Top 10 Valentine’s Day History and Facts
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Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world. However, do you know the true Valentine’s Day history and facts about this holiday? Check out below for some more information about this holiday for couples.
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#10. Valentine’s Day Origin

Valentine’s Day history is a little bit clouded. We don’t really know exactly how it started. However, the most popular theory as to its origin is originally the Roman Emperor Claudius II did not want men to marry during wartime. This was because it would be harder to get them to fight if they had connections back home. However, Bishop Valentine went against the orders of the Emperor and performed weddings in secret. The Bishop was caught, put in jail, and then executed. During his time in jail, he wrote a letter to the daughter of the jailor, signing off “from your Valentine”.[1]List 25 – 25 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About Valentine’s Day
#9. One of the Most Celebrated Holidays

Valentine’s Day is normally celebrated on February 14th of each year. In fact, many countries from around the world celebrate it. However, it usually falls on a work day and most places do not officially take it off. However, despite this, you might be surprised, but through Valentine’s Day history it is actually the 2nd most celebrated holiday in the world.[2]Wonderslist – 10 Amazing Facts About Valentine’s Day You May not Know Coming only second to New Year’s day! Additionally, it is also the second most popular holiday to give cards on, coming after Christmas.
#8. Passing out Valentines is an over 600 Year Old Tradition

As a child in school in American, today it is common to pass out Valentine’s Day cards. However, the Valentine’s Day history of passing out a card actually dates back to 1415.[3]Woman’s Day – 18 Valentine’s Day Fact You Probably Didn’t Know On this day, while imprisoned in the Tower of London, Charles Duke of Orleans wrote a Valentine poem to his wife.
#7. Eight Different St. Valentines

Throughout Valentine’s Day history, there have actually been about 8 different St. Valentines. In fact, 3 of them actually had special feasts in their honor.
Only 2 of them probably are the real inspirations of Valentine’s Day, Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni.[4]Fact Retriever – 61 Lovely Facts about Valentine’s Day However, according to some historical scholars, many think that these two men might have actually been the same person.
#6. Valentine’s Day is BIG Business

Many people from around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day. In fact, just in the United States alone, around 55% of the population celebrate it. Needless to say, this means that Valentine’s Day has become big business. In fact, around $18.2 billion is spent on this holiday, with $1.7 billion just being spent on candy![5]Good Housekeeping – 14 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Valentine’s Day
However, the spending is not always so even. According to studies, men actually spend more on women then the other way around at $150 to $74.
#5. Valentines Weren’t All on Purpose

Today, you usually send a Valentine to your secret crush. However, Valentine’s Day history has not always been that way. This was especially the case during the Middle Ages. During this time, women would put their names in a pot and the would draw the names out in order to see who their Valentine would be. They would then pin that name to their sleeve for the entire week. This is most likely where the term “wearing your heart on your sleeve” comes from.[6]serenata flowers – 10 Weird Facts about Valentine’s Day
#4. Chocolates on Valentine’s Day is Due to Cadbury

Chocolates go with Valentine’s Day like peanut butter goes with jelly. However, where did this Valentine’s Day history tradition come from? The answer is Richard Cadbury, a member of the Cadbury chocolates family. As early as 1868, he would give chocolates to his loved ones in a heart shaped box.[7]HongKiat – 10 Random Facts About Valentine’s Day You Probably Didn’t Know In addition, he would personalize the box by painting and decorating it.
#3. 3% of Pet Owners Give Their Pets Valentine’s Day Gifts

Valentine’s Day is not just for your human loved ones anymore. It is also for your furry loved ones as well! In fact, according to statistics, as much as 3% of pet owners actually give Valentine’s Day gifts to their pets.[8]Past Book – 15 Interesting Valentine’s Day Fact However, be careful to not give them any chocolate as it can actually be fatal!
#2. Banned in Some Places

While Valentine’s Day is celebrated all across the world, it is not celebrated everywhere. In fact, in some countries such as Saudi Arabia, it is actually illegal! In fact, the Saudi Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice actually restricts the sale of roses or anything red on this day.[9]The Fact Site – 10 Crazy Facts About Valentine’s Day
#1. The Birds and the Bees

Valentine’s Day history has always been about loved ones. Needless to say, there tends to be a lot of loving that goes on during Valentine’s Day. This is reflected in the number of sales of condoms during this time. According to Durex, the condom company, their sales are actually at its highest during this time, seeing a 20-30% increase![10]Wise Bread – Weird Things You Didn’t Know About Valentine’s Day
Additionally, according to sales statistics, people buy more at home pregnancy tests in March compared to any other month in the year.