
Top 18 Memorial Day Jokes

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Memorial Day is a time for us to commemorate those who have fought and died for us to protect our freedoms. With that in mind, check out the top 18 Memorial Day jokes.

#18 – 10. Memorial Day Jokes

18. Q: What do you call a Blind German? A: a Not see

17. Q: How do you get rid of Germans fascists? A: Von by von.

16. Q: How do Germans tie their shoes? A: With little knotsies

15. What is a cows favorite holiday? Answer: Moomorial day

14. What does the Statue of Liberty stand for? It can’t sit down.

13. Q: How do you start the Memorial Day parade in the ghetto? A: Roll a 40 down the street!

12. Q: What do you call a building full of Taliban? A: Jail

11. Q: How does the recipe for German chocolate cake begin? A: First, invade ze kitchen.

10. Q: What do French recruits learn in basic training? A: How to surrender in 17 different languages.

#9 – 1. Memorial Day Jokes

9. Q: What kind of tea did the American colonists want? A: Liberty.

8. Q: What did Nala tell Simba after seeing a group of veterans parading towards them on Memorial Day? A: You gotta Mufasa

7. Q: What did Osama Bin Laden’s ghost say to Mitt Romney? A: “Don’t be sad, Obama’s foreign policy killed me too”

6. Q: What do an apple and Benito Mussolini have in common? A: They both belong hanging in trees.

5. I don’t know why some of you are getting mad at Tiger Woods, he did the most American thing on Memorial Day…get a DUI. Dan LaMorte

4. 1.2 million pounds of potato salad was consumed on Memorial Day. Then Chris Christie moved on to burgers and chips. KentGraham

3. Q: What’s the difference between Mike Tyson and Osama Bin Laden? A: Mike Tyson can take a shot to the head.

2. What was the most popular dance in 1776? Indepen-dance.

1.ME: This is why I avoid the beach on Memorial Day, I hate crowds. EARTH: *melting ice sheets* Don’t worry they’ll die down. Ianpauldukes

Ideas for the top 18 Memorial Day jokes come from the following sources.[1]Jokes 4 Us – Memorial Day Joke[2]jokeblogger – Memorial Day