
Top 63 Tennis Jokes

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Tennis is one of the most popular past times and sports. With that in mind, check out the top 63 tennis jokes.

#63 – 60. Tennis Jokes

63. What’s a horse’s favorite sport? Stable Tennis.

62. Why did the Labrador Retriever advise his master to invest in tennis balls? ‘Cause they have such a high rate of return!

61. What comes before tennis? Nine-is.

60. Which state has the most tennis players? Tennis-ee.

#59 – 50. Tennis Jokes

59. What do a dentist and a tennis coach have in common? They both use drills!

58. Why is it good to stand on the service line? Because you can order ice cream

57. Two racquets started dating. Unfortunately, one was stringing the other along without any intention of tying the knot.

56. What happened when the guy pushed the service button at the reception desk? He got smacked in the head by a tennis ball.

55. Tennis Tip of the Day: If you walk into a bar dressed as a tennis ball, you’ll be served right away.

54. Where is the first tennis match mentioned in the Bible? When Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court.

53. What was Serena Williams’ favorite number? Tenn-is her favorite number.

52. Why was the tennis club’s website down? They had problems with their server.

51. I wish they’d change the scoring system, but tennis is set in its ways and doesn’t see the point.

50. Why do tennis players have low self esteem? Because they have so many faults.

#49 – 40. Tennis Jokes

49. What do you call a girl standing in the middle of a tennis court? Annette

48. Why do tennis players like vending machines? ‘Cause they don’t have to wait to be served.

47. At what sport to waiters do really well? Tennis, because they’re such great servers.

46. Where did the tennis players go on their date? The tennis ball.

45. My neighbor started playing tennis for money…it was quite the racket

44. Why are fish never good tennis players? They don’t like getting close to the net.

43. Why was the tennis court so loud? Because all the players raised a racket.

42. What did the tennis player say before playing with vanilla ice cream? “I’d like a soft serve, please!”

41. You ever heard of silent tennis? It’s essentially tennis but without the racket.

40. What was the celebrity tennis player’s favorite city? Volleywood!

#39 – 30. Tennis Jokes

39. Why were Martina Navratilova’s neighbors angry? Because she made a big racquet.

38. Did you see the news about the fight that broke out when they played the wrong national anthem for the winning team at the Asian table tennis finals? The headline read “Hong Kong Ping Pong Sing Song Ding Dong”.

37. Why is it not good to play tennis in a court? Because you might get arrested

36. What time does Andy Murray got to bed? Tennish.

35. Why did they call that player the Love Master? Because he sucks at tennis.

34. What did the tennis ball say when it got hit? Who’s making all the racquet?

33. How many tennis players does it take to change a light bulb? None, because they all say, “What do you mean it was out, it was in!”

32. Why do orphans like to play tennis ? Because the ball comes back

31. Why are spiders great tennis players? Cause they have great topspin.

30. An orange and an apple signed up for a tournament. No one was surprised to find out they were both seeded.

#29 – 20. Tennis Jokes

29. How many sports magazines to you have to buy to get free athletic footwear? Ten Issues. OUCH!

28. When does a British tennis match end? When it’s Wimble-DONE

27. How do you play quiet tennis? Just like regular tennis but without the racket.

26. What happened when the tennis player’s serve hit the tape? At least, they’ll let him hit it again.

25. So did you hear about the tennis ball and the battery that got into a fight? The battery was charged and the tennis ball is waiting to go to court.

24. Why do tennis matches take hours to complete? It’s because the lines are long.

23. What do you call a competitive tennis player who just broke up with his girlfriend? Homeless

22. Tennis is a lot like waiting tables. The most important thing to get right is the first serve.

21. What’s the difference between a waiter and a tennis scorekeeper? One sets the tables, and the other tables the sets.

20. Why don’t they change the scoring system in tennis? ‘Cause the game of tennis is set in its ways and does not see that point.

#19 – 10. Tennis Jokes

19. Why is tennis a noisy game? Because each player raises a racket.

18. Why was the tennis player fed up with all the condescending comments about his performance? He was tired of all the backhanded insults.

17. John McEnroe gave me his broken tennis racket, no strings attached.

16. Where do ghosts play tennis? On a tennis corpse!

15. How does a tennis publicity master impress the crowd? He hits overheads, ’cause then every point will be a smash hit.

14. Where did the pizza and tennis racquet get married? At the supreme court

13. Why do the ladies call the pro The Love Machine? Because he’s terrible at tennis.

12. What did one tennis ball say to the other tennis ball? “See you round..”

11. Why did the tennis player charge the net? She ran out of cash.

10. My tennis coach got really upset at me for how I was re-stringing the equipment. He said…”STOP MAKING SUCH A RACKET!!”

#9 – 1. Tennis Jokes

9. Which tennis tournament never closes? The U.S. OPEN.

8. Though I enjoy the sport, I could never date a tennis player. Love means nothing to them.

7. What is the most depressing thing about tennis? You’ll never be as good as a wall.

6. Why should you never fall in love with a tennis player? To them, “Love” means nothing.

5. What do you serve but not eat? A tennis ball.

4. Why do elephants wear green tennis shoes? To hide in the tall, tall grass.

3. Why did the elephant float down the river on his back? So he wouldn’t get his tennis shoes wet.

2. My wife said, “I can think of 14 reasons to leave you, plus your obsession with Tennis.” I replied, “That’s 15 love.”

1. There’s a new game called “Silent Tennis.” It’s like regular Tennis, but without the racquet.

Ideas for the top 63 tennis jokes come from the following sources.[1]Scary Mommy – 55+ Tennis Joke That Serve Up The Laughs And Always End In Love-Love[2]upjoke – tennis joke[3]yahoo – 55+ Tennis Jokes That Serve Up The Laughs And Always End In Love-Love