computer jokes

Top 101 Computer Jokes

You might think that computers are not very funny. Well you are wrong! Computers are very funny and can be…

thanksgiving jokes

Top 101 Thanksgiving Jokes

Thanksgiving, like Christmas, is a great time to get around with the family and have a great dinner and dessert.…

coffee jokes

Top 69 Coffee Jokes

Coffee is the elixir of life for many people. You can’t start your day without it. Next time you are…

customer service jokes

Top 18 Customer Service Jokes

Customer service is an interesting and difficult job field. Needless to say, dealing with customers can be quite difficult. However,…

funny mom jokes

Top 28 Funny Mom Jokes

Dads don’t have a monopoly on jokes with their funny dad jokes. In fact, moms can make great jokes as…

diet jokes

Top 79 Diet Jokes

Dieting is not always the funniest things. However, joking about it doesn’t have to be so. Check out below for…

funny jokes for kids

Top 101 Funny Jokes for Kids

Kids can be really funny. They tend to say some of the funniest things and also enjoy laughing at jokes.…

birthday jokes

Top 101 Birthday Jokes

Birthdays are a time of celebration, laughs, and fun. I don’t know of any better way of having a bit…

dirty jokes

Top 101 Dirty Jokes

Telling dirty jokes can be a thin line. However, if you are brave enough to tell them, check out the…

office jokes

Top 101 Funny Office Jokes

Office jokes are not only a great time to pass time at work. They are also a great way to…