
Top 18 Selena Quintanilla Quotes

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Selena Quintanilla was one of the most iconic singers of her time. Unfortunately, her life was cut to short. However, she left us with many great quotes. With that in mind, check out the top 18 Selena Quintanilla quotes.

#18 – 10. Selena Quintanilla Quotes

18. “Always believe that the impossible is possible.”

17. “When you get hard work, you get success.”

16. “With a positive attitude, you can be anything you want to be.”

15. “I want to be remembered not only as an entertainer but as a person who cared a lot, and I gave the best that I could. I tried to be the best role model that I possibly could.”

14. “The reason I’m really appreciative of everything that’s going on around me is because of the fact that I never expected it, and I want to keep that attitude.”

13. “I don’t feel pressure because I’m not trying to portray something that I’m not.”

12. I feel very proud to be Mexican. I didn’t have the opportunity to learn Spanish when I was a girl, but it’s never too late to get in touch with your roots.”

11. “If you have a dream, don’t let anybody take it away.”

10. “The family that plays together stays together.”

#9 – 1. Selena Quintanilla Quotes

9. “We went through a hard time, and we had to turn to music as a means to putting food on the table. And we’ve been doing it ever since. No regrets, either.”

8. “I’m very real, very sincere, and honest, and that’s how I’ll always be.”

7. “I’m very proud of my roots and ever since I was little we played English music and country music aside from Tejano. It was something very natural for us.”

6. “What’s cool about our family is that we don’t hold grudges, and I think that’s sort of been the key to the success. We have our disagreements, but whether we’re right or wrong, we’ll just go and apologize. That’s just the way we are.”

5. “All I need to do is try and do the best that I can do.”

4. “Always believe that the impossible is always possible.”

3. “We never thought we’d get this far, but we’re here.”

2. “Anybody can be a role model.”

1. “When you get hard work, you get success, and we put a lot of years into it.”

Ideas for the top 18 Selena Quintanilla quotes come from the following sources.[1]Good Housekeeping – The 15 Best Selena Quintanilla Quote That’ll Inspire You to Dream Big[2]Hispanic Mama – 9 SELENA QUINTANILLA INSPIRING QUOTES