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Top 31 Samurai Quotes

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Samurais are known as the premier warrior from ancient Japan. With that in mind, check out the top 31 samurai quotes.

#31 – 30. Samurai Quotes

31. You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain. – Miyamoto Musashi.

30. Study hard and all things can be accomplished. Give up, and you will amount to nothing. – Yamaoka Tesshu..

#29 – 20. Samurai Quotes

29. Generally speaking, the way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death. – Miyamoto Musashi

28. The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant. – Miyamoto Musashi.

27. If there isn’t discipline, how can there be a true realization of an ideal? – Miyamoto Musashi.

26. You can only fight the way you practice. – Miyamoto Musashi.

25. I choose to live by choice, not by chance. – Miyamoto Musashi.

24. A samurai should always be prepared for death – whether his own or someone else’s. – Stan Sakai.

23. It may seem difficult at first but everything is difficult at first. – Miyamoto Musashi.

22. Do nothing which is of no use. – Miyamoto Musashi.

21. No fear, no hesitation, no surprise, no doubt. – Miyamoto Musashi.

20. The only reason a warrior is alive is to fight, and the only reason a warrior fights is to win. Otherwise, why be a warrior? It is easier to count beads. – Miyamoto Musashi.

#19 – 10. Samurai Quotes

19. Engage in combat fully determined to die and you will be alive; wish to survive in the battle and you will surely meet death. – Uesugi Kenshin.

18. A samurai was essentially a man of action. – Inazo Nitobe.

17. Do not fear death. – Miyamoto Musashi.

16. Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love. – Morihei Ueshiba.

15. Sword and mind must be united. – Yamada Jirokichi.

14. One thousand days of lessons for discipline; ten thousand days of lessons for mastery. – Miyamoto Musashi.

13. The samurais were very interested in Zen because they admired the tremendous precision that the Zen Masters had, their lack of fear and pain and their absolute lack of fear of death. – Frederick Lenz

12. The way of the samurai is found in death. When it comes to either or, there is only the quick choice of death. It is not particularly difficult. Be determined and advance. – Nabeshima Naoshige

11. Although the samurai are well-known for their use of the sword, they began as skilled mountain archers, and used a variety of weapons, including longbows, spears, and firearms. – Tommy Ito

10. Technique by itself is insufficient, and spirit alone is not enough. – Yamada Jirokichi.

#9 – 1. Samurai Quotes

9. The true meaning of the samurai is one who serves and adheres to the power of love. – Morihei Ueshiba.

8. The story of the samurai warriors charts the rise and fall of the most skilled and courageous group of elite combatants the world has ever seen. – Tommy Ito

7. Samurai are born to die. Death is not a curse to be avoided — but the natural end of all life. Death is not eternal…dishonor is. – Rick Remender

6. Do not regret what you have done. – Miyamoto Musashi.

5. Everyone feels fear. What a samurai or warrior is, is what you do when you feel fear. – Enson Inoue.

4. My mentality is that of a samurai. I would rather commit seppuku than fail. – Elon Musk

3. This is almost the most famous story The Last Samurai – Samurai story – in Japan. – Hiroyuki Sanada.

2. To win any battle, you must fight as if you are already dead. – Miyamoto Musashi.

1. Get beyond love and grief: exist for the good of man. – Miyamoto Musashi.

Ideas for the top 31samurai quotes come from the following sources.[1]kidadl – Top 75 Best Samurai Quote From The Ultimate Japanese Warriors[2]Everdaypower – 50 Samurai Quote to Live Your Life With Honor

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