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Top 29 Smoothie Jokes

smoothie jokes

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Smoothies are a tasty drink. With that in mind, check out the top 29 smoothie jokes.

#29 – 20. Smoothie Jokes

29. What did the smoothie say to the policeman? Answer: Don’t arrest me, I’m Innocent.

28. How did Smoothie’s parents get engaged? Answer: Raspberry confessed to Banana, “We blend well together.”

27. I think I should work at a Smoothie shop I feel like I would blend in

26. What do you call someone who steals a fruit drink? A smoothie criminal.

25. What’s Mr. Lahey’s favorite smoothie? Orange Julian

24. Chameleons are supposed to blend well, but I think it’s ruined this smoothie.

23. A man walks into a juice bar and orders a smoothie. The Mexican behind the counter says “would you like to add any milk protein?” The man responds, “No whey Jose.”

22. I made a smoothie out of F5 keys It was really refreshing

21. What do you call smoothies made in prison? Shake-downs.

20. The smoothie was invented when Chuck Norris needed information from a banana.

#19 – 10. Smoothie Jokes

19. What’s the best part of an asbestos smoothie? The fiber.

18. Me Ex Wife dropped off a Covid smoothie for me. Because she still cares for me, she used organic bleach.

17. What do you call a banana that gets all the girls? Answer: A banana smoothie!

16. If tomatoes are a fruit Then ketchup is a smoothie.

15. What did Trump say while drinking his favorite flavor of smoothie? Mmmmm Peach-Mint

14. What do you call a charismatic banana? Answer: A banana smoothie!

13. Why are chameleons good in smoothies Because they blend in really well

12. An apple growing friend’s fruit and vegetable business has gone into liquidation. They make smoothies.

11. Why are racists bad at making milkshakes and smoothies? They don’t blend.

10. If tomatoes are fruit…that means ketchup is a smoothie.

#9 – 1. Smoothie Jokes

9. I tried making a chameleon smoothie, it didn’t turn out very good, surprisingly it…doesn’t blend well.

8. What do you get if you mix a horse with a cat? A very strange-tasting smoothie, and a traumatizing experience for everyone involved.

7. What do you call a bedtime smoothie? Pajamba Juice

6. There was a vendor in the area that sold delicious fruit smoothies. One day the man disappeared. So did the punchline.

5. A smoothie bar serving combined fruit and vegetable smoothies has been linked to bouts of depression and suicide. Their ‘ Melon – Cauli ‘ smoothie has now been withdrawn.

4. A strawberry growing friend’s fruit and vegetable business has gone into liquidation. They make smoothies.

3. Why did the smoothie get assassinated? He got mixed up with a few bad apples.

2. What do you call a smooth movie? Answer: A smoothie

1. What do you call a smoothie that came out too thick? A chunky.

Ideas for the top 29 smoothie jokes come from the following sources.[1]upjoke – smoothie joke[2]punstoppable – smoothie puns[3]Food Jokes – Funny smoothie joke

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