
Top 37 Sunglasses Jokes

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Summer is coming up and that means sunglasses season! With that in mind, check out the top 37 sunglasses jokes.

#37 – 30. Sunglasses Jokes

37. Hey Dad, have you seen my sunglasses? No, but have you seen my dad glasses?

36. I like my sunglasses like I like my politicians, Polarized and able to be bought surprisingly cheap.

35. What do you call Ohm wearing sunglasses? Cool-Ohm

34. What did the arrogant sunglasses say to the nose? “I’m above you.”

33. I sweat less when I wear sunglasses …Because I feel cooler

32. What is brown, hairy and wears sunglasses? A coconut on vacation.

31. Guide on how to be cool: A) Use sunglasses emojis B)

30. I decided to watch the eclipse with only sunglasses, in spite of all the warnings. I honestly can’t see what all the fuss was about.

#29 – 20. Sunglasses Jokes

29. My new sunglasses are making me paranoid Everyone suddenly seems shady

28. What kind of sunglasses doe Janay Rice wear? Ray-Bans!

27. What sunglasses can see inside your eyes? X-Ray Bans

26. If only Steve Irwin wore sunglasses…They might have protected him from harmful rays

25. Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You look, you get a sense of it, and you look away. AND you can look longer with sunglasses!

24. A plane is preparing for takeoff with a full load of passengers when the pilot and copilot board–both with dark sunglasses and tapping walking sticks for guidance. The passengers are understandably uncomfortable, but assume it must be some sort of practical joke, so they say nothing.

23. Why can’t sunglasses have political opinions? Because they’re so polarizing

22. Why do the FBI always wear sunglasses? To protect their FB-eyes

21. My father always told me, he liked his women like he liked his sunglasses. Sitting on his face.

20. The sunglasses I ordered were much darker than advertised. I blame a lack of transparency

#19 – 10. Sunglasses Jokes

19. Why can’t pirates wear sunglasses? Because they have no buccaneers!

18. I don’t know why women spend so much money on sunglasses…Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just tint the kitchen windows!

17. Son: Where are my sunglasses? Father: I don’t know…where are my dadglasses?

16. What does the sun and cleavage have in common? You can look at both for a second, but if want to stare you need to wear sunglasses.

15. I bought my wife some mirrored sunglasses. I look great in them!

14. What does a pigeon with sunglasses on say? Coo man coo

13. Bought A Pair Of Polarized Sunglasses Some people like ’em, some people hate ’em.

12. What kind of sunglasses does Ned Flanders wear? Oakley Dokelys

11. What do you call a penguin with sunglasses on? Shady

10. “Hey Dad, have you seen my sunglasses?” “No son, have you seen my dadglasses?”

#9 – 1. Sunglasses Jokes

9. Wearing sunglasses makes you look…Shady.

8. What kind of sunglasses does my friend Anny wear? Anny wears Oakleys wears Oakleys Anny.

7. How come Voldemort hates the sun? Because his sunglasses won’t stay up

6. How are women and the sun similar? Sunglasses allow you to stare at them for longer

5. What does the sun drink out of? Sunglasses.

4. Girl, I want to wear you like a pair of sunglasses…One leg over each ear…

3. I opened my radiator to find a lone insect, wearing sunglasses and a leather jecket. It said. “ayyyy!” It was a cool ant.

2. Hey dad, have you seen my sunglasses? No, have you seen my dad glasses?

1. Did you hear the one about the umbrella in the trench coat and sunglasses? He was looking shady.

Ideas for the top 37 sunglasses jokes come from the following sources.[1]upjoke – sunglasses joke[2]yellowjokes – sunglasses joke[3]punstoppable – sunglasses puns[4]jokojokes – THE BEST 68 SUNGLASSES JOKE