
Top 101 Dance Jokes

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There are a lot of different benefits to dancing. With that in mind, check out the top 101 dance jokes.

#101 – 90. Dance Jokes

101. What kind of dancing might you do in a sink? Tap dancing.

100. What’s the cocktail’s favorite tap dance move? The flap.

99. What is a person who dances on top of cars called? A morris dancer.

98. Why are all Fred Astaire dance studios on the first floor? Because they are afraid of stairs

97. What animals are poor dancers? Four-legged ones, because they have two left feet.

96. Why do Native Americans do rain dances in the month of April? April showers bring May flowers.

95. Where are bare feet not allowed to dance? At the sock hop.

94. Who was the genius inventor who solved all dancers’ hair problems? Bob E. Pinns!

93. What do you get if you cross a computer with a ballet dancer? The Netcracker suite

92. How can you make the heart dance? Just give it a beat.

91. What did everyone think about the drunk man’s dancing? It was just staggering!

90. What is the favorite dance of a wire? The tangle.

#89 – 80. Dance Jokes

89. What do you call a line dancer on a cruise? An Ocean “Liner”.

88. Why is it so easy to talk to ballet dancers? They always get right to the pointe!

87. What is a pigs favourite ballet? Swine Lake!

86. Why don’t dogs make good dancers? Because they have two left feet!

85. What type of dance is the most unexpected and surprising? The coinci-dance.

84. Why is the internet bad at dancing? It has an Al Gore Rhythm.

83. What did one competitive dancer say to the other when she sabotaged her nemesis’s performance? Hey, turnout is fair plié.

82. What’s the most popular dance at the Coca Cola factory? The can-can.

81. What do dance teachers and angry moms have in common? They both tell you to check your attitude.

80. What did the ballet dancer say when her shoe was stollen? This is pointe-less!

#79 – 70. Dance Jokes

79. What did the man who couldn’t stop dancing get diagnosed with? Saturday Night Fever!

78. What kind of dance do mothers like best? The Mom-bo

77. What do cows like to dance to? Any kind of moosic they like!

76. Why should you never dance with horses? Because they have two left feet.

75. What is the fastest pie in the world? Merengue. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

74. What one item of clothing always makes a dancer late? Her leoTARDY!

73. Why did the dancer not debate her dance teacher? She had a fair pointe.

72. Why did the dancer cross the road? Because she had to reverse the combination on the other side.

71. What dance did the Pilgrims do? The Plymouth Rock.

70. What do you get if you cross an insect and a dance? A cricket ball!

#69 – 60. Dance Jokes

69. What’s the pig’s favorite dance show? Swine Lake!

68. What is good for your soul but not your soles? Dancing!

67. What’s an owl’s favorite kind of dance? The hooooooola!

66. Where did the hamburger go to dance? At the Meat ball

65. What did the ballet dancer say when she lost her shoe? Ugh! This is pointeless!

64. What’s a chip’s favorite dance? The salsa!

63. Who do you call when you need someone who studies astrophysics and can perform a series of high kicks in a line at Radio City Music Hall? A Rockette scientist!

62. Where do soccer players dance? A soccer ball.

61. How many dancer teachers does it take to change a light bulb? Five! … Six! … Seven! … Eight!

60. What classical ballet did the pig pen perform? Swine Lake!

#59 – 50. Dance Jokes

59. What does a dancer do after falling in love? The horizontal mambo.

58. What’s a ballerina’s favorite number? Two-two!

57. What latest dance did your sister go crazy for? Social Dis-dancing.

56. Who is the undersea monster who comes out in the winter and eats innocent almonds and pistachios? The NutKRAKEN!

55. Why did the ghost get kicked out of the human party? Because he shouted, “Dance till you’re dead!’

54. Why did the two knives go to the dance together? Because they both looked sharp

53. How can you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.

52. What do you call dancing by the sink? Tap dancing.

51. What’s thirty feet long and smells like piss? Line dancing at a nursing home.

50. What type of birds just love to dance? Ravens.

#49 – 40. Dance Jokes

49. What did the groovy bank robber say? Everybody get down!

48. What do ghosts dance to? Soul music

47. Where can you dance in California? San Fran-disco

46. What happened to the lady who was addicted to line dancing? She joined a two-step program.

45. How many square dancers does it take to screw in a light bulb? Eight. Square dancers do everything in groups of eight!

