
Top 55 Fashion Jokes

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Fashion is an integral part of our society. However, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make fun of it. With that in mind, check out the top 55 fashion jokes.

#55 – 50. Fashion Jokes

55. My yoga pants have never been to yoga

54. “Alright Mike Tyson, to win $100,000 you need to name a fashion accessory and a place in Australia.” Mike Tyson: “That’s easy. It’s Perth!”

53. How do you know a woman is wearing tights? Her knees swell up when she farts.

52. I always get really frustrated trying to put clothes in my wardrobe. Think I could do with some Hanger Management.

51. I’m thinking of starting a fashion line for alcoholics.. I guess I’ll just call it…Michael Coors Light

50. Why did the girl bring lipstick and eye shadow to school? She had a make-up exam!

#49 – 40. Fashion Jokes

49. On a scale of Elsa to Nicki Minaj how does your teenage daughter dress?

48. Standing in line behind an American woman at McDonald’s. She’s wearing those jeans, you know the ones with the patch on the back pocket that says ” Guess”. I’m thinking 250, maybe 300 pounds.

47. I’m a girl. Don’t touch my hair, face, phone, or my boyfriend.

46. My Neighbour works in Fashion and was gloating they look at attractive people for a living, so I replied so do I… I work in a store that sells mirrors.

45. So apparently the new fashion trend of the day is to stick chewed gum in your hair It’s a unique look but it’s hard to pull off.

44. What do you call a fashion designer, who is not yet sure about his new collection? Tommy Hilfigeritout

43. My Dad taught me to swim the old fashion way He took me down to the river and threw me in. As soon as I got out of that burlap sack I could swim like a fish!

42. I just got banned from /r/fashion Apparently they didn’t like my threads

41. My favourite way to dress is all in black. My sense of fashion is second to nun.

40. Why are prosthetic limbs so in fashion? Anyone can pull them off

#39 – 30. Fashion Jokes

39. Is fashion all about clothes? Apparelently.

38. A PETA member was going to drive himself to a fashion show, but he changed his mind…when he found out they would show fur.

37. What do you call a jacket that’s on fire? A blazer!

36. I was trying to find out where my local pelt-merchant was hosting a “Lupine Designs” fashion gala for his fellow lycanthropes this year So I asked “Where is the werewolf’s wolf-wares warehouse where werewolves wear wolves’ wares?”

35. I’ve never understood the fashion industry, those people are so clothes minded.

34. What do you call a dog’s fashion sense? Doggy style.

33. How did the farmer mend his pants? With cabbage patches!

32. When the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show comes on the TV. So do I.

31. A school robotics team made an ultimate weapon, and needed ammo that makes everything fall apart. That’s why they used common core standards.

30. What’s soft and slippery? A slipper.

#29 – 20. Fashion Jokes

29. What kind of dress can’t be worn? Address.

28. Chad always has an impeccable fashion sense, even when he’s not trying People ask him how he does it and he tells them, “Well, I didn’t stay in the closet all those years for nothing”.

27. A man told his friend: “My wife only has two complaints: nothing to wear and not enough closet space.”

26. What do you call a group of ducks quacking at once in a disorderly fashion? Quack-aphony

25. There is a thin line between looking indie and looking homeless.

24. Why do dogs chew on shoes? Because they have they have a taste for fashion!

23. I don’t care about the fashion. It comes in one year and goes out the other.

22. A woman wearing a strapless gown and sporting a necklace with an airplane on it spotted a young man staring at her. She asked him, “Were you admiring my airplane?” He replied, “No, I was admiring the landing field.”

21. What do you call a republican fashion director? Clothed minded

20. You haven’t heard of The Incredible Hulk’s new fashion line? It’s all the rage.

#19 – 10. Fashion Jokes

19. What do you call Jesus at a fashion show? A Cross Dresser.

18. What does a Russian fashion designer call people from the United States? A mannequin.

17. What was the doctors prognosis after Lindsay fractured her wrist in two places at a Fashion Week party in New York? No vigorous drunken handjobs for 6 weeks!

16. Why can’t fashion designers play uno? Because they always draw a cardigan.

15. Yoga pants are the pushup bras of asses.

14. I did a few fashion shoots with Marillion in the ‘80s. It was very easy work… like shooting Fish in apparel.

13. You know these fashions with skinny jeans. I can’t get into them.

12. Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants? In case they get a hole in one.

11. Burlap pants are coming into fashion, People are just itching to show off the new look.

10. Recent fashion trends…certainly have given women the cold shoulder, haven’t they?

#9 – 1. Fashion Jokes

9. Did you hear about the fashion designer who was on the phone while driving and nearly got into an accident? It was a clothes call.

8. Today my fashion statement is, “I missed a spot shaving.”

7. What do you call a fashion designer that rejects everything? Calvin Deklein.

6. What do you call a crocodile that flirts with women? A Lacoste.

5. How did the fashion designer kill himself? The Hemming Way

4. Wearing a turtleneck is like getting strangled by a really weak guy all day.

3. I have a really good fashion sense but i’m just too poor to prove it

2. Of course gay men dress well… They didn’t spend all that time in the closet doing nothing.

1. If you wear yoga pants, you’re automatically twice as hot.

Ideas for the top 55 fashion jokes come from the following sources.[1]Upjoke – fashion joke[2]Joke4Us – Fashion Joke