
Top 69 Depression Quotes

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Depression is a real problem. If you don’t deal with it, it can easily drag you down. With that in mind, check out the top 69 depression quotes.

#69 – 60. Depression Quotes

69. He did not mean to depress us, rather to free us from expectations which inspire bitterness. It is consoling, when love has let us down, to hear that happiness was never part of the plan. – Alain de Botton

68. The term clinical depression finds its way into too many conversations these days. One has a sense that a catastrophe has occurred in the psychic landscape. – Leonard Cohen

67. It’s like being in a glass elevator in the middle of a crowded mall; you see everything and would love to join in, but the door won’t open so you can’t. – Lisa Moore Sherman

66. Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad. ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

65. This is my depressed stance. When you’re depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand. The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you’ll start to feel better. If you’re going to get any joy out of being depressed, you’ve got to stand like this. – Charles Monroe Schulz

64. No one is depressed when they’re being chased by a bear. – Adam Carolla

63. It’s brilliant, being depressed; you can behave as badly as you like. ― Nick Hornby, High Fidelity

62. Do not be depressed. Do not let your weakness make you impatient. Instead, let the serenity of your spirit shine through your face. Let the joy of your mind burst forth. – Peter Damian

61. The world leans on us. When we sag, the whole world seems to droop. – Eric Hoffer

60. Tears are often the telescope by which men see far into heaven. – Henry Ward Beecher

#59 – 50. Depression Quotes

59. I just want to sleep. A coma would be nice. Or amnesia. Anything, just to get rid of this, these thoughts, whispers in my mind. Did he rape my head, too? ― Laurie Halse Anderson

58. I didn’t want my picture taken because I was going to cry. I didn’t know why I was going to cry, but I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of my throat and I’d cry for a week. I could feel the tears brimming and sloshing in me like water in a glass that is unsteady and too full. ― Sylvia Plath

57. The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved. – Mother Teresa

56. If you are chronically down, it is a lifelong fight to keep from sinking  ― Elizabeth Wurtzel

55. Geez, if I could get through to you, kiddo, that depression is not sobbing and crying and giving vent, it is plain and simple reduction of feeling. Reduction, see? Of all feeling. People who keep stiff upper lips find that it’s damn hard to smile. – Judith Guest

54. Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression. ― Dodie Smith

53. When you’re surrounded by all these people, it can be lonelier than when you’re by yourself. You can be in a huge crowd, but if you don’t feel like you can trust anyone or talk to anybody, you feel like you’re really alone. ― Fiona Apple

52. I don’t want any more of this try, try again stuff. I just want out. I’ve had it. I am so tired. I am twenty and I am already exhausted. ― Elizabeth Wurtzel

51. It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a depression when you lose your own. – Harry S Truman

50. Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul? ― John Keats

#49 – 40. Depression Quotes

49. You largely constructed your depression. It wasn’t given to you. Therefore, you can deconstruct it. – Albert Ellis

48. I’m fine. Well, I’m not fine – I’m here. Is there something wrong with that? Absolutely. ― Ned Vizzini

47. Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: it is easier to say My tooth is aching than to say My heart is broken. ― C.S. Lewis

46. There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy. – Dante

45. In addition to my other numerous acquaintances, I have one more intimate confidant… My depression is the most faithful mistress I have known — no wonder, then, that I return the love. ― Søren Kierkegaard

44. People with depression have something very valuable to teach us… how to live when it doesn’t ever feel good. – Kay Warren

43. I’ve got a bad case of the 3:00 am guilts – you know, when you lie in bed awake and replay all those things you didn’t do right? Because, as we all know, nothing solves insomnia like a nice warm glass of regret, depression and self-loathing. ― D.D. Barant

42. A new study found that people who are depressed have a greater risk of stroke. Well that should cheer them up. – Jay Leno

41. You say you’re ‘depressed’ – all I see is resilience. You are allowed to feel messed up and inside out. It doesn’t mean you’re defective – it just means you’re human. ― David Mitchell

40. Depression is like falling so deep down the rabbit hole you forget what the sky looks like. – Robin Brodsky Curtin

#39 – 30. Depression Quotes

39. Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others– it only changes yours. ― Shannon L. Alder

38. That is all I want in life: for this pain to seem purposeful. ― Elizabeth Wurtzel

37. Telling a depressed person to be happy is the same as telling a cancer patient to cure themselves. – Dissentient

36. There is no point treating a depressed person as though she were just feeling sad, saying, ‘There now, hang on, you’ll get over it.’ Sadness is more or less like a head cold – with patience, it passes. Depression is like cancer. ― Barbara Kingsolver

35. If depression is creeping up and must be faced, learn something about the nature of the beast: You may escape without a mauling. – Dr. R. W. Shepherd

