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Top 101 Halloween Jokes

halloween jokes

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Halloween is popular for kids going out to trick or treat. It is also known for being a scary time! However, it doesn’t have to just be scary! Check out below for the top 101 Halloween Jokes.

#101 – 90. Halloween Jokes

101. What do ghosts say when something is really neat? Ghoul

100. What has webbed feet, feathers, fangs and goes quack-quack? Count Duckula

99. Where do werewolves hate to shop? Flea markets!

98. What happens when you say boo to a ghost? He gets SHEET Scared.

97. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?… Frostbite.

96. What’s a ghosts favorite desert? Boo-berry pie.

95. What is an optimistic vampire’s favorite drink? B Positive.

94. What did one casket say to the other casket?…”Is that you coffin?”

93. Why did the ghost go into the bar? For the Boos.

92. What do you call a mummy eating in bed?… A crummy mummy.

91. Who won the skeleton beauty contest? No body

90. Who are some of the were-wolves cousins? The What-wolves and the When-wolves.

#89 – 80. Halloween Jokes

89. Where do ghosts mail their letters? At the ghost office

88. Why does Dracula consider himself a good artist? Because he likes to draw blood!

87. What tops off a ghost’s ice cream sundae? Whipped scream.

86. What does a ghost put on his cereal in the morning? Boonanas and Booberries

85. What is a ghost favorite article of clothing? Boojeans

84. Where do they make werewolf movies? In Howlywood!

83. Why did the dyslexic vampire starve to death? He couldn’t find any dloob.

82. What did the boy ghost say to the girl ghost? You look boo-tiful tonight

81. What do you call a skeleton that lies on its grave?… Lazy bones!

80. How do you say goodbye to a vampire?… So long sucker!

#79 – 70. Halloween Jokes

79. Why do skeletons have low self-esteem? They have no body to love

78. What are ghosts’ favourite streets? Dead ends

77. What do baby ghosts wear on their feet? Boo-ties!

76. What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? A sand-witch

75. What kind of streets do zombies live on?… Dead-ends.

74. The nurse walked into the busy doctor’s office and said, “Doctor, the invisible man is here.” The doctor replied, “Sorry, I can’t see him.”

73. What did one ghost say to the other? Get a life!

72. Why do ghosts like to ride elevators? It raises their spirits.

71. What do ghosts drink at breakfast? Coffee with scream and sugar.

70. What’s a monster’s favorite play? Romeo and Ghouliet

#69 – 60. Halloween Jokes

69. What is a monster’s favorite food? Ghoul scout cookies

68. What is a ghost’s favorite party game? Hide-and-go-shriek

67. When does a skeleton laugh? When something tickles his funny bone

66. Where do baby ghosts go during the day? Dayscare centers

65. What’s a ghosts favorite ride at the carnival? The roller ghoster

64. When do vampires like horse racing?… When it’s neck and neck!

63. What happens when two vampires meet? It’s love at first bite!

62. How do you mend a broken Jack-o-lantern? With a pumpkin patch

61. Why was the ghost such a messy eater? Because he was always a goblin.

60. Where does a ghost go on Saturday night? Anywhere where he can boo-gie.

#59 – 50. Halloween Jokes

59. What do you call ghosts that ring doorbells?… Dead ringers.

58. When do werewolves go trick or treating? Howl-o-ween!

57. Who did the ghost invite to his party? Anyone he could dig up!

56. What type of monster really loves dance music? The boogieman!

55. When do gholes cook their victims? On Fry Day

54. How do you know when you’re too old to Trick or Treat? When the door opens you yell, “Trick …” and can’t remember the rest.

