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Top 101 Science Fiction Jokes

science fiction jokes

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Science fiction and jokes go very well together. With that in mind, check out the top 101 science fiction jokes.

#101 – 90. Science Fiction Jokes

101. Science Fiction is a full CONTACT sport.

100. Which sci fi character will you find in a bakery? The Bread-ator

99. yo mama so fat that the Kaminoans couldn’t use her as a host for clones since they couldn’t pierce her skin deep enough to draw blood.

98. A guy ended up at a party full of World Heath Organization medics. Obviously he was at the wrong Doctor Who convention.

97. Three conspiracy theorists walk into a Tardis. Don’t tell me that’s just a coincidence!

96. What did a Cyberman searh for online? A. Dalek symbols!

95. yo mama so fat that she fell to the dark side and couldn’t get back up.

94. What do you get if you mix Star Wars and a country singer? Darth Brooks

93. Where do the Borg eat fast food? A. At their local Borger King!

92. What kind of car do Ewoks drive? A. A Furraris

91. yo mama so fat that she makes the USS Enterprise look like a micro machines racer.

90. When Cybermen have sex, do they say, “Input, input, input?”

#89 – 80. Science Fiction Jokes

89. What do you call the Oracle from The Matrix movie, without her guardian? She’s Sans Serif.

88. Why should you never tell jokes on the Millennium Falcon? A. Because the ship might crack up.

87. yo mama so stupid that when the borg had to choose between assimilating her and a tree, they chose the tree.

86. What do you call two suns fighting each other? A. Star Wars

85. Do you think there is intelligent life on Mars? Ask John. I sure do, replied Bob; you don’t see them spending billions of dollars to come here, do you?

84. McCoy Says: Doctor’s orders, Jim. Be a vulcan in the streets and a Klingon in the sheets!

83. yo mama so ugly even Data would need special eye googles to look at her.

82. Why do Ewoks have so much hair? A. Fur protection!

81. What kind of flowers grow in outer space? A. Moonflowers, Sunflowers, Star Clusters, and Cosmos.

80. Doctor Who pick-up line: You make my centurion stand at attention.

#79 – 70. Science Fiction Jokes

79. yo mama so dumb that she tried to rent a car from The Enterprise.

78. yo mama so fat, when she fell over, she punched a hole in the fabric of space/time.

77. What do Star wars fan drink to wake up in the morning? A cup of Jabba

76. How do you know you’re a bonafide Trekker? A. Nobody bats an eye when you say, “Make it so,” during a business meeting.

75. Why did the post-human superintelligence cross the road? To get to the other side.Really? No, but you couldn’t comprehend the real answer.

74. Which treckies founded Rome? The Romulans and Reemans

73. yo mama so ugly that the term ‘bantha poodoo’ wasn’t used metaphorically with reference to her.

72. yo mama so fat that she crushed Boga as soon as she mounted her.

71. How many ears does Captain Picard have? A. Three. A right ear, a left ear, and a final front ear!

70. Did you hear about the new uniform making machine on the Enterprise? Piccard told Riker to “Make it sew, Number One.”

#69 – 60. Science Fiction Jokes

69. What did Leonard McCoy say after he re-inserted Spock’s brain into his head? A. “I should never have reconnected his mouth.”

68. What do trekies put on their car tires? Vulcanized rubber

67. Among the Trematodes who is the most famous Sci-fi character? Fluke Skywalker

66. yo mama so weak-minded that I got her to lead me to Jabba without using a jedi mind trick!

65. How did Commander Data describe the Borg? A. Cool, calm, and collective.

64. Where do planets and stars go to study? A. The University!

63. yo mama so fat that when she walks into a room the replicators stop working.

62. yo mama so fat, she managed to contain a warp core breach.

61. yo mama so fat that Spock couldn’t find a pressure point to perform the Vulcan Death Grip on her.

60. I found an ugly creature dead in my son’s bedroom. My son said it was an alien brain sucker. Apparently it starved to death.

#59 – 50. Science Fiction Jokes

59. What do aliens serve their food on? A. Flying saucers.

58. yo mama so dumb that when she found a vulcan, she tried to call Santa to take him back to the north pole.

57. During a long road trip, what did the zombie son ask his zombie father from the back seat of their car? “Hey dad, are we dead yet?”

56. What do you get if you cross a famous 1940s supersluth mystery

55. In the far distant future in the year 4527, a number of scientists from all over the universe were having a convention on a far distant galaxy. Two beings were seated next to one another when they struck up a conversation. “Where are you from?” the one asked. “I’m from Alpha Century,” he answered. “Where are you from?” “I’m from Earth” was the answer. “I know someone from earth,” the Alpha Centurion said. “John Smith. Do you know him?”

54. First Martian: That girl over there rolled her eyes at me. What should I do? Second Martian: If you were a real gentleman, you’d pick them and roll them back to her!

53. Why do capitalists, Trekies, and Christians get along so well with

52. yo mama so fat that Gardulla the Hutt had a boost in self-esteem after seeing her.

