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Top 71 High School Jokes

high school jokes

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High School can be difficult time. However, jokes can help make it easier. With that in mind, check out the top 71 high school jokes.

#71 – 70. High School Jokes

71. Why did the high school baseball player get arrested? … Because he stole second base!

70. What did the high school math book tell the #2 pencil?….I have a lot of problems.

#69 – 60. High School Jokes

69. Where can you find an ocean without water?….on a map!

68. Where do you put smart hot dogs?…. On honor rolls!

67. Why was the geometry book sad? Because it had too many problems.

66. What do a chicken and a high school band have in common?….They both have drum sticks!

65. How does a high school student make a tissue dance?…Put a little boogey in it!

64. What do you get when you mix sulfur, tungsten, and silver? SWAG.

63. A teacher asks her student, “Joe, why did you eat your homework?” Joe replies, “Because I don’t have a dog.”

62. Did you hear about the kidnapping at the local high school?…Probably not, he is still sleeping.

61. In biology class, Why don’t skeletons fight each other?…They don’t have the guts.

60. Why were the teacher’s eyes crossed? She couldn’t control her pupils!

#59 – 50. High School Jokes

59. When do you need to climb the ladder? To get to High School.

58. Why was the high school textbook in the hospital?…Because it hurt his spine.

57. Why did the high school student bury all his money?…. to make his soil rich!

56. Why did the high school put his money in the freezer? … He wanted cold hard cash!

55. Why is a high school band like a fish?…. They both have scales!

54. What sort of grades did Tommy Wiseau receive in school? Oh, high marks.

53. Why did the freshman eat his homework? Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.

52. Which are the stronger days of the week?…Saturday and Sunday. The rest are weekdays.

51. What is a robotics student’s favorite snack? … Computer chips!

50. Why did high school nurse tip toe past the medicine cabinet? … She didn’t want to wake the sleeping pills.

#49 – 40. High School Jokes

49. If two is a pair and three is a crowd, what are four and five? … Nine!

48. High School Party: Knock Knock. Who’s there?…Dishes….Dishes who?…Dishes the police, come out with your hands up!!

47. I threw my old laptop in the ocean. Now there’s a Dell rollin’ in the deep.

46. Have you heard the joke about the high school baseball? … It’ll leave you in stitches.

45. I heard they put a new wing on the school….That is true, but it still won’t fly.

44. What is the only bow that a high school student can’t tie?…Rainbow!

43. Why don’t you see giraffes in elementary school? Because they’re all in High School!

42. What is grammar? The difference between knowing your crap and knowing you’re crap.

41. Why was the teenagers report card wet? It was below C level!

40. Why can’t you do homework faster than Rachael Leigh Cook? Because “She’s All That”.

#39 – 30. High School Jokes

39. What do you call a high school student with carrots in its ears?… Anything you want, he can’t hear you!

38. What did one high school cafeteria plate say to the other plate?…Lunch (dinner, or breakfast) is on me!

37. Did you hear there is no longer an essay requirement on the SAT?… Now it’s just going to be called the T.

36. Why can’t you do your calculus homework on a Friday night? Because you can’t drink and derive.

35. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! There are many more high school jokes.

34. Math teacher: A man from Los Angeles drove toward New York at 250 miles per hour and a man from New York drove toward Los Angeles at 150 m.p.h. Where did they meet? Student: In jail.

33. Why is it so hot in a high school football stadium after a game?…. All the fans have left! (Top Sports Jokes)

32. Two high school students are discussing their plans for after college. One says to the other, “I’m planning on going into farming. My father does it and it makes good money.” The second asks, “What type of farming? Wheat, corn, livestock?” The first replies, “I don’t know man, there are so many fields to choose from.”

31. Driver’s Education Joke: Knock Knock!…Who’s there?…Cargo!…Cargo who?…CarGo Beep Beep!

30. What did Sir Mix-A-Lot say in high school? Baby Got Backpack.

#29 – 20. High School Jokes

29. When is a high school theater clumsy?….When the curtain falls.

28. Why did the high school student throw a clock out the window?…He wanted time to fly.

27. Why didn’t the teenager go to the pirate movie? Because it was rated arrrrr

26. Did you hear the joke about the high school construction project?…. I’m still working on it!

25. How was that high school band Camping Trip?…Intense (in-tents)!

24. What kind of chain is edible?….A food chain.

23. Why do people do homework? Because it doesn’t know how to do it itself.

22. Why couldn’t the moebius strip enroll at the school? They required an orientation.

21. How do high school athletes stay cool during a game?…They sit near the fans!

20. Why are cheerleaders on the bottom of the pyramid smarter than the ones at the top?… Because they understand.

#19 – 10. High School Jokes

19. What did the dentist give to the high school marching band?…A TUBA toothpaste

18. Why did the high school stare at the automobile’s radio?….He wanted to watch a car-tune.

17. Why did the home economics student throw the butter out the window?… to see a butterfly!

16. Why are high school mascots never hungry?…Because they are always stuffed!

15. What do call a high school student afraid of Santa Claus?….Claustrophobic.

14. What state has the the loudest high school students?… ILL-I-NOISE!

13. Why shouldn’t  you tell the joke about the ceiling to a high school student?… It’s way over his / her head.

12. Where can you find a giraffe learning? In High School.

11. What is a robot’s favorite snack?….Computer chips!

10. What school teaches you how to greet people?… Hi School.

#9 – 1. High School Jokes

9. What do you call the leader of an AP biology gang? The Nucleus Name a bus you can never enter? A syllabus

8. Why are fish so smart?… They travel in schools!

7. What did the girl sea say when the boy sea asked her for a date?….Shore.

6. What did the framed student artwork say to the wall?… I was framed!

5. Why don’t ghosts like to go to prom?… Because they have no body to dance with.

4. What do you get when you cross Chem AP and junior year? Sadness.

3. How many freshman does it take to change a light bulb? None, it’s a sophomore course.

2. What did one high school math book say to the other?…You think you’ve got problems.

1.Why do they never serve beer at a math party? Because you can’t drink and derive.

Ideas for the top 71 high school jokes were taken from the following sources. [1]Jokes 4 Us – High School Joke[2]My Town Tutors – High School Jokes: Top 50 High School Joke[3]Distractify – 29 School Jokes That Will Make Your Classmates and Teacher Crack Up

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