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Top 43 Fairy Tale Jokes

fairy tale jokes

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You might think that fairy tales are just kid’s stories. However, they are great way to describe universal truths, stories, and even jokes. With that in mind, check out the top 43 fairy tale jokes.

#43 – 40. Fairy Tale Jokes

43. Q. How did Capt. Hook die? A. Jock itch!

42. Rapunzel is not a fairy tale It’s a hairy tale.

41. My favorite fairy tale is the one where the three creatures are scared of the Big Bad Wolf and they grow on trees!  You know, “The Three Little Figs”.

40. My girlfriend wanted a marriage just like a fairy tale. Fair enough. I gave her a loaf of bread and left her in the forest.

#39 – 30. Fairy Tale Jokes

39. Why did Robin Hood steal from the rich ? Because the poor didn’t have anything!

38. Q. What would you get if you crossed Bo Peep’s littlest sheep with a karate expert? A. Lamb chops.

37. What did Cinderella say when the Chemist lost her photographs ? Someday my prints will come !

36. Q. Why was Cinderella such a lousy baseball player? A. She had a pumpkin for a coach!

35. Who’s that little girl who wears a red cape and goes around shouting “jerk!” at the Big Bad Wolf? That’s Little Rude Riding Hood!

34. I like the story about the girl who steals from the rich and gives it all to Granny – “Little Red Robin Hood”

33. One day a handsome young man proposes to his girlfriend, but she says no. And the man lives happily ever after!

32. Why was Cinderella such a poor football player ? She had a pumpkin for a coach !

31. Q. What did Cinderella say when her photographs weren’t ready? A. “Some day my prints will come!”

30. Daddy? Do all fairy tales begin with ‘once upon a time’? No, there are a whole series of fairy tales that begin with ‘If elected, I promise…’

#29 – 20. Fairy Tale Jokes

29. Who looked after Finderella ? Her fairy codmother !

28. Q. What do you get when a Unicorn is runover by a Mac truck? A. “Creamed” corn.

27. What kind of pet did Aladdin have ? A flying car-pet !

26. Q. What would you get if you crossed the ugly duckling with a cow? A. Milk and quackers.

25. Do all Fairy Tales begin with ”Once Upon a Time”? No……..The Best begin with ”If Am Elected”

24. Q. Did you hear the sad news that all of the California raisins are dead? A. All the police know so far is that it is a cereal killer…

23. Q. What’s big, savage, and goes “shhhhhhhhhhhhh”. A. Conan the Librarian.

22. Q. What does a wicked witch like to read in the newspaper? A. Her horror scope!

21. Q. What do frog princes like to eat with their hamburgers? A. French flies.

20. Q. Why are the wicked witch twins so confusing? A. It’s hard to tell which witch is which!

#19 – 10. Fairy Tale Jokes

19. Q. Where does the Lone Ranger take his garbage? A. “t’da dump, t’da dump, t’da dump dump dump.”

18. My favoritee film is about the man who casts spells in the middle of a swamp.  You know, “The Wizard of Ooze”!

17. Q. Why was Snow White kicked out of Disney Land? A. She kept sitting on Pinnochio’s face and saying ‘Lie you bastard, lie!’

16. Q. What’s pink, has a curly tail and drinks blood? A. A hampire.

15. Who in Treasure Island has a parrot that cries “Pieces of four, Pieces of four?” Short John Silver!

14. Q. What’s Snow White’s brother’s name? A. Egg White! Get the yolk?

13. Q. What would you get if you crossed the Snow Queen with a vampire? A. Frost bite!

12. Q. Why did Cinderella get kicked off the baseball team? A. She always ran away from the ball!

11. I wouldn’t let that Cinderella play on my hockey team. Why not? She keeps running away from the ball!

10. Q. What do Unicorns call their father? A. “Pop” corn.

#9 – 1. Fairy Tale Jokes

9. Q. What do you call the best student at Unicorn school? A. The “A”corn.

8. Q. Have you heard of the ‘Divorce Barbie’? A. She comes with all of Kens stuff…

7. Q. Why were the giant’s fingers only eleven inches long? A. Because if they were twelve inches long, they’d be a foot!

6. Q. Why do dragons sleep all day? A. So they can fight knights!

5. Do you know what Tinkerbell’s tooshie is called? A fairy tale

4. Father Christmas: All right, my good lady, my face is my ticket. Box office attendant: Then you’d better watch out … there’s a feller inside who has the job of punching the tickets.

3. Q. What do Unicorns use for money? A. Corn “Bread.”

2. What’s beautiful, grey and wears glass slippers ? Cinderellephant!

1. On which side of the house did Jack’s beanstalk grow ? The outside !

Ideas for the top 43 fairy tale jokes come from the following sources.[1]upjoke – fairy tale joke[2]Country Humor – Fairy Tale Joke[3]Best Clean Funny Jokes – Fairy tale joke one liners

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