
Top 37 Camping Quotes

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Going out into the wild is a great way to get in touch with nature. With that in mind, check out the top 37 camping quotes.

#37 – 30. Camping Quotes

37. All camps are hard, that’s what they’re intended to be. They make you focus when you’re tired, when you don’t feel like doing things, and to see how long you can retain and pay attention. – Michael Strahan

36. I think camping is one of those things where if you’re forced into it as a child, you’ll probably hate it as an adult. – Jeremy Irvine

35. We now no longer camp as for a night, but have settled down on earth and forgotten heaven. – Henry David Thoreau

34. When homeless people go camping, how do they know? – Dana Gould

33. I’ve been camping and stuff, but if you left me in the woods I’d probably just curl up and cry until someone found me. – Norman Reedus

32. Whatever form it takes, camping is earthy, soul-enriching and character building, and there can be few such satisfying moments as having your tent pitched and the smoke rising from your campfire as the golden sun sets on the horizon – even if it’s just for a fleeting moment before the rain spoils everything. – Pippa Middleton

31. If you can survive camping with someone, you should marry them on the way home. – Yvonne Prinz

30. A great many people, and more all the time, live their entire lives without ever once sleeping out under the stars. – Alan S. Kesselheim

#29 – 20. Camping Quotes

29. Camp is a solvent of morality. It neutralizes moral indignation, sponsors playfulness. – Susan Sontag

28. The camp is the space that is opened when the state of exception begins to become the rule. – Giorgio Agamben

27. If you’re not in New York, you’re camping out. – Thomas E. Dewey

26. She had the loaded handbag of someone who camps out and seldom goes home, or who imagines life must be full of emergencies. – Mavis Gallant

25. The glories of a mountain campfire are far greater than may be guessed…. One can make a day of any size, and regulate the rising and setting of his own sun and the brightness of its shining. – John Muir

24. It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent. – Dave Barry

23. Somebody told me it was frightening how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared. – Jack Handey

22. The fire is the main comfort of the camp, whether in summer or winter, and is about as ample at one season as at another. It is as well for cheerfulness as for warmth and dryness. – Henry David Thoreau

21. You don’t have to say everything to be a light. Sometimes a fire built on a hill will bring interested people to your campfire. – Shannon L. Alder

20. In a well-ordered universe… camping would take place indoors. – Morgan Matson

#19 – 10. Camping Quotes

19. The rite of passage of learning to build a fire that will burn all night with one match is not an insignificant one in my husband’s family, and I grew up camping and backpacking. I love to camp. – Sarah Wayne Callies

18. The stars were better company anyway. They were very beautiful, and they almost never snored. – David Eddings

17. The glories of a mountain campfire are far greater than may be guessed…. One can make a day of any size, and regulate the rising and setting of his own sun and the brightness of its shining. – John Muir

16. I go camping with my boyfriend having nothing other than ourselves and the birds to talk with is most relaxing. – Jamie Luner

15. Do not collaborate with someone you would not go camping with. – Dan Poynter

14. I went camping for 33 days, and now everybody seems to care. – Colleen Haskell

13. My camping days are over, but I might consider glamping. – Christine Feehan

12. Camping is nature’s way of promoting the motel business. – Dave Barry

11. I just want to live in a world of mountains, coffee, campfires, cabins, and golden trees, and run around with a camera and notebook, learning the inner workings of everything real. – Victoria Erickson

10. A perfect day would be to get into the car, drive out to Yosemite and go camping. – Michael Steger

#9 – 1. Camping Quotes

9. Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have to wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong. – George Carlin

8. The ultimate camping trip was the Lewis and Clark expedition. – Dave Barry

7. Light a campfire and everyone’s a storyteller. – John Geddes

6. Canoe plus waterfall equals I don’t go camping anymore. – Demetri Martin

5. A lot of parents pack up their troubles and send them off to summer camp. – Raymond Duncan

4. Camping is not a date; it’s an endurance test. If you can survive camping with someone, you should marry them on the way home. – Yvonne Prinz

3. I grew up camping with my family. We took so many trips, We had an RV, actually, when we were growing up, We did a ton of camping trips and went across the country. – Kirsten Lepore

2. In a cool solitude of trees, where leaves and birds a music spin, mind that was weary is at ease, new rhythms in the soul begin – William Kean Seymour

1. I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery. Air, mountains, tree, people. I thought: this is what it is to be happy. – Sylvia Plath

Ideas for the top 37 camping quotes come from the following sources.[1]Quoteland – Camping[2]pretty wild world – BEST CAMPING QUOTE TOP 25 INSPIRATIONAL SUMMER CAMP QUOTE[3]Wise old sayings – Camping sayings and quotes