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Top 24 Librarian Jokes

librarian jokes

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Librarians are known to like quite, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t funny. With that in mind, check out the top 24 librarian jokes.

#24 – 20. Librarian Jokes

24. Why did the student throw a book at the Librarian? He wanted to Face-Book her.

23. How do librarians flirt? They ask for your call number.

22. Why did the librarian get fired? He was always checked out.

21. The librarian gave the scientist a book about Helium and he just couldn’t put it down.

20. Why can’t librarians finish mystery books? They keep reading between the lines.

#19 – 10. Librarian Jokes

19. What did the librarian tell the person who checked out 100 books? Don’t overdue it.

18. What did the librarian say to the astronaut? Find space for a book.

17. What do you get when you cross a librarian and a lawyer? All the information in the world, but you can’t understand a word of it.

16. What did the Librarian say to the rapper? “I like big books and I can not lie”

15. What advice do you get from a librarian? Believe in your shelf.

14. Librarians love a good joke—they always get the reference.

13. What book did the librarian take out for her cat? The Prince and the Paw-purr.

12. What did the librarian say to John Cusack? Shhhhh! Don’t Say Anything.

11. What do Turkish librarians eat for lunch? Shhhh Kebabs

10. What do you call a South American librarian who is always in a hurry? Urgent Tina.

#9 – 1. Librarian Jokes

9. The librarian handed the blind man a cheese grater? The blind man said “That’s the most violent book I’ve ever read.”

8. What did the librarian say to Chris Tucker? Sit down and zip it! This is Hush Hour.

7. Why did the librarian fall down? He was in the non-friction section.

6. What did Ashton Kutcher say to the Librarian? Dude, Where’s My Library Card?

5. Did you know that even big tough guys read? Yeah, just ask Conan the Librarian.

4. A man goes into a library and asks for a book on cliffhangers. The librarian says:

3. A librarian walks into a bar, the bartender says “Please NO Stories.”

2. Why did the librarian win a Lifetime Achievement Award? She had a storied career.

1. What did the surfer say to the librarian? Is my book over dude?

Ideas for the top 24 librarian jokes come from the following sources. [1]Early Bird Books – Library Jokes to Make You Laugh Out Loud[2]Jokes4Us – Librarian joke

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