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Top 17 Jazz Jokes

jazz jokes

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Jazz is one of the best genres of music. However, did you know that it is also funny? With that in mind, check out the top 17 jazz jokes.

#17 – 10. Jazz Jokes

17. My friend said Cardi B’s music is a fusion between jazz and punk So it’s junk I said

16. What’s the difference between a rock guitarist and a jazz guitarist? The rock guitarist plays 3 chords for 1,000 people, the jazz guitarists plays 1,000 chords for 3 people.

15. Musicians! How do you make one million dollars playing jazz? You start with two mil. Ba-dum-tss!

14. What’s the difference between a dead squirrel on the side of the road and a dead trombone player? The squirrel was on his way to a gig.

13. Which Stevie Wonder song is known for its use of jazz Chords? I Jazz Chord To Say I Love You..

12. What do you call a jazz musician without a girlfriend/boyfriend? Homeless.

11. How do you make a jazz guitarist play quieter? Put a chart in front of him.

10. How do you get a jazz musician off your front porch? Pay for the pizza.

#9 – 1. Jazz Jokes

9. What’s the difference between a jazz musician and an extra large pizza? The pizza can feed a family of four.

8. How do you know who won the trumpet solo battle? Whichever one played the highest and loudest.

7. What’s the difference between a jazz guitarist and a rock guitarist? A rock guitarist plays 10 chords for 50,000 people, and a jazz guitarist plays 50,000 chords for 10 people.

6. A demon walks into a jazz club and someone walks up to him and asks, “why aren’t you at a black metal concert?” To which the demon answers, “why would I? No one likes religious music”

5. What’s the difference between jazz hands and epilepsy? Is there music?

4. How does a jazz musician end up with 1 million dollars? By starting with 2 million dollars.

3. Guys I really want to break up with my Jazz musician girlfriend but I can’t The Sax is too good

2. What do you call someone wearing a “Make Jazz Great Again” hat? A Trumpet Supporter

1. What would you have to do to make a jazz musician feel bad about their playing? Absolutely nothing.

Ideas for the top 17 jazz jokes come from the following sources.[1]Learn Jazz Standards – 15 Hilarious Jazz Joke[2]upjoke – Jazz joke

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