51. Which Danish Musical humorist is really a Star Trek Villain? Vicktor BORG-e

50. yo mama so fat that when she tried to captain a galaxy class they had to separate the saucer so she could fit.

#49 – 40. Science Fiction Jokes

49. yo mama so such a ho that she slept with me… therefore, I AM YOUR FATHER!

48. yo mama so fat that she thought the opening line of Kirk’s monologue was “Spice, the final Frontier…”

47. What was the title of this years Vulcan convention? Finding Nemoy

46. Why should you think twice about marrying Seven of Nine? A. You’d have 999,999,999,777 in-laws!

45. Which cuboidal puzzle directed a famous sci-movie? Stanley Rubix

44. Why did the Star Trek rooster cross the road? A. He wanted to see if there was new life at the chicken strip club.

43. What did the planet get in karate? An asteroid belt!

42. What do trekies put in their car? Spock Plugs

41. yo mama so ugly she did the truly impossible: she made Captain James T Kirk’s penis go limp.

40. yo mama so fat, Data feels strong emotions of disgust and self-terminates.

#39 – 30. Science Fiction Jokes

39. yo mama so ugly even a Ferengi would dress her in clothes.

38. yo mama so fat that if she were placed beside a changeling during regeneration, no one would know the difference.

37. yo mama so old even Guinan refers to her as “old bag”.

36. yo mama so fat that she tried to fly through a temporal anomoly but she didn’t fit.

35. yo mama so fat that only half her body was able to come out frozen from the carbon freezing chamber in Cloud City.

34. How do you know if you have a galactic apple? It is one if it has a worm hole in it!

33. yo mama so fat that even the Death Star couldn’t blow her up!

32. yo mama so fat, that in an attempt to beam her up, the ship ended up being pulled down to the surface.

31. yo mama so fat that her lack of balance caused her to stumble into an Utapau sinkhole.

30. yo mama so fat she wears her own inertia dampener.

#29 – 20. Science Fiction Jokes

29. Which side of an Ewok has the most hair? A. The Outside!

28. yo mama so fat that she caused Kamino to flood when her water broke.

27. I bet when the cameras weren’t rolling Luke got Leiad. Why did the Wooki die of mouth cancer? He Chewbacca

26. yo mama so ugly that she made doctor McCoy say “Damnit Jim, I’m a doctor, not a Zoologist!”

25. yo mama so fat, she got stuck trying to enter the Nexus.

24. yo mama so ugly that she’s probably a Shi’ido Clawdite that stays in her regular form all the time.

23. What is Thomas Will Riker’s dating philosophy? A.”If at first you don’t succeed, Try Troi Again.”

22. yo mama so fat that the passengers of the Millenium Falcon mistook her for a small moon.

21. What did Mr. Spock find in Captain Kirk’s toilet? A. The Captain’s Log.

20. Where do trekies run laps? At a Star Track.

#19 – 10. Science Fiction Jokes

19. What do you call someone who doesn’t like the dark side? A. Darth Hater.

18. Why did the hologram chicken cross the road? A. Just for the egg-citement of it all!

17. yo mama so flatulent that she forced the Mustafarians to wear masks!

16. What key do Trekies sing in? Tribble Clef

15. How do you know you’re a true Next Gen Trekkie? A. Your dog’s name is Picard.

14. ET Says: Let’s zoom in on where that meteor struck. I’d like to observe it in crater detail!

13. yo mama so fat that if she was thrown into the second Death Star’s reactor core, she could have blown up the entire Imperial fleet.

12. Why isn’t a Jedi knight ever lonely? A. Because the Force is always with him.

11. Why was the pitcher from the moon of Endor cut from the baseball team? A. Ewoked every batter.

10. How long until the next Star Wars movie comes out? I don’t know. I guess you’ll just have to Sith and wait.

#9 – 1. Science Fiction Jokes

9. yo mama so fat she makes Riker’s belly look 3 atoms thick.

8. yo mama so ugly her Kazon hairdo is an improvement!

7. Yo mama is so hairy that the only language she can speak is wookie.

6. yo mama so fat that when she beams to a ship, the ship beams inside of her.

5. What is a famous Sci-Fi flick involving a mathematical computing program? Battlestar Mathematica

4. Why can’t two Doctors be together? A. That would be a time pair-o-docs!

3. Why did the chicken cross the road? To boldly go where no chicken has gone before! – James T Kirk

2. yo mama so stupid the Borg wouldn’t assimilate her!

1. How do Ewoks communicate over long distances? A. With Ewokie Talkies

Ideas for the top 101 science fiction jokes were taken from the following sources.[1]A Joke A Day – SCIFI JOKES[2]Painful Puns – Sci-Fi Jokes, Future Riddles, Warped Puns[3]reddit – Anyone have any Science Fiction jokes? I cant remember seeing any on here…[4]Yo mama Joke Galore – Star Trek and Star Wars Yo Mama Jokes for Science Fiction Geeks[5]Boom’s Bardic Blog – 101 Sci fi Puns

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