
Top 28 Cheeseburger Jokes

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Cheeseburgers are a classic part of any American menu. With that in mind, check out the top 28 cheeseburger jokes.

#28 – 20. Cheeseburger Jokes

28. Give a man a cheeseburger, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to cheeseburger, I’m high as hell.

27. Why was the cheeseburger sad?… It had blue cheese!

26. What do you get when you cross a cheeseburger with a computer?… A big mac!

25. Why did the cheeseburger fight the veggie burger? It had beef.

24. Where did the hamburger meet the cheeseburger? At the meat ball.

23. Where were cheeseburgers 1st made?… Greece.

22. Did you hear about the cheeseburger patty who told funny jokes?… He was on a roll!

21. What do polar bears eat for lunch?… Ice berg-ers!

20. When the hamburger and cheese come together they have a proper Ketchup.

#19 – 10. Cheeseburger Jokes

19. My coworker is in the hospital after eating a giant bacon cheeseburger. It was mine.

18. I was recently fired from McDonald’s for helping myself to too many cheeseburgers I think I was misled about their “opportunities for growth”

17. What did Mr. and Mrs. Cheeseburger name their daughter?…. Patty.

16. Yo Mama so fat her Patronus was a cheeseburger…

15. What do you call a cheeseburger that’s on the move? A slider.

14. Who is the unofficial spokesperson for National Cheeseburger Day?… Wimpy from Popeye. “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”

13. What did the cheeseburger name her daughter? Patty.

12. Where is the best place to eat on National Cheeseburger Day?… Margaritaville. Get a “Cheeseburger in Paradise.”

11. Why can’t Jesus eat a cheeseburger? Because he’s dead.

10. How do you make a cheeseburger sad? Make it with blue cheese!

#9 – 1. Cheeseburger Jokes

9. How do you smuggle a cheeseburger into prison? Between 2 buns

8. What do some people have against cheeseburgers? They say, Burgers can’t be cheesy!

7. How did the man solve the issue between a cheeseburger and a biscuit? He brought them to the food court!

6. What did the cheeseburger say to the pickle?… You’re dill-icious!

5. Where do cheeseburgers like to dance?… At a meat ball!

4. How many vegans does it take to eat a bacon cheeseburger? One if nobody’s looking.

3. A cheeseburger walks into a bar…and the bartender says, “I’m sorry we don’t serve food here.”

2. I went to a church last Sunday, and instead of handing out bread and wine for communion, they gave me a cheeseburger. They called it Angus Dei.

1. Did you hear about the bacon cheeseburger who couldn’t stop telling jokes? It was on a roll.

Ideas for the top 28 cheeseburger jokes come from the following sources.[1]MyTownTutors – Top 10 Cheeseburger Joke[2]upjoke – cheeseburger joke[3]free-funny-jokes – burger joke[4]jokojokes – THE BEST 51 CHEESEBURGER JOKE[5]kidadl – 30 Burger Puns That Are Really Cheesy