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Top 33 Earth Jokes

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The Earth is our home. As such we need to treat it with respect. With that in mind, check out the top 33 Earth jokes.

#33 – 30. Earth Jokes

33. How do hurricanes see? With one eye!

32. Q: What lies between a good recycler and a bad recycler? A: Oregon

31. What’s a tornado’s favorite game? Twister!

30. What did the sea say to the shore? Nothing, it just waved.

#29 – 20. Earth Jokes

29. What did the tree wear to the pool party? Swimming trunks!

28. What does a cloud wear under his pants? Thunderwear!

27. Q: Why does a Time Magazine survey state only 85% of Americans think global warming is happening? A: The other 15 percent work for the oil industry!

26. What did the rock say to the geologist? Don’t take me for granite.

25. How can you tell the ocean is friendly? It waves.

24. What should we do with crude oil? Teach it some manners of course!

23. Q: Why did the leaf go to the doctor? A: It was feeling green!

22. Q: What do you get when you cross an environmentalist with direct action? A: Arrested!

21. A volcano is a mountain with hiccups.

20. Q: Why are people always tired on Earth Day? A: Because they just finished a March

#19 – 10. Earth Jokes

19. What kind of hair do oceans have?Wavy!

18. Why would a geologist take his girlfriend to a quarry? Because he wants to get a little boulder.

17. Q: How do Republicans plan on fighting record high temperatures? A: By switching from Fahrenheit to Celsius!

16. What did one volcano say to the other volcano? I lava you!

15. What is a tree’s least favorite month? Sep-timber!

14. Q: Why are Tree Huggers bad at playing cards? A: They like to avoid the flush.

13. Q: What did the Tree Hugging hottie say to the guy in the SUV? A: “Turning off your Engine, gets my motor humming”

12. Q: Did you hear the one about the recycling family of triplets? A: Polly, Ethel and Ian

11. If you look carefully at some rocks, you can see the fossil footprints of fishes.

10. Q: How do trees get on the internet? A: They log in.

#9 – 1. Earth Jokes

9. Q: How many climate sceptics does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None. It’s too early to say if the light bulb needs changing.

8. Q: What is a tree’s least favorite month? A: Sep-timber!

7. Watson: Holmes, what kind of rock is this? Sherlock Holmes: Why that’s sedimentary, my dear Watson.

6. What did one lightening bolt say to the other lightening bolt? You’re shocking!

5. Q: Why did the dog bury himself in the back yard on Earth Day? A: Cause you can’t grow a tree without bark.

4. Q: How do oil companies deal with with oil spills? A: Slick lawyers.

3. Q: What did Obi Wan Kenobi say to the tree? A: May the Forest be with you.

2. Never lend a geologist money. They think a short term loan is a million years.

1. What kind of bow can’t be tied? A rainbow!

Ideas for the top 33 Earth jokes come from the following sources.[1]Science Kids – Funny Earth Joke for Kids[2]Jokes 4 Us – Earth Day Jokes[3]Coupons are Great – Earth Day Jokes for Kids

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