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Top 40 Scrabble Jokes

scrabble jokes

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Scrabble is a great game for those with a great vocabulary. With that in mind, check out the top 40 Scrabble jokes.

#40 – 30. Scrabble Jokes

40. I was playing Scrabble with my girlfriend when I put down AWORD. She protested, “That’s not a word!” I said, “It quite clearly is.”

39. I forgot to keep my subscription to Scrabble Club up to date. Now they’ve started sending me threatening letters.

38. Scrabble is all fun and games until someone loses an i.

37. Last week my dog ate the bag of scrabble tiles. Ever since then he has been leaving little messages around the house.

36. Had an idea for a Scrabble like game where you can only use racial slurs as words. The object is to see who can out trump who.

35. Congratulations to my friend who won a local Scrabble tournament. He’s celebrating with a night on the tiles.

34. What’s the most dangerous part about Scrabble? It’s all fun and games until someone loses an I

33. My neighbor was walking across the street while carrying the game Scrabble then suddenly dropped it, leaving the game board and pieces on the ground. I said: “Hey Jeff! What’s the word on the street?”

32. We lost all the vowels from our Scrabble set. So I sold it on Ebay as a Welsh edition.

31. I was playing a game of Scrabble with my daughter one day when I accidentally swallowed a bunch of tiles. My daughter was very concerned and asked me if I would be OK? I told her I wasn’t sure but my next trip to the bathroom could spell disaster!

30. My dog ate some scrabble pieces and now he looks like he’s about to throw up…This could spell trouble

#29 – 20. Scrabble Jokes

29. Playing Scrabble, I pulled out RBLTOUE. I thought, “this could spell trouble”…

28. Apparently, stating letters and their Scrabble values is a good idea…I for one agree.

27. Sonny and Cher are playing scrabble. Sonny draws a tile out of the bag and Cher asks him what he picked. He replies “I’ve got U babe”

26. I can’t believe I just lost in Scrabble…There’s no F in WAY

25. Why couldn’t the salad bowl play Scrabble? It had run out of lettuce

24. I just ate a scrabble set…Now I’m having consonant vowel movements

23. Somebody scratched all of the little numbers of my Scrabble tiles. I’ve stopped playing it now, it’s pointless.

22. Friend of mine keeps taking all of one letter out of the bag when playing Scrabble, and doesn’t play them. He’s a beekeeper.

21. A Scrabble game got dumped all over the interstate highway. That’s the word on the street at least.

20. I forgot to renew the fee for my Scrabble membership. Now they’re sending me threatening letters!

#19 – 10. Scrabble Jokes

19. Old MacDonald had a very bad Scrabble hand…E-I-E-I-O.

18. I found myself stuck with the letters ‘D’ and ‘O’ at the end of a game of scrabble. I had to try and make do

17. Playing Scrabble is like talking to women…You spend the whole time looking at the rack trying to form words.

16. Why did the directors of the performance ask for a stage made out of Scrabble tiles? So they could have a play on words.

15. The Scrabble museum was robbed last night. The curators are at a loss for words.

14. Accidentally swallowed a bag of scrabble letters my next trip to the bathroom could spell disaster.

13. Suspect there will never be an edible version of Scrabble, but if there is, I’ll eat my words.

12. Spotted in a lonely hearts ad: “Scrabble player looking for love. Has GSOH”

11. What do you get when you put Scrabble letters in a leaf blower? The Welsh Language

10. Friend of mine just lost a game of Scrabble. Didn’t look good from the word go.

#9 – 1. Scrabble Jokes

9. I always get the worst letters when I’m playing Scrabble…Like the one telling me my grandmother died…

8. My mom thought she could beat me at Scrabble, But I wooden letter

7. A truck carrying Scrabble games crashed yesterday. That’s the word on the street, anyway

6. Where do Viking warrior scrabble champions go when they die? Vowel-halla

5. They’ve set up giant Scrabble in a local park. Was going to have a go, but the Q was too big.

4. My wife found out I was cheating on her after she found all the letters I was hiding! She got mad and said she is never playing Scrabble with me again!

3. I saw someone spill their Scrabble letters all over the road the other day. I asked him, “Hey man, what’s the word on the street?”

2. Why is it impossible to keep Oedipus from cheating at Scrabble? He’s always trying to look at his mother’s rack.

1. I was playing scrabble and my dad played the word ‘stneve’. Needless to say, it was an unexpected turn of events.

Ideas for the top 40 Scrabble jokes come from the following sources.[1]upjoke – scrabble joke[2]puns and one liners – scrabble joke

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