34. When people don’t know exactly what depression is, they can be judgmental. – Marion Cotillard

33. In depression…faith in deliverance, in ultimate restoration, is absent. The pain is unrelenting, and what makes the condition intolerable is the foreknowledge that no rememdy will come, not in a day, an hour, a month, or a minute. It is hopelessness even more than pain that crushes the soul. – William Styron

32. The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy. – Jim Rohn

31. The sun stopped shining for me is all. The whole story is: I am sad. I am sad all the time and the sadness is so heavy that I can’t get away from it. Not ever. ― Nina LaCour

30. If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath. ― Amit Ray

#29 – 20. Depression Quotes

29. Depression is the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced. . . . It is that absence of being able to envisage that you will ever be cheerful again. The absence of hope. That very deadened feeling, which is so very different from feeling sad. Sad hurts but it’s a healthy feeling. It is a necessary thing to feel. Depression is very different. ― J.K. Rowling

28. Because wherever I sat—on the deck of a ship or at a street café in Paris or Bangkok—I would be sitting under the same glass bell jar, stewing in my own sour air. ― Sylvia Plath

27. Depression is melancholy minus its charms — the animation, the fits. – Susan Sontag

26. I am in that temper that if I were under water I would scarcely kick to come to the top. – John Keats

25. It’s a bit like walking down a long, dark corridor never knowing when the light will go on. – Neil Lennon

24. I didn’t want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that’s really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you’re so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare. – Ned Vizzini

23. It’s my experience that people are a lot more sympathetic if they can see you hurting, and for the millionth time in my life I wish for measles or smallpox or some other easily understood disease just to make it easier on me and also on them. ― Jennifer Niven

22. Depression begins with disappointment. When disappointment festers in our soul, it leads to discouragement. – Joyce Meyer

21. Human existence must be a kind of error…it may be said of it, ‘it is bad today and every day it will get worse, until the worst of all happens’. – Arthur Schopenhauer

20. Depression is rage spread thin. – George Santayana

#19 – 10. Depression Quotes

19. That terrible mood of depression of whether it’s any good or not is what is known as The Artist’s Reward. – Ernest Hemingway

18. Mysteriously and in ways that are totally remote from natural experience, the gray drizzle of horror induced by depression takes on the quality of physical pain. – William Styron

17. The madness of depression is the antithesis of violence. It is a storm indeed, but a storm of murk. Soon evident are the slowed-down responses, near paralysis, psychic energy throttled back close to zero. Ultimately, the body is affected and feels sapped, drained. – William Styron

16. The only way to escape the abyss is to look at it, gauge it, sound it out and descend into it. – Cesare Pavese

15. I saw the world in black and white instead of the vibrant colours and shades I knew existed. ― Katie McGarry

14. Having depression is being in an abusive relationship with yourself. – Emily Dotterer

13. Whenever you read a cancer booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of cancer. But, in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying. – John Green

12. You need self-confidence and determination: feeling depressed and losing hope will never really help to correct any situation. – Dalai Lama

11. If you feel depressed you shouldn’t go out on the street because it will show on your face and you’ll give it to others. Misery is a communicable disease. – Martha Graham

10. There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds. – Laurell K. Hamilton

#9 – 1. Depression Quotes

9. In addition to my other numerous acquaintances, I have one more intimate confidant. My depression is the most faithful mistress I have known — no wonder, then, that I return the love. – Soren Kierkegaard

8. Less than nothing, probably. That’s pretty heavy. That’s worse than having the brain thing, because what you got now will take a lot longer to kill you. You’ve got the choice of a slow, painful death, or a quick, merciful one. ― Nick Hornby

7. I believe that words are strong, that they can overwhelm what we fear when fear seems more awful than life is good. ― Andrew Solomon

6. I feel like a defective model, like I came off the assembly line flat-out fucked and my parents should have taken me back for repairs before the warranty ran out. ― Elizabeth Wurtzel

5. Depression is like being in a totally round room and looking for a corner to sit in. – Laura Sloate

4. When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It’s a whole different way of thinking. – Elayne Boosler

3. If we admit our depression openly and freely, those around us get from it an experience of freedom rather than the depression itself. – Dr. Rollo May

2. If I can’t feel, if I can’t move, if I can’t think, and I can’t care, then what conceivable point is there in living? ― Kay Redfield Jamison

1. I’ll never forget how the depression and loneliness felt good and bad at the same time. Still does. ― Henry Rollins

Ideas for the top 69 depression quotes come from the following sources.[1]Quoteland – Depression[2]Everyday Power – 111 Depression Quote On Mental Health To Help You Feel Understood[3]Wise Old Sayings – Depressed Sayings and Quotes