
Top 10 Worst Halloween Candy

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With Halloween coming around, you probably are probably starting to think that it is about time to head to the store and buy some candy. However, it is important to be careful with which ones you choose. You don’t want to be the worst house on the block by giving bad Halloween candy! With that in mind, check out below for the top 10 worst Halloween candy items to avoid.

#10. Mary Janes

worst halloween candy

Mary Janes are a type of molasses and peanut butter flavored taffy candy. It is one of the worst Halloween candy items that you can give. In fact, they are often described as “mystery chews from old people”.[1]Huffpost – The 9 Most-Hated Halloween Treats They were invented in 1914 which gives some credence to this idea. Either way, it is best to

#9. Circus Peanuts

worst halloween candy

Despite the name, Circus Peanuts are not actually real peanuts. Rather they are a marshmallow candy in the shape of a peanut with a banana flavor.[2]Eater – Everything You Need to Know About Circus Peanuts The mix of the texture and flavor help make this one of the worst Halloween candy items.

#8. Good & Plenty

worst halloween candy

Good & Plenty is one of the worst Halloween candy items you can give out. It isn’t much of a surprise as to why they are so disliked. They should be avoided at all costs. It is a type of licorice wrapped in a hard outer candy shell.

#7. Wax Coke bottles

worst halloween candy

The idea of the Wax Coke bottles is actually pretty good. They are a type of candy with a Coke flavor. However, the execution of this candy is what puts it on the list of worst Halloween candy items ever. You have to bite through the tasteless wax outside in order to get to the tastier inside. This alone is enough to discourage most people from liking them.

#6. Smarties

worst halloween candy

Smarties are one of the worst Halloween candy items that you can hand out. The problem doesn’t come down so much to the flavor, but rather to the chalky texture. They are definitely something you should avoid when Halloween roles around.

#5. Necco Wafers

worst halloween candy

Similar to Smarties, you should also avoid Necco Wafers on Halloween. Their chalky texture and tasty easily place them on the list of the worst Halloween candy items. Just plain avoid them.

#4. Tootsie Rolls

worst halloween candy

Tootsie Rolls are commonly the cheap option for Halloween candies. You can buy a whole bag of them for really cheap. However, please don’t! Due to their extremely chewy texture, Tootsie Rolls are one of the worst Halloween candy ideas. It is best to avoid them.

#3. Jujubes

worst halloween candy

Jujubes are one of the worst Halloween candy items to give out. The easiest way to describe why they are so bad is by simply repeating what the manufacturer says. Jujubes have a “hard, break-glass quality texture”.[3]babble – 25 ALL-TIME WORST HALLOWEEN CANDIES Needless to say, that is not exactly the best sounding description of a Halloween candy. It is best to avoid them this Halloween.

#2. Black Licorice

worst halloween candy

Black licorice is definitely one of the worst Halloween candy items to avoid. The ammonium chloride gives them a very distinct flavor that most people hate. However, if you are ever visiting Iceland, black salted licorice is actually quite popular there…

#1. Candy Corn

worst halloween candy

For some reason, Candy Corn has become one of the stereotypical Halloween candies. It is a type of butter flavored 3 colored candy.[4]Forbes – 10 Most Loved And Hated Halloween Candies While there are some people who enjoy them, they are a very small minority. In fact, most people detest them with a passion. It is just best to avoid them all together.