dc villains

Top 100 DC Villains

The DC Universe is filled with many Superheroes. However, it is also filled with some of the most iconic and…

controversial toys

10 of the Most Controversial Toys

Toys are generally created with the best of intentions. Toy makers want to bring entertainment and joy to children through…

dc superheroes

Top 100 DC Superheroes

We have always looked up to DC superheroes for the ideals that they stand for and the evil they destroy. Check…

super villains

Top 100 Marvel Comic Super Villains

Comic super villains are normally characters with special powers who use them to destroy or enslave others. Some of the…

marvel superheroes

Top 100 Marvel Superheroes

Superheroes traditionally are characters with special abilities who use them to protect others, especially from super villains. Some of the…

pop culture

Top 10 Pop Culture Icons

Pop culture or popular culture is a set of objects, beliefs or practices that are ubiquitous and dominant in a…