
Top 54 Hamburger Quotes

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Hamburgers are some of the tastiest foods. With that in mind, check out the top 54 hamburger quotes.

#54 – 50. Hamburger Quotes

54. The fact is: America’s obsession with meat and dairy has pretty much destroyed our sense of taste. The average burger and milkshake meal is so overloaded with fat, salt and sugar that it has numbed our taste buds to virtually anything else. – Jane Velez-Mitchell

53. There are only two things our customers have, time and money – and they don’t like spending either one of them, so we better sell them their hamburgers quickly. – James McLamore

52. When I’m in need of a quick meal or a part dish, a burger is hands-down my go-to pick! Burgers are easy, fast, and don’t even require utensils to eat, making them the perfect get-together main course, tailgating essential, and simple dinner recipe to whip up any night of the week. – Marcus Samuelsson

51. It would not do for the consumer to know that the hamburger she is eating came from a steer who spent much of his life standing deep in his own excrement in a feedlot, helping to pollute the local streams. Or that the calf that yielded the veal cutlet on her plate spent its life in a box in which it did not have room to turn around. – Wendell Berry

50. If only meat weren’t so delicious! Sure, meat may pave the way to a heart attack. Yes, factory farms torture animals. Indeed, producing a single hamburger patty requires more water than two weeks of showers. But for those of us who are weak-willed, there’s nothing like a juicy burger. – Nicholas Kristof

#49 – 40. Hamburger Quotes

49. A waft of sweet hash drifted by, and I wanted to float after it like wimpy levitating at the scent of a hamburger. – Jerry Stahl

48. I can understand wanting to have a million dollars but once you get beyond that, I have to tell you, it’s the same hamburger. – Bill Gates

47. Man who invented the hamburger was smart; man who invented the cheeseburger was a genius. – Matthew McConaughey

46. What good does it do to sit at the counter when you cannot afford a hamburger? – Martin Luther King, Jr.

45. I love food: hamburgers, pizza, gnocci, mashed potatoes, and especially chocolate. I enjoy eating for the sake of eating. Sometimes I feel sad for the models who don’t eat. When you love food, you love life. When you love life, you love to love. – Laetitia Casta

44. Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay sane. ― Gigi Hadid

43. When you see the cows go into McDonalds you know that their beef burgers are fresh. – Anthony T.Hincks

42. The executives who run the fast food industry are not bad men, They are businessmen, They will sell free-range, organic, grass-fed hamburgers if you demand it, They will sell whatever sells at a profit. – Eric Schlosser

41. Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger. – Lady Gaga

40. In time, foods such as hamburgers and ice cream became more than just meals. They became part of American history and culture, touchstones that are almost immediately nostalgic and sentimental no matter how old you are or what part of the country you are from. – Homaro Cantu

#39 – 30. Hamburger Quotes

39. Some companies out there make a great burger; Beyond Beef does a great job. But making a burger at home that feels soul-satisfying and fatty and protein-based while still being plant-based was a challenge. – Damaris Phillips

38. I had a dream last night that a hamburger was eating me. – Jerry Seinfeld

37. Forests and meat animals compete for the same land. The prodigious appetite of the affluent nations for meat means that agribusiness can pay more than those who want to preserve or restore the forest. We are, quite literally, gambling with the future of our planet – for the sake of hamburgers. – Peter Singer

36. Mother Nature clearly intended for us to get our food from the “patty” group, which includes hamburgers, fish sticks, and McNuggets- foods that have had all of their organs safely removed. – Dave Barry

35. Give the people what they want and then go have a hamburger. – Judy Garland

34. It requires a certain kind of mind to see beauty in a hamburger bun. – Ray Kroc

33. I would rather be having a burger and beers with my mates but I can’t do that when I know I’ve got to dance. – Michael Flatley

32. In tantra, samsara is viewed as the same thing as nirvana. Eating a hamburger is meditation. – Frederick Lenz

31. Rock and roll is the hamburger that ate the world. – Peter York

30. I am a child of America. If ever I’m sent to Death Row for my revolutionary ‘crimes,’ I’ll order as my last meal: a hamburger, french fries, and a coke. – Jerry Rubin

