pop culture jokes

Top 81 Pop Culture Jokes

Pop culture is a reflection of our society. Sometimes it can be very funny and filled with jokes. Check out…

political humor

Top 101 Political Humor Jokes

Politicians like to look very serious. However, in reality political humor is one of the best types of jokes. Check…

jokes about life

Top 101 Jokes About Life

Every day life can sometimes feel monotonous. However, it is also filled with a lot of jokes and humor. With…

haiku poems

Top 40 Funny Haiku Poems

A Haiku is a traditional style of Japanese poetry. They consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines in…

tongue twisters

Top 101 Funny Tongue Twisters

You might be the most eloquent speaker in the world. Or you might not be that great of a public…

pick up lines

Top 101 Funny Pick Up Lines

Perhaps you have a potential special someone that you want to ask out. One of the best ways is to…


10 Foods to Help You Sleep

One of the most common problems that many people have is insomnia. In fact, research shows that as many as…

dark humor

Top 101 Dark Humor Jokes

Dark humor can be quite funny. However, you might feel bad for laughing at dark jokes. With that in mind,…