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Top 36 Asteroid Jokes

asteroid jokes

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According to NASA, asteroids are “rocky fragments left over from the formation of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago.” With that in mind, check out the top 36 asteroid jokes.

#36 – 30. Asteroid Jokes

36. I took a rocket all the way up into the atmosphere only to collide with an asteroid I think that’s interpherence

35. Asteroid mining Is on the horizon

34. Why are asteroids vegetarians? Because they aren’t meteors.

33. New article about an asteroid colliding with Earth I couldn’t read it… Hits too close to home.

32. What’s the difference between an asteroid and a meatball? One is meteor

31. Why did the asteroid hate the restaurant? He just couldn’t get past the atmosphere.

30. Why did the asteroid quit his job and move to LA? He wanted to be a stand-up comet.

#29 – 20. Asteroid Jokes

29. Man-made Asteroid Belt. Astronomical scale pun, now available on earth.

28. How did the bodybuilding dinosaur die? Asteroid overdose!

27. An asteroid might hit the Earth next month, and I figured out why everyone is collecting toilet papers Because paper beats rock.

26. Your mother is so fat…She wears the asteroid belt to keep her pants up.

25. Why does an asteroid taste better than a comet? Because it’s meteor.

24. What do astronauts use to enhance their performance? Asteroids

23. I see Freddie Mercury has had an asteroid named after him. His surviving family have said how great it is to finally have Freddie immortalized in rock, and really appreciate the sediment.

22. Do vegetarians prefer moons or asteroids? Moons, because asteroids are are a little meteor.

21. Why was Jupiter banned from competing in the planetary boxing match? He took asteroids.

20. The reason they call them hemorrhoids is probably because asteroids were already taken.

#19 – 10. Asteroid Jokes

19. Why do asteroids have good street smarts? Because they have comet sense

18. How did the cavemen survive the asteroid that killed all the dinosaurs? Social distancing, they stayed 56 million years apart.

17. I started the biggest rock band in the galaxy. We’re called the Asteroid Belt.

16. What’s the difference between a spacecraft and an asteroid? A spacecraft is really light, an asteroid is a little meteor.

15. You hear about the new fruit spread with tiny pieces of asteroid in it. I believe it’s called space jam.

14. Why are asteroids vegetarians’ favorite space rocks? The alternative is meteor

13. What did Bruce Willis say when he saw an asteroid heading for earth? Armageddon outta here!!

12. What’s the difference between a good beef wellington and an asteroid? One is meaty and the other is a little meteor!

11. Why should you bake bacon on an asteroid on its way to Earth ? It’s meteor.

10. Why did the female asteroid deny her boyfriends marriage proposal? Because she was scared of comet-ment

#9 – 1. Asteroid Jokes

9. Why are shooting stars tastier than asteroids? Because they are a little meteor.

8. What do you call a physically enhancing drug that comes from space? Asteroid.

7. Q. Why did the alien throw beef on the asteroid? A. He wanted it a little meteor!

6. In the movie Armageddon, they should’ve sent the Fantastic Four to the asteroid. The Thing is made of rocks.

5. What did the black hole say after it swallowed an asteroid? “It was good, but I wish it been a little meteor.”

4. Why don’t we eat asteroids until they get to Earth? Because that’s when they’re meteor!

3. Why are they called haemorrhoids? Because, asteroids was already taken.

2. Where are all the asteroids? Behind Uranus

1. What type of dinosaurs roamed the Mediterranean before the asteroid hit? Falafel Raptors.

Ideas for the top 36 asteroid jokes come from the following sources.[1]upjoke – asteroid joke[2]punstoppable – asteroid puns[3]outer space jokes

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