#29 – 20. Hamburger Quotes

29. Hamburger steak is carrion, and quite unfit for food except by a turkey buzzard, a hyena, or some other scavenger. – John Harvey Kellogg

28. Anybody who doesn’t think that the best hamburger place in the world is in his home town is a sissy. – Calvin Trillin

27. I’m a big hiker, and I like boxing. I mean, I love a good burger, but I keep things in moderation. – Guy Fieri            

26. A hamburger by any other name costs twice as much. – Evan Esar

25. You can order yourself to treasure a moment, to cling tight to a feeling and never let it fade, but it’s your brain, that three-pound lump of hamburger, that makes the final call. – Isaac Marion

24. A Hamburger is warm and fragrant and juicy. A hamburger is soft and nonthreatening. It personifies the Great Mother herself who has nourished us from the beginning. A hamburger is an icon of layered circles, the circle being at once the most spiritual and the most sensual of shapes. A hamburger is companionable and faintly erotic. The nipple of the Goddess, the bountiful belly-ball of Eve. You are what you think you eat. – Tom Robbins

23. If it’s flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft. – Snoop Dogg

22. Everyone has a right to a university degree in America, even if it’s in Hamburger Technology. – Clive James

21. Hamburgers! The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast. – Quentin Tarantino

20. The best stories are like the best burgers: big, juicy, and messy. ― A.D. Posey

#19 – 10. Hamburger Quotes

19. We take the hamburger business more seriously than anyone else. – Ray Kroc

18. The ingredients of a hamburger seldom vary. It’s a percentage of fat to lean meat, add salt and prepare and that’s it. It shouldn’t need a recipe. – Anthony Bourdain

17. I still love making hamburgers on the grill. I guess whenever I eat them childhood memories come up for me. – Bobby Flay

16. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping – they called it opportunity. – Bill Gates

15. Just because people want to eat the burger doesn’t mean they want to meet the cow. – Steve Buscemi

14. Sacred cows make the best hamburger. – Mark Twain

13. When people pile seven things onto one burger, it drives me nuts! – Bobby Flay

12. It is the Americans who have managed to crown minced beef as hamburger, and to send it round the world so that even the fussy French have taken to le boeuf hache, le hambourgaire. – Julia Child

11. I generally don’t select my chicken or my hamburgers based on the personal ideology of the person who is either flipping the hamburgers or making the money back at corporate headquarters. But if people want to do that, they’re free to do it. – Alan Dershowitz

10. You are what you think you eat. – Tom Robbins

#9 – 1. Hamburger Quotes

9. We should not use crippled children to sell hamburgers. Ever. – Phil Donahue

8. You can find your way across this country using burger joints the way a navigator uses stars. – Charles Kuralt

7. I still eat a burger at a counter with ketchup dripping down my face. – Scarlett Johansson

6. The cow, basically, eats three basic things in their feed: corn, beets, and barley, and so what I do is I actually challenge my staff with these crazy, wild ideas. Can we take what the cow eats, remove the cow, and then make some hamburgers out of that? – Homaro Cantu

5. You know most of the food that Americans hold so dear – things like hamburgers and hot dogs – were road food, but even before they were road food, they were peasant food. – Alton Brown

4. We all need to make time for a burger once in a while. – Erica Durance

3. Hamburgers! The corner-stone of any nutritious breakfast. – Quentin Tarantino

2. There is something wrong when you wait in line thirty minutes to get a hamburger that was cooked for ninety seconds an hour ago. – Lewis Grizzard

1. Looking hard for a drive in, searching for a corner cafe, where the hamburgers sizzle on an open grill night and day. – Chuck Berry

Ideas for the top 54 hamburger quotes come from the following sources.[1]AZ Quotes – Hamburger Quote[2]wise sayings – Hamburger Sayings and Quotes[3]goodreads – burger quote[4]Quotes & Captions – BURGER CAPTIONS FOR INSTAGRAM