44. What do you call a dancing sheep? A baaaah-lerina.

43. What bird has the best dance moves?A twerky!

42. What kind of dance do buns do? Abundance.

41. How does a dancer multiply a number by itself? She jazz squares it!

40. What advice did Yoda’s ballet teacher give him? Tendu or tendu not, there is no try.

#39 – 30. Dance Jokes

39. Why was the dancer late? He was wearing a leotardy!

38. Why can computer coders dance very well? Because they know their algo-rhythm very well.

37. What did the dancer feel after eight hours of dance rehearsal? The agony of de-feet.

36. Why do ants dance on jam jars? Because the jar says ‘twist to open’!

35. What does a snail wear to go dancing? Escargogo boots.

34. Where did the computer go to dance? To a disc-o!

33. Where did hamburgers go dancing? At the meatball.

32. What sort of dance does a plumber do? A tap dance!

31. What kind of dancer is a fuzzy brown bear? A contemporHAIRY dancer!

30. What do you have when only one line dancer comes to your party? A One Liner!

#29 – 20. Dance Jokes

29. How do you know your fat? When you walk you do the Harlem Shake.

28. What do you call a ballet dancer who also can shoot 3’s on the basketball court? A BALLERina!

27. How do ballroom rumors spread? Through the GRAPEVINE

26. How many dancer instructors would it take to change a light bulb? Five six seven eight.

25. Why do skeletons hate going to dance? They have nobody to go with.

24. What is the most exciting pie to dance with? The merengue.

23. What’s the mystery writer’s favorite dance? The twist!

22. Which dance will a chicken not do? The foxtrot!

21. What is a dance that begins at 10 am called? Attendance.

20. How do you make a tissue dance?” You put a little boogie in it!

#19 – 10. Dance Jokes

19. Why did the vampire enjoy ballroom dancing? He could really get into the vaultz

18. What do tired line dancers do? They Line Down.

17. Where do one-legged dancers go for Breakfast? Ihop.

16. What dance do hippies hate? A square dance.

15. When does your mom sound just like your dance teacher?When she tells you to check your attitude.

14. What kind of dancer is a fuzzy dog? A contemporHAIRY dancer!

13. What’s the name of the popular dance tv show horses enjoy? So You Think You Can Prance!

12. What will you get if a dancer and an insect are crossed? A cricket ball!

11. What did the golfer say to the hip hop dancer? Everyday I’m Schauffele.

10. Why are dinosaurs bad at dancing? Because they don’t exist.

#9 – 1. Dance Jokes

9. Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the disco? He had no body to dance with!

8. What dance do all astronauts know? The moonwalk.

7. What dance do women do when summer is over? Tango (tan-go)

6. Where do fortune tellers dance? At the crystal ball.

5. What is a ducks favorite dance? The quackstep!

4. What’s the best dance to pair with chips? Salsa!

3. What did the hopeless dancer say when she felt burnt out one day? What’s the pointe?!

2. What did the dancer feel after a week of non-stop rehearsals? The agony of de-feet.

1. What sort of music do cows like to dance to? Any kind of moosic

Ideas for the top 101 dance jokes come from the following sources.[1]rockettes – 12 Jokes Only Dance-Obsessed People Understand[2]ScaryMommy – 28 Super Cute Dance Joke That’ll Have You Twirling With Laughter[3]Dance Dreams – 15 CORNY DANCE JOKE TO BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY[4]kidadl – 100+ Best Dance Joke That Are En Pointe[5]jokes4us – dancing joke