
Top 24 Economics Jokes

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Economics is the social science that studies the consumption, distribution, production of services and goods. However, most people don’t even understand it. With that in mind, check out the top 24 economics jokes.

#24 – 20. Economics Jokes

24. Why did the Economist cross the road? Because Marginal Benefit (MB) was greater than Marginal Cost (MC)

23. There were two economists who were shipwrecked on a desert island. They had no money but over the next three years they made millions of dollars selling their hats to each other.

22. An economist, an accountant and a lawyer decided to gamble….And that’s how stock markets came into existence!!!

21. An economists left leg is on fire and his right leg is frozen…He says “on average I’m perfectly fine”.

20. Economics is the painful elaboration of the obvious.

#19 – 10. Economics Jokes

19. How many economists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I don’t know. They just keep going on and on about how the last one broke.

18. Q. What’s the difference between an economist and a befuddled old man with Alzheimer’s? A. The economist is the one with the calculator.

17. Teach a parrot the words supply and demand, and you’ve got yourself an economist.

16. Q: How many central bank economists does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Just one — he holds the light bulb and the whole earth revolves around him.

15. If you laid all economists in the world end to end…they wouldn’t reach a conclusion

14. How many economists are needed to run a country? It doesn’t matter, because nobody listens to them.

13. A broken clock is right twice a day. Which makes it more accurate than economists.

12. A mathematician, a scientist, and an economist walk past a field of cows. The mathematician says “Those cows are brown on this side.” The scientist says “Those are brown cows.” The economist wrinkles his brow, nods, and says “All cows are brown.”

11. Why was Noah a great economist? He kept his stock afloat while everything else was in liquidation.

10. An economist is someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about – and make you feel it’s your fault.

#9 – 1. Economics Jokes

9. Two economists fall into a hole they realize they are trapped, and so they come up with a plan. The first step in their plan is… assume a ladder.

8. Q: Why did God create economists? A: In order to make weather forecasters look good.

7. How does an economist open a can of beans? “Assume you have a can opener…”

6. Why is it so hard for economists to go gluten free? Because their food preferences are very sticky.

5. How many economists does it take to change a lightbulb? None. The invisible hand will do it for them

4. Q. What do economists and computers have in common ?? A. You need to punch information into both of them.

3. Q: How has French revolution affected world economic growth? A: Too early to say.

2. It’s not easy being an economist. How would you like to go through life pretending you knew what M1 was all about?

1. Why does Treasury only have 10 minutes for morning tea ?? If they had any longer, they would need to re-train all the economists.

Ideas for the top 24 economics jokes come from the following sources.[1] – Economics Joke[2]upjoke – Economist Joke[3] – economics joke