Top 21 Gifts for the Cat Lover
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Cat lovers are a very particular kind of people. Therefore, when their birthday or even Christmas comes around, you need to make sure to give them a very particular type of gift. With that in mind, check out the top 21 gifts for the cat lover in your family.
#21. Cat Coaster
There is no better way for the cat lover to protect your table or desk from water marks that with a cat coaster.
#20. Cat Piggy Bank
If you are a cat lover looking to protect your money, make sure to get this cat piggy bank!
#19. Cat Flask
Even a cat lover needs to keep their coffee warm. Why not with this cat flask!
#18. Cat Paper Clips
As a lover of cats, it is important to organize your cat’s papers. Fortunately, the best way is with these cat paper clips.
#17. Cat Sticker
If you are looking to advertise to the whole world you love for cats, make sure to stick a few pretty cat stickers on your computer or laptop.
#16. Cat Coloring Book
Coloring books aren’t just for kids anymore. In fact, they are also great for adults and even the cat lover too!
#15. Cat Plush Pillow
Snuggle up at night with this plush cat pillow.
#14. Cat Mug
Drink your morning coffee with this great cat lovers cup!
#13. Cat Wine Glass
The only thing better than a coffee cup is a cat lovers wine glass!
#12. Cat Wine Bottle Holder
If you haven’t finished your wine, what better way to store you wine bottle than with this cat lover wine holder.
#11. Cat Doormat
Not that anyone will be visiting you, but it might be nice to have a cat lover door mat out front.
#10. Cat Light
Purr yourself to sleep with this cat lover LED light.
#9. Cat Tea Mug
Love tea? Love cats? Get the best of both worlds with this cat tea kettle!
#8. Cat Grass Kit
Show your green side as long as your love of cats with this cat grass kit!
Best Cat Mom Mug
No more disputes. This mug will show the whole world that you are indeed the “Best Cat Mom Ever!”
#6. How To Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety Book
Like a little bit of comedy? Want to make sure your cat is safe? Then this is the book for you!
#5. Cat-Opoly
A great game to play with other cat lovers!
#4. Cat Socks
A real cat lover wears cat socks!
#3. Cat Bottle and Wine Opener
Open up your bottle of wine with this beautiful cat wine opener.
#2. Cat Clothes Hanger
Hang up your clothes to protect them from your cats with this great cat lover clothes hanger.
#1. Cat Magnets
Don’t ever forget to buy cat food again with these great cat magnets!