
Top 48 Hamburger Jokes

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Hamburgers are one of the most iconic foods. With that in mind, check out the top 48 hamburger jokes.

#48 – 40. Hamburger Jokes

48. What do priests and McDonald’s hamburgers have in common? They both put meat in between ten year old buns.

47. Why did hamburger go to the gym? To get better buns.

46. It’s crazy to think that we have scientists that can make hamburgers out of plants. These possibilities are just…Beyond meat

45. What’s the difference between new and old hamburger meat? One is ground beef and the other is browned grief.

44. Who are the hamburgers favorite people? Answer: Vegetarians

43. Why did the Hamburger Helper get fired from the restaurant? Because he was Stroganoff on the job!

42. What did the Mongols put on their Hamburgers? Khan-diments.

41. What do you call a male cow that eats hamburgers? A cannibull..ha..ha..?

40. How do you stop someone from stealing your grill? Answer: With a burger alarm!

#39 – 30. Hamburger Jokes

39. What did Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger name their daughter? Patty

38. Following the meatless hamburger craze, a German company announced that they will start making a patty made out of Soylent Green. They insist it is made completely from Hamburgers.

37. Today’s popular drama on the internet is like a hamburger with salad and tomatoes. They both haven’t got any meat to them

36. Give a man a hamburger . . .you will feed him for a day. Lend a man a hamburger and he will gladly pay you Tuesday.

35. How long does it take a vegan to finish a hamburger? 5 seconds depending on if anybody is watching the dog.

34. Why aren’t burgers too good at basketball? Answer: Too many turnovers!

33. What do frog princes like to eat with their hamburgers? Answer: French flies.

32. How did the hamburger introduce his girlfriend? Meat Patty

31. What do you call a Tom Cruise movie with a hamburger in it? Top Bun.

30. What did the gym coach tell the hamburger? Answer: Work those buns.

#29 – 20. Hamburger Jokes

29. What did the hamburger say to the pickle? You’re dill-icious!

28. What did the homeless guy eat after he dropped his hamburger? Ground beef

27. There’s beef burgers made out of beef, and chicken burgers made out of chicken, but no burgers made out of pork. They could call it a hamburger.

26. How do you insult a hamburger patty?… Call it a meatball.

25. What do you get when you cross a hamburger with a computer? A big mac! (Computer Jokes)

24. Where do all the bad hamburger buns live? In the seedy part of town

23. What do you call a pig thief? A hamburglar!

22. Why does a 6 oz hamburger have less energy than a 6 oz steak? Because the hamburger is in the ground state.

21. NEVER get a hamburger in Athens. Way too Greecey.

20. How do you call it when you help someone make a hamburger? A co-whopperation.

#19 – 10. Hamburger Jokes

19. Why did the space rock eat the hamburger? It wanted to be meteor.

18. If Londoners are what you call people from London and New Yorkers are what you call people from New York, what are Hamburgers?? Delicious!!

17. How do you make a hamburger laugh? Pickle it gently.

16. Did you hear about the hamburger patty who told funny jokes? He was on a roll!

15. Where do hamburgers take their sweethearts on Valentine’s Day to dance? Answer: The Meat Ball!

14. Is there a way to make a hamburger do the Hula? Answer: Sure, order a burger and a shake!

13. Why can any hamburger run the mile in under four minutes? Answer: Because it’s a FAST food!

12. How many vegans does it take to eat a hamburger? Depends if anyone is looking.

11. A hamburger walks into a bar The hamburger sits down at the bar and asks the bartender “hey can I get a beer?” The bartender replies “sorry we don’t serve food here.”

10. How did the French fry propose to the hamburger? Answer: He gave her an onion ring!

#9 – 1. Hamburger Jokes

9. Where did the two hamburgers go to dance? The meatball

8. What do bees order at McDonalds? Answer: Humburgers

7. What kind of food truck serves hamburgers? A patty wagon

6. Which burgers can tell your fortune? Answer: Medium burgers

5. How do you make a hamburger laugh?… Pickle it!

4. What is a snowman’s favorite lunch? Answer: An Iceberger!

3. Where were hamburgers 1st made? Greece.

2. What did the cow say to the hamburger? Chuck, not you too!

1. What’s the difference between water falling from the sky and hamburgers falling from the sky? One of them is a meatier shower.

Ideas for the top 48 hamburger jokes come from the following sources.[1]upjoke – hamburger joke[2]My Town Tutors – Hamburger Joke: Hamburger Jokes for Kids[3]Jokes 4 Kids – Funny hamburger joke