
Top 82 Funny Dentist Jokes

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Going to the dentist can be a painful experience. It doesn’t necessarily make you want to laugh and joke around. On the other hand, it can be very funny. With that in mind, check out the top 82 funny dentist jokes.

#82 – 80. Funny Dentist Jokes

82. Q: Why was the man arrested for looking at sets of dentures in a dentist’s window? A: Because it was against the law to pick your teeth in public.

81. What’s the Difference Between a Dentist and a Sadist? A dentist has newer magazines!

80. They called him the king of the dentists because he specialized in crowns.

#79 – 70. Funny Dentist Jokes

79. Dentists have their own flossify on how to keep teeth clean.

78. What Do You Call a Dentist Who Can’t Stop Working on Teeth? Abscessive compulsive.

77. Q: Why didn’t the dentist ask his secretary out? A: He was already taking out a tooth.

76. Q: What do you call a dentist who doesn’t like tea? A: Denis.

75. Q: Why did the king go to the dentist? A: To get his teeth crowned!

74. What Did the Dentist Say to the Golfer? “You have a hole in one.”

73. Why Do Dentists Seem Moody? Because they always look down in the mouth.

72. What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? Fill me in when you get back.

71. Q: Why did the computer go to the dentist? A: Because it had Bluetooth.

70. What’s a Toothache? A pain that drives people to extraction.

#69 – 60. Funny Dentist Jokes

69. Q: What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? A: Fill me in when you get back

68. What Did the Dentist See at the North Pole? A molar bear!

67. What Does the Dentist of the Year Receive? A little plaque.

66. Q: What did the dentist see at the North Pole? A: A molar bear

65. Q: What is a dentist’s office? A: A filling station

64. Q: Who has the most dangerous job in Transylvania? A: Dracula’s dentist.

63. Why didn’t the dentist ask his secretary out? He was already taking out a tooth.

62. Ten years without brushing causes horrible tooth decade.

61. What Game Did the Dentist Play When She Was a Child? Caps and robbers.

60. Q: Who has the most dangerous job in Transylvania? A: Dracula’s dentist

#59 – 50. Funny Dentist Jokes

59. Did you hear about the dentist who planted a garden? A month later he was picking his teeth.

58. Q: What did the tooth say to the dentist as she was leaving? A: Fill me in when you get back

57. How Did the Dentist Become a Brain Surgeon? Their drill slipped.

56. Q: What did the dentist say to the computer? A: This won’t hurt a byte

55. Q: Anyone know the six most frightening words in the world? A: “The Dentist will see you now.”

54. Q: What time do you go to the dentist? A: Tooth-Hurty!

53. Q: What game did the dentist play when she was a child? A: Caps and robbers

52. Q: Why did the king go to the dentist? A: To get a new crown!

51. How Do the Dentist and the Manicurist Fight? Tooth and Nail.

50. What Happens When You Go to the Dentist Multiple Times? You know the drill.

#49 – 40. Funny Dentist Jokes

49. Why Should You Be Nice to Your Dentist? Because they have fillings too.

48. Q: Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused a Novocain injection during root canal treatment? A: He wanted to transcend dental medication!

47. Q: Why did the blonde go to the dentist? A: Someone dented her car.

46. Q: What’s brown and very bad for your dental health? A: A baseball bat.

45. What Was the Dentist Doing in Panama? Looking for the Root Canal!

44. Two Reasons why it’s so hard to solve a redneck murder: Firstly, the DNA all matches and secondly, there are no dental records.

43. Q: What is a dentist’s favorite animal? A: A molar bear!

42. What Did the Tooth Say to the Dentist on Vacation? “Just fill me in when you get back.”

41. What Happens When You Get a Gold Tooth? You put your money where your mouth is.

40. Q: Why did the cheerleader go to the dentist? A: She needed a root canal.

#39 – 30. Funny Dentist Jokes

39. What Do You Call a Dentist in the Army? A drill sergeant.

38. Q: What did the werewolf eat after he’d had his teeth taken out? A: The dentist

37. Why Was the Dentist Considered a Guru? They had their own flossify on how to keep teeth clean.

36. Q: Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused a Novocain injection during root canal treatment? A: He wanted to transcend dental medication!

35. Q: What did the dentist get for an award? A: A little plaque

34. Q: Why did the computer go to the dentist? A: Because it had Bluetooth.

33. I got my job at the dentist’s office by word of mouth.

32. What does a dentist do on a roller coaster? He braces himself.

31. Q: What does a dentist do during an earthquake? A: She braces herself!

30. Q: At what time do most people go to the dentist? A: At tooth-hurty (2:30).

#29 – 20. Funny Dentist Jokes

29. Why Did the Buddhist Refuse Novocaine During a Root Canal? They wanted to transcend dental medication!

28. A little boy was taken to the dentist. It was discovered that he had a cavity that would have to be filled. “Now, young man,” asked the dentist, “what kind of filling would you like for that tooth?” “Chocolate, please,” replied the youngster.

27. Q: Why didn’t the dentist ask his secretary out? A: He was already taking out a tooth

26. Q: Has your tooth stopped hurting yet? A: I don’t know, the dentist kept it.

25. Why Do Dentists like Potatoes? Because they’re so filling.

24. Q: What was the dentist doing in Panama? A: Looking for the Root Canal!

23. What Is a Dentist’s Office? A filling station.

22. Why do dentists like potatoes? Because they are so filling.

21. What did the Kitchener dentist say to the computer? This won’t hurt a byte.

20. Q: What did one tooth say to the other tooth? A: Thar’s gold in them fills!

#19 – 10. Funny Dentist Jokes

19. What Do Dentists Call X-Rays? Tooth pics!

18. Q: What was the dentist doing in Panama? A: Looking for the Root Canal!

17. Q: Why did the deer need braces? A: He had buck teeth.

16. Q: Why do dentists like potatoes? A: Because they are so filling.

15. What does the dentist of the year get? A little plaque.

14. Q: Why did the blonde go to the dentist? A: Someone dented her car.

13. Q: What does a dentist do on a roller coaster? A: He braces himself

12. What Did the Werewolf Eat after He Had His Teeth Taken Out? The dentist.

11. What did the Guelph dentist see at the North Pole? A molar bear.

10. Q: What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? A: Fill me in when you get back.

#9 – 1. Funny Dentist Jokes

9. What Do Dentists Do on Roller Coasters? Braces themselves.

8. Q: Why does a dentist seem moody? A: Because he always looks down in the mouth.

7. Q: What did the dentist see at the North Pole? A: A molar bear

6. Q: What did the dentist say to the golfer? A: “You have a hole in one. ”

5. Q: Why did the tree go to the dentist? A: To get a root canal.

4. What Time Do Most People Go to the Dentist? At tooth hurty.

3. Q: What did the judge say to the dentist? A: Do you swear to pull the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth?

2. Who Has the Most Dangerous Job in Transylvania? Dracula’s dentist.

1. What was the Toronto dentist doing in Panama? Looking for the Root Canal.

Ideas for the top 82 funny dentist jokes were taken from the following sources.[1]Ducksters – Dentist Joke[2]Ranker – The Funniest Dentist Joke[3]Jokes 4 Us – Dentist One Liners Joke[4]Dawson Dental – 22 Dental Jokes to Share With Your Dentist[5]Unijokes – The best dentist joke