
Top 16 Fascism Jokes

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Fascism is a type of far right, authoritarian ultra nationalistic government that uses dictatorial power, suppression of opposition through force, and the strong regimenting of society. With that in mind, check out the top 16 fascism jokes.

#16 – 10. Fascism Jokes

16. What is the most fascist letter? Not C

15. What do you call a fascist that lost their glasses? A Not-See

14. What do you call a fascist fish? Gill Duce.

13. What did the Italian farmer name his fascist cow? Moo-ssolini

12. What do you call a boring violinist whose fascist regime lost WWII? A dull fiddler

11. Why couldn’t the commie find the fascist? They were looking too far left while the other one was far right.

10. Cop: do you know why i pulled you over? Me: because the police force is a fascist institution designed to protect the wealthy Cop: there’s a man in your trunk Me: yea a 𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝 man

#9 – 1. Fascism Jokes

9. FASCISM: You have two cows. The State takes both of them and sells you the milk.

8. How does Trump like to commute to work everyday? By taking the fascist way possible.

7. Out of all the enemy leaders during World War II, who could run with the most speed? Mussolini, because he was the fascist

6. An Austrian, an Artist, and a Fascist walk into a bar It went all Reich

5. What’s the difference between a communist and a fascist? The fascists have better costume designers.

4. Dad joke level grandpa: Why are the first 25 letters of the alphabet fascist? Because they’re not-z’s.

3. A racist, a fascist, and an idiot walked into a bar “What can I get you?” Asked the bartender. “I’ll just have a water, and make sure the glass is small enough for my hands” said Donald Trump.

2. Bartender and His Customers A neurosurgeon, two Cubans, a fascist, a socialist, and a prisoner all walk into a bar together. The bartender asks, “What’s new?” They all reply, “I’m running for president.”

1. What is a fascist’s favorite breakfast cereal? Mueslini.

Ideas for the top 16 fascism jokes come from the following sources.[1]upjoke – fascist jokes[2] – Economics Jokes