
Top 62 Best Riddles

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Think you are pretty smart. How about you test that? Check out the top 62 best riddles and jokes below that will have your brain in a twist.

#62 – 60. Best Riddles

62. Q: What has 13 hearts, but no other organs? A: A deck of playing cards.61. A girl fell off of a 30-foot ladder, but she didn’t get hurt at all. How is this possible? A. She fell off the bottom step!60. Q: What gets wet when drying? A: A towel.

#59 – 50. Best Riddles

59. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? Footsteps.

58. Q: What always comes into a house through the keyhole? A: A key.

57. Why can’t you trust the law of gravity? Because it will always let you down.

56. What comes one time in today, three times in tomorrow and never in the future? The letter ‘O’

55. What has one head, one foot, and four legs? A. A bed.

54. What room do ghosts avoid? The living room.

53. I am a word that begins with the letter I. If you add the letter A to me, I become a new word with a different meaning, but that sounds exactly the same. What word am I? A. Isle (add A to make “Aisle”)

52. Why is an island like the letter T? A. They’re both in the middle of water!

51. Q: How many bananas can you eat if your stomach is empty? A: Just one—after that, it’s not empty anymore.

50. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

#49 – 40. Best Riddles

49. Q: Almost everyone needs it, asks for it, gives it, but almost nobody takes it. What is it? A: Advice.

48. How many seconds are there in a year? A. Twelve—January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd…

47. I am not alive, but I grow, I don’t have lungs, but I need air, I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I? Fire

46. You’re in a deep, dark jungle. You have a matchstick, a wooden stove, and a lantern. What will you light first? The matchstick

45. A man is washing windows on the 25th floor of an apartment building. Suddenly, he slips and falls. He has nothing to cushion his fall, and no safety equipment—but he doesn’t get hurt. How is this possible? A. He’s washing windows inside the building.

44. I am a three-digit number. My tens digit is five more than my ones digit. My hundreds digit is eight less than my tens digit. What number am I? 194

43. No sooner spoken than broken. What is it? Silence

42. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? The letter “m”.

41. I’m an odd number. If you take away one of the letters in my name, I become even. What number am I? A. Seven. (Take away the S!)

40. What is the mistake in the the following list: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ? The word “the” is repeated.

#39 – 30. Best Riddles

39. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? In the dictionary.

38. Q: If six children and two dogs were under an umbrella, how come none of them got wet? A: Because it wasn’t raining.

37. What rock group consists of four famous men, but none of them sing? A. The faces on Mount Rushmore!

36. Q: What kind of coat is always wet when you put it on? A: A coat of paint.

35. What has two big ears, a trunk and is not an elephant? Mickey Mouse going on a vacation!

34. Which vehicle is spelled the same forwards and backwards? Racecar

33. What’s the difference between a jeweler and a prison guard? A. A jeweler sells watches, and a prison guard watches cells!

32. I’m the size of an elephant, but I weigh nothing. What am I? A. An elephant’s shadow!

31. Why do chickens lay eggs? Because if they drop them, they will break.

30. A prisoner is forced to go into one of three rooms, but he can choose which room. The first room is ablaze with fire. The second one is rigged with explosives that will go off as soon as he enters. The third contains a pair of lions who haven’t eaten in years. Which room should he choose to survive? A. The third room—any lions who hadn’t eaten in years would be dead!

#29 – 20. Best Riddles

29. Q: A man was driving a black truck. His lights were not on. The moon was not out. A lady was crossing the street. How did the man see her? A: It was a bright, sunny day.

28. There are three apples on a table and you take away two of them. How many apples do you have now? A. Two, of course!

27. What question can you never answer “Yes” to? A. What does “N-O” spell?

26. I am lighter than air but a million men cannot lift me up. What am I? Bubble

25. I have a neck, but no head, and I wear a cap. What am I? A. A bottle!

24. Q: What belongs to you, but is used more by others? A: Your name.

23. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words “Wednesday,” “Friday,” or “Sunday”? A. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

22. Q: How many animals did Moses take on the ark? Moses didn’t take anything on the ark. A: Noah did!

21. Q: A doctor and a boy were fishing. The boy was the doctor’s son, but the doctor was not the boy’s father. Who was the doctor? A: His mother.

20. How do you make the number one disappear? A. Add the letter G and then presto—it’s Gone!

#19 – 10. Best Riddles

19. There are 3 apples for 2 sons and 2 fathers to eat. Each of them get their own apple. How is it numerically possible? They are one son, one father and one grandfather.

18. I weigh nothing, but you can still see me. If you put me in a bucket, I make the bucket lighter. What am I? A. A hole!

17. What can you fill a room with that takes up no space? Light

16. Q: What do you call an Amish guy with his hand in a horse’s mouth? A: A mechanic.

15. What stays where it is even after it goes off? An alarm clock

14. If you know me then I am nothing, but if you don’t, then I am something, what am I? A riddle

13. What do the numbers 11, 69, 88, and 96 all have in common? They are all read the same upside down.

12. You can break me without touching me, or even seeing me. What am I? A. A promise

11. What city has no people? Electricity

10. What five-letter word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it? A. “Short” (add +”er”)!

#9 – 1. Best Riddles

9. Q: I travel all over the world, but always stay in my corner. What am I? A: A stamp.

8. How many cats can you put in an empty box? A. One. After that, the box isn’t empty anymore.

7. This old one runs forever but never moves at all. He has not lungs nor throat, but still has a mighty roaring call who is he? A waterfall

6. When you want to use me, you throw me away. When you’re done using me, you bring me in. What am I? A. An anchor.

5. When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don’t have me. What am I? A Secret

4. What is lighter than a feather but the world’s strongest man can’t hold for Long? Your breath

3. Q: A man started to town with a fox, a goose, and a sack of corn. He came to a stream which he had to cross in a tiny boat, he could only take one across at a time. He could not leave the fox alone with the goose or the goose alone with the corn. How did he get them all safely over the stream? A: He took the goose over first and came back. Then, he took the fox across and brought the goose back. Next, he took the corn over. He came back alone and took the goose.

2. What starts with “e,” ends with “e,” and contains one letter? A. An envelope.

1. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? A Penny.

Ideas for the top 62 best riddles were taken from the following sources.[1]Reader’s Digest – Riddles[2]Riddles – BEST RIDDLE[3]Plentifun – Best Riddle[4][5]iMom – 10 Good Riddles for Family Fun