
Top 27 Competition Jokes

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Competition is a big part of life. However, sometimes it can be very hard. With that in mind, check out the top 27 competition jokes.

#27 – 20. Competition Jokes

27. Two competitive silk worms decided to race…it ended in a tie.

26. My wife and I were laughing today about how competitive we are. (I laughed more than she did, though.)

25. A university has been accused of not having enough people of colour on their competitive speech recital team. To tackle the problem they took a bunch of students and covered them in body paint. They now claim they have achieved their dye varsity quoters.

24. My girlfriend and I joke about which of us is more competitive. But, I joke about it waaaay more than her.

23. Chuck Norris wins a staring contest. – Against Medusa.

22. I always wanted to be a competitive eater Unfortunately, I just never had the stomach for it

21. What do you get with legalized prostitution and a highly competitive marketplace? The best bang for your buck.

20. My dad was so Competitive that on his death bed, as he breathed his last He said, “Staring contest… GO.”

#19 – 10. Competition Jokes

19. Why do women hate me? Cause I’m very competitive and always want to come first.

18. To get in shape, I need to pick up a sport as a hobby…I was thinking about competitive eating.

17. My friend just became the World Champion in competitive origami. He’s great at folding under pressure.

16. My wife and I often laugh about how competitive we are…But I laugh more.

15. My friend and I were finally able to laugh off how competitive we are with each other. But I laughed harder.

14. What do competitive butchers say to each other? I will beat your meat!

13. My sister and I always laugh about how competitive we are. But I laugh harder

12. A man puts in ten jokes into a joke contest. He hopes that at least one will. Sadly, no pun InTenDid.

11. I’m not a competitive person. I’m always the first to admit it.

10. My boyfriend entered a retarded contest but they said no Bc they don’t alow perfectionist

#9 – 1. Competition Jokes

9. My friend made a flute out of a carrot…It was impressive, and if you gave her some sheet music, she would show you just how well it played. My other friend, who’s a bit competitive, made an oboe out of corn. He said he could play anything by ear.

8. A new Vietnamese restaurant opened across from another, and the owners have been throwing competitive deals all week. It was a Nguyen-Nguyen situation.

7. The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S manufacturing non-competitive…Donald Trump, 2012.

6. TIL cow tipping is an urban myth. Apparently, the farmers just pay them a competitive wage.

5. “You snooze, you lose.” -Competitive insomniacs

4. Why did the competitive deep-sea diver lose the big competition? He couldn’t handle the pressure.

3. Two artists had an art contest. – It ended in a draw.

2. Yo mama so stupid she had a staring contest with a mirror.

1. I entered 10 puns in a pun contest, hoping one would win, but no pun in ten did.

Ideas for the top 27 competition jokes come from the following sources.[1]Upjoke – Competitive Jokes[2]Worst Jokes Ever – Contest Jokes