is it hot in here or is it you?”

6. “Posso offrirti una bevanda calda per sciogliere il ghiaccio?”

English: “Can I get you a hot drink to melt [break] the ice?”

5. “Sei carinissima.”

English: “You’re so sweet.”

4. “Dio si stava mettendo in mostra quando ti ha creato.”

English: “God was showing off when He created you.”

3. “Andiamo da te o da me?”

English: “We go to your place or mine?”

2. “Mi sono perso. Mi diresti dove abiti tu?”

English: “I’m lost. Could you show me where you live?”

1.“Dovremmo baciarci. Il mondo ha bisogno di più amore, no?”

English: “We should kiss. The world needs more love, no?”

Ideas for the top 23 Italian pick up lines come from the following sources.[1]FluentU – Come Here Often? 17 Pick Up Lines in Italian to Turn Up the Heat[2]The Local – Top 10 corniest Italian chat-up lines

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