53. Who lives in the scary Hundred Acre Wood?… Winnie the Boo.

52. What do skeletons say before they begin dining? Bone appetit !

51. What do goblins mail home while on vacation? Ghostcards

50. What did the skeleton say while riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle? I’m bone to be wild!

#49 – 40. Halloween Jokes

49. What do you call a witch’s garage? A broom closet.

48. Why don’t angry witches ride their brooms? They’re afraid of flying off the handle

47. Who won the zombie war?… Nobody, it was dead even.

46. Where do spooks water ski? On Lake Erie

45. When does a ghost have breakfast?

44. What do you call a ghost with a broken leg? Hoblin Goblin

43. Where do ghosts buy their food?  At the ghost-ery store

42. What does a skeleton orders at a restaurant? Spare ribs

41. What’s a vampire’s favorite candy? A sucker

40. What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost? Bamboo

#39 – 30. Halloween Jokes

39. What did the skeleton say to the vampire? You suck.

38. Why did the vampire need mouthwash? Because he had bat breath

37. Where does Count Dracula usually eat his lunch? At the casketeria.

36. What does Tweety Bird say on Halloween? Twick or Tweet

35. Why dont mummies go on vacation? They are afraid they might unwind.

34. How do you know when you’re too old to Trick or Treat? You get winded from knocking on the door.

33. What song does Dracula hate? “You Are My Sunshine”

32. Where did the goblin throw the football? Over the ghoul line

31. Why do demons and ghouls hang out together? Because demons are a ghouls best friend!

30. What kind of cereal do monsters eat? Ghost-Toasties

#29 – 20. Halloween Jokes

29. What happened to the guy who didn’t pay his exorcist? He was repossessed

28. What’s the ratio of a pumpkin’s circumference to its diameter? Pumpkin Pi

27. Why can’t boy ghosts make babies? They have Hollow-Weenies!

26. What does a ghost eat for lunch? A BOO-logna sandwich

25. Why didn’t Dracula have any friends?…He was a pain in the neck!

24. Who did Frankenstein take to the prom? His ghoul friend

23. What kind of dog does a vampire have?… A bloodhound.

22. What do goblins and ghosts drink when they’re hot and thirsty on Halloween? Ghoul-aid!!!

21. What do witches put on their hair? Scare spray

20. What kind of mistakes do spooks make? Boo boos

#19 – 10. Halloween Jokes

19. How do you know when you’re too old to Trick or Treat? By the end of the night, you have a bag full of restraining orders.

18. Why do girl ghosts go on diets? So they can keep their ghoulish figures.

17. How do werewolves eat lunch? They wolf it down!

16. What do ghosts eat for dinner? Spookgetti

15. What’s a ghosts favorite fruit? Booberries.

14. What school subject is a witch good at?… Spelling.

13. Why is it hard for a ghost to tell a lie?… Because you can see right through him.

12. Why does a witch ride a broom? Vacuum cleaners get stuck at the end of the cord.

11. How do you know when you’re too old to Trick or Treat? You’re the only Power Ranger in the neighborhood with a walker.

10. What did the ghost teacher say to her class?…Watch the board and I’ll go through it again.

#9 – 1. Halloween Jokes

9. What does a ghost keep in its stable?… Nightmares.

8. What is a mummy’s favorite type of music?… Rap music.

7. The maker of this product does not want it, the buyer does not use it, and the user does not see it. What is it? A coffin.

6. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road? He had no guts.

5. Where does a vampire keep his money?… In a blood bank.

4. Where do mummies go for a swim? To the dead sea

3. Why didn’t the vampire attack Taylor Swift? She had bad blood. HAHAHA!!

2. How can you tell when a vampire has been in a bakery? All the jelly has been sucked out of the jelly doughnuts.

1. What did one ghost say to the other ghost?… “Long time no see.”

Ideas for the top 101 Halloween jokes were taken from the following sources.[1]Robinsfyi – Halloween Joke For Kids[2]My Town Tutors – Halloween Joke: Top Halloween Joke![3]The Holiday Spot – Halloween Joke for you to enjoy ! Share a joke with someone[4]Top 10 Best – Top 10 Best Halloween